How to gain a filipina's heart?

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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby Edwin » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:56 pm

Yes, Red, good beyond what you can imagine. They say that chocolate is part of love; I don't know? I think flowers are a close second. I love beautiful flowers also. My mother used to grow flowers just for the purpose of taking them to the graves on Memorial Day. We would all go to the cemetary, and remember our loved ones who died before. Then we would gather at my grandmother's house for a potluck dinner, and was that ever fun. Most of those people in those graves died so many years ago that most of our younger relatives don't even know who they were. Some were buried before I was born, and a few when I was like 3 to 5 years old. It is interesting though to think about them and how they lived. :D :D :D :D
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby crisantita32 » Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:22 am

hi to all white men ,.. here in this site,..
first u must be respect and friendly not bored to talk , avoid nasty words,.. showing unrespect to the woman,,,,
u must understand our culture ,, our culture of going to be gain filipina will loves u heres some tips to follow ,
1.u must be friendly to them ,..
frienship period is the time on knowing each other ,, sharing stories about life and future,..
after a month u showed shows ur concern and ready to understand help and others,... but it doesnt men u help trough ur money ,
we need moral and emotional support ,, when she has problem ,..
trust and love will be develops ,..
2..if ur be interested a girl u must show .. to her , trough giving some flowers ,,
sending cards,chocolates ,sending sweet messages knowing her that u like her ,..
3.. u must visit her home to show her u are serious sincere and enlove ,.
after few mos ,.. ago ,.. or years ur relation becomes strong ,..
so 4. u must ask permission for engagement ,. it depends on u ,.
when u proceed to wedding ceremonies ,..
5 in church or in civil ,.. that in times of wedding that the time of gathering of girls relatives and friends ,, and also boys relatives and friends ,,
proclaimed as couples ,..
thts why pilipinos are having great close family ties ,..
in wedding thtas the time saying goodbye as im ladies and goodbyes as im gentle ,, or saying goodbyes single
and welcome couples ,...
hmm i do hope u understand well here , i emphasize .. our way of maarriage life culture,..
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby Edwin » Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:40 am

Thanks, crisantita32, your points are very good. Some of us are whiter than others are. I have a small amount of Native American blood in me that colors my complexion slightly. I am not as white as, say my Dad was. His skin was very white, and his hair was black. The color of my skin is affected slightly by my ancestors.

I will agree that it is important to avoid nasty words. Most people who use them do so because they are ignorant, and they can't think of any other words to use to express themselves. We have lots of words and it is not necessary to use bad words for descriptions.

Being friendly and sharing stories is very good, and in that way we get to know each other.

Moral and emotional help is always great, because we all need that from time to time. Words of cheer help very much. It is good to show one another that we care for each other.

It is important I think to develop love and trust before giving money. We must know that we are not getting scammed, and many wonderful filipinas will not ask for money so that they will not receive that label, which is important.

Chocolates and flowers are the most important. Chocolate is thought to be a love food, and what is better than to look at lovely flowers, smell the beautiful fragrance, and eat chocolate candy while thinking about your loved one.

Visiting is good after some communication and trust building. Then after enough time has elapsed, you ask the parents for the young lady's hand in marriage. But be sure, and don't rush into anything afterwhich you might be sorry later. Don't do that. Then with God's blessing you should live happily ever after! :D :D :D :D
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby lie_ta » Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:36 am

These things will help filipino men or foreigner how to gain the heart of filipina, the Do's and Don't

The Do's are these:
* Give her flowers and chocolates during special occasion such as Valentines Day, Birthday, Monthsary (Anniversary), Christmas day. It is very important for filipina that
their suitor is romantic. Filipina are romantic in nature.
* Call or text her because she loves to be remember and send message like "I Love You", "I miss you", "How are you?", "I am thinking of you", "take care always".
* Show care and love, holding hands together, put your hands on her shoulder showing security to her.
* Visit her at least once a week or trice a week and spend time together talking about future plans, women are love to hear what there future with their men. Be sincere, and be honest.
* Inspire and encourage her in all she is doing. Give positive advice and words that makes her feel secure being love.
* Be interested in what she is doing and help her to improve her likes to do.

The Don't are these:
*Do not say something bad about her clothing or face that will make her sad.
*Do not tell something bad about her figure if she is fat or chubby, she will feel discourage and sometimes will feel mad at you and discourage.
*Do not say against what she is saying because she will feel uncomfortable to talk to you anymore and feeling aloft to you. Make her free to talk to you with acceptance.
*Do not compare her to other women who is much pretty or beautiful. Each of one is unique. Filipina feel depress about comparing her to others.
* Do not change her as what she is in bad matter. Recommend things what you want her to improve because filipina are sensitive.
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby lie_ta » Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:24 pm

Filipina are complicated sometimes to understand, but we are that kind of woman. sometimes it is our way to get attention from the one we like.
I will give you some ideas to gain filipina or how to get her heart straight into your heart. There are Do's and Don't. This will help filipino or foreign guys to know the woman and how he will treat her.

* Give her flowers and chocolates during special occasion like, valentines day, birthday, christmas, monthsary (every month celebrate your monthsary like anniversary when she accept you as boyfriend). Filipina are romantic type of women.
* Visit her at least once a week or twice a week or trice a week. Give her time to talk to her.
*Send her text message or phone call early morning she wakes up. It meant a lot to her that she is special to you. Send her text message like "I love you", "I am thinking of you", "I miss you","I cannot wait to see you".
*Listen to her and give her words of encouragement. Let her feel secure with you. Put your shoulder on her shoulder, holding hands.
*Be sincere to the filipina, talk about your future together and what do want to have together. Women are happy to hear that their boyfriend are thinking for both of them.

*Do not say something bad about her figure, outfit or face. Just recommend something what to do but do not say bad words. Women are sensitive.
*Do not compare her to other people because she will feel low moral and you put her down. Say something encouraging to her.
*Do not say against what she is saying because you push her away. She will not be comfortable talking to you anymore if you say something bad or not good what she is sharing to you. She will feel aloft to you and not like to talk to you.
*Do not change what she is. Show the difference why there is a need to change.
*Do not say something bad about her family or friends. They will not listen to you.
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby crisipicada » Thu May 10, 2012 12:21 am

Women are emotional in nature, so meet her emotional need. Do not say something that will hurt her.
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby MikeP92563 » Thu May 10, 2012 3:55 pm

I believe that above all else respect is the most important element in any relationship. When we show respect it tells those around us that even though we may not agree with what is going on, we still have the maturity and humility to treat others with consideration. We are all human and no one person is better than any other. When we dis-respect I think that means there are deeper issues that could cause big problems in a relationship.
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby Edwin » Fri May 11, 2012 1:34 am

What you said, Crisi, is very important. It is important to be careful with other people's feelings. We are all emotional beings. God created us that way. My older brother, years ago, when I was in my late teens said that I was too sensitive. He wasn't being critical, but feeling sorry for me for my troubles. I was so sensitive that I got my feelings hurt constantly. I have grown a lot since then, in that I don't get hurt as easily, but I still have those tendencies, and I am sensitive and worried about other people's feelings as well. Many people are too careless with other people's feelings, and it is important to treat other people the way we would want to be treated. :D :D :D :D
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby mitch1989 » Sat May 12, 2012 7:49 pm

For me a filipina is easy to be happy.simple gift can make filipina smile...chocolates ,,red roses,stuff toys ,a heart shape pilow ohhh my thats so sweet for me but i no one yet given me that thing heheh ,,i hope soon someone gve me red rose and chocolates..
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Re: How to gain a filipina's heart?

Postby jadegil6 » Sat May 12, 2012 10:13 pm

Maybe if you had a profile on the site, then you might meet someone. Hmmmm...just an idea. :)
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