What is the role of the church for a Christian?

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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:50 pm

I agree, Carina, with what you posted of Dr. John Bechtle's information. I agree that while it is possible to be a Christian in isolation from other Christains it is not ideal. If it can't be helped then it is okay and God will see the person through, but God's will is that Christians fellowship with each other. They comfort each other, they exhort each other, they stir each other up to do good works. There is good Christian learning to be had by fellowshipping with other believers. God wants us to gather with other Christian for our benefit, for the other people's benefit, and for God's glory. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby Edwin » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:36 pm

The church is to provide fellowship, Christian education, and spiritual help for all who attend. The church is also an instrument of outreach into the community to encourage people who do not attend church. In our community we have what is called Manfishers. It is a Christian help organization. They get donations of money and food, and then they help poor people to have what they need. They can't do everything, but they do what they can. If someone is in danger of having their electricity turned off for non payment, Manfishers will interview them, check their background, and if their only problem is being poor, they will help pay their bill on a one time basis. They have beds, furnishings, and food that they give away. Our youngest daugher is in a desperate financial situation after working a number of years as a baby nurse in a hospital. Things went badly for her mainly because of a husband that pulled her down. She went to this place, told them she needed cleaning supplies to clean her house. They sent her to the Four Square Church, and those people gave her the cleaning supplies. I was encouraged that they prayed with her as well, so it was a spiritual outreach, where she was not only given the supplies, but she was prayed with as well. It was really nice! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby red » Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:23 pm

Our church has two preacher actually the pastor's wife is also a Pastora. No offense but I like Pastora better because she is very loud. You will never see a member at church dozing when she will handle the service. lol And I am close to her in terms of confiding problems. My husband is close to our Pastor. I just don't feel comfortable talking problems to a male Preacher. :D
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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby Edwin » Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:06 pm

Red, this is like doctors. Some feel more comfortable with a female doctor, and others with a male. Our granddaughter thought she was going to have to see a male doctor, and she was not very happy, and it was when she was living with her aunt 3 hours away from here, so I am not sure how that ended up?

Red, you better not sleep, or she will yell at you! No, I'm just kidding. Loud is good, at least you can hear huh? That is understandable that you would align yourself with the Pastora, and you husband with the Pastor. It is easier for a female to tell another female her problems, and a male tell a male. It just works that way. Actually I don't think it would bother me to have a female doctor. When I had my prostate test last summer I had a very nice, very large, but not fat, female either nurse or technition working with me, doing the prep & so on. She was handling my male organs with no embarrassment on her part or mine. She was very good at doing her job, and she took care of me, and was very worried about me when I took a nose dive with my blood pressure and pulse. She did a great job, was very concerned, and helped bring me out of it. I think it depends on the people involved, their attitudes, and their manners. She was very professional, and I appreciated her!
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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby Edwin » Sun May 06, 2012 11:12 pm

This morning the preacher had his sermon about the feeding of the crowd with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. He talked about when enough is enough. Jesus blessed the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and there was enough from that to feed all those people as well as having 12 baskets full left over. Jesus told His disciples to gather up what was left over, so that nothing would be wasted. The preacher talked about how some people want to just use God for what they want, rather than looking to God and trusting Him to supply what was needed. It was good! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby red » Tue May 08, 2012 4:10 pm

same topic we had at church last sunday. pastor jun talked about the problem that most people complain and forgetting what God did the miracles He showed. ppl worries alot and complain more than thanking the Lord. know that God gives problem He already provides solution and it is up to us to find it and trusting in Him to lead us on that solutions.
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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 08, 2012 9:52 pm

Yes, that is true, Red. Jesus asked, I think it was Philip, what are we going to do? Jesus knew what they were going to do, but He was testing Philip. The answer was that we have 5 loaves and 2 fishes, but what are they among so many people. How are we going to feed that multitude of people with boy's small lunch! You are right; Jesus posed the problem, and He had the solution! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is the role of the church for a Christian?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:38 pm

It is close to 1:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon where I live in North Central Washington State, USA. When Daylight Saving's Time is on the time in the Philippines is 15 hours ahead of ours. So, now in the Philippines it is 4:30 a.m., and some of you are already getting ready for church. When I was visiting in the Philippines the people we were staying with got up anywhere from 3:30 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. My friend told me he hoped I would not be mad at all of them for getting up so early, but on the contrary I was happy to get up early. Adjusting to the time change for me made me want to get up earlier than normal. When I was in the Philippines the closest I came to church was going to the El Shaddai world wide convention before it was time to have the service. I wanted to attend that, but it is my friends' last night in the Philippines and they wanted to spend it with their families in Manila. I did get some El Shaddai handkerchiefs that some of those people gave to me, and then I bought a couple of tee shirts from them. When our church service time comes in about another 20 hours or so, I will be looking forward to attending church as it is always a bright spot in my week, when we can worship God together, singing songs and listening to the message brought by the Pastor! People who don't attend church don't know what they are missing! :D :D :D :D
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