If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby crisipicada » Tue May 08, 2012 12:56 am

When I was little girl, I dream to be a nurse or doctor, or a teacher. To be a nurse or doctor, since I wanted to take care my grandmother. And later on realize to take care of my parents. Also to be a teacher because I am incline to teaching kids while I was young.

It was my father's idea to pursue Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. He wanted me to be like my cousin who is BS Math major in computer science. I am thankful that I did obey my father. So I did pursue math or general Math. Later on he said, I should pursue masteral. So I did again just to make him happy. I am done with all my academic subjects in Master and I am lacking the thesis writing.

For me, being rich is not just in material thing but also to be rich in the eyes of your parents what they wanted their children to achieve in life. I was not able to practice my profession as Math Teacher but at least I can help someone if they need to. I am very much hard time to understand Math subjects, but one thing that make me survive to finish school is because of the love for studies. That has been my legacy from my late father.
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 08, 2012 1:17 am

That is wonderful, Crisi, that you have so much love for your parents, and that you follow their wishes. I never did well in reading until I was out of Bible College a number of years, and then I got good at comprehension so that I did well on entrance exams to the University. I didn't have a very good background in Mathematics, but in College I took Algebra, Chemistry, and Trigonometry, and did well in each of them, and enjoyed them also. I got stumped a few times, but it was fun! I am learning the piano, because I know my Mom and Dad wanted me to learn to play it, and I never did while they were alive, but even now after they are dead I can play the piano, the accordion a little, and I used to know chords on the guitar, but I have forgotten, and I play so many years on the trombones, that I will never forget how to play the trombones. That is great that you honored your parents' wishes! :D :D :D :D
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Smiley » Tue May 08, 2012 3:11 pm

If I was richer I would likely keep doing a lot of what I do now,just I could do more of it.
I like being able to help people. That doesn`t mean that I have an ATM in my butt, it means that I like to do things for people, I`m heading out tomorrow to plant a vegetable garden for some people that are disabled.I used to rebuild bicycles for refugees,and have done a lot of work on behalf of autistic kids. That kind of stuff,not handing somebody beer money.
It has been pointed out to me before that if I would have been as concerned with my own well-being as that of the less fortunate I would be a lot more financially secure now.
Oh well,if the truth be known I am happy.
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 08, 2012 9:57 pm

The fact that you are helping other people, Smiley, and that you are happy is great. You have riches that other people don't have! :D :D :D :D
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby lyrehc » Mon May 14, 2012 9:47 am

What a nice dream to be a rich...honestly when i get rich I will treat my parents abroad because they are so good to me accepting me for what I am...I will help all my family that are poor and I will raise fund for children, I'm a single mom so I know how hard it is for a child with out a family...It's good to have a dream..and its good to be her...telling what I wanna say... It's a perfect way to be yourself.
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 15, 2012 12:52 am

In my life time I have done lots of dreaming. When I was younger and stronger I dreamed of getting rich keeping honey bees. I kept them, but I worked very hard in a sawmill. I made good enough wages and had good benefits, so that I could not afford not to work at that job, but then I didn't have enough time for my bees either. I have enough beekeeping equipment so that I could get started again keeping bees, I am not sure my back would stand it at this point, so I don't know that I will. We did well when I worked at the sawmill, but while teaching school we would almost starve during the summer. We did well with our jobs with the tourists, and we did okay for a while after retiring, but bad renters put me in the poor house, because I not only didn't get paid what I was owed for rent, but I had to put out money to repair the house after they had damaged it. We now have wonderful renters in one house, but I am trying to recover from bad renters in the other house. I moved our youngest daughter and her daughter into the house, and so far I am not getting rent, but she is taking care of the house and fixing it, and after all she is one of our kids, so I am not planning to get rich off from her. When she gets a job, so doubt I will get rent money from her. In the mean time I am not going to get rich! :D :D :D :D
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby fenmoor » Tue May 15, 2012 10:44 am

I have often thought that I am glad that I am not rich.

Do not get me wrong... I am also thankful that I am not poor, as I have had poor in my life and am happy not to be there any longer.

I just know if I am wealthy I am going to do stupid things and harm myself and others... I know my weaknesses and they would be fed if I had unlimited funds... I guess God knows what he is doing.

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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 15, 2012 2:16 pm

Yes, I believe that God does know what we can handle, and if we can handle riches, and bless other people with our riches maybe he will make us rich. If not maybe we will not be rich, but as you said, Bill, better not to be so poor that life is hard. It is good to have food and raiment, and shelter too in this country as well as transportation. :D :D :D :D
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