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Postby Edwin » Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:04 pm

Yes, this guy was a sports nut, and he got satellite television just to watch the sports. He was our next door neighbor and I would go watch with him to keep him company. He and I took walks together also. Carol would not watch television because she said no one should watch television in the mountains of the national park. Anyway, he was a lawyer. He told me that he moved 2000 miles to get away from a person with my same last name, and he told me that I acted like him, talked like him, thought like him, and it was a bad reminder for him. The guy was accused of setting fire and burning his kids to death, but this lawyer proved that the kids were playing house with blankets and candles, and they set their bedroom on fire. This lawyer lost a marriage because he became so aborbed in the case. He ended up drinking and on drugs, spent time in jail, lost his license to practice law, and upon returning to Washington State he regained his license to practice, cleaned up his life and so on. While still living beside us he was reviewing cases for other lawyers, and when he moved he went back to practicing law. :D :D :D :D
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Postby red » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:42 am

We watched the movie We Bought A Zoo. It is based on true story lead by Matt Damon. He is a single dad on this movie. Very nice and inspiring. Good for the whole family. :)
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Postby Edwin » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:25 pm

Yes, Red, it is very nice when you can find a good movie that is good for the whole family! Our granddaughter is hooked on Gray's Anatomy! I have never seen so much blood and so many guts in all my life. It is based on a hospital scene in Seattle, Washington, where there are residents and interns working in the hospital. Maybe I am too critical, but I think the show portrays too much of this husband or wife, going for someone else. It seems like it encourages infidelity. It is enjoyable to watch the hospital scene and all the doctors interacted with each other, and it is addictive, as I have enjoyed watching it while I was with our daughter and granddaughter to help them with their house. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby red » Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:54 pm

I would prefer those kind of movies so that little ones can watch with me.
I just watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol..very action. But I love Tom Cruise. he he Also watched The Adventures of Tin it too. It is a Steven Spielberg movie.
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Postby Edwin » Fri May 04, 2012 2:56 pm

Watching the kinds of movies that the little ones can watch with you, Red, makes good sense. Yesterday we were down helping our daughter after moving some more of her things down the hill. We thought we needed to get home because of our kids working on our water here. I got a few tools to work on the horse's hooves, and I was taking them back to our daughter when we found out that they were too tired to work on our water, so there was not hurry getting home. When we got to our daughter's place we ate supper with them. We had roast beef with catsup, green string beens, and rice cooked with some chicken soup, and was it good. I drank a glass of milk with my supper. We then watched with our daughter and granddaughter Grey's Anatomy, which mainly our granddaughter is into, and boy they have a lot of them. I think it was a television series that they have recorded on DVDs. After a couple of the episodes we were ready and came home. :D :D :D :D
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Postby red » Sun May 13, 2012 7:21 am

i watched true story movie produced by Clint Eastwood titled Changeling. story happened during 1920's which a mother had lost a child. it is portrayed by angelina jolie. also watched New Year's Eve movie best romantic comedy i have seen this year so far. i also watched sherlock holmes movie it is pure action but cool with humor.
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Postby Edwin » Sun May 13, 2012 9:22 pm

Carol loves to watch "Ms. Marple." It is a serious of detective stories. She loves the woman and her dry humor. She also loves the way this woman always figure out who did the crime. Another thing Carol likes about this movie series is that some of the cops love this woman, and others of the cops resent her presence where ever they are trying to do their work. But she is always wise, and always outwit everyone else including the cops and the criminals. :D :D :D :D
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Postby red » Mon May 14, 2012 4:43 am

Yes sir ed,i like watching those kind of movies too. Like the CSI i like those women cops investigating crimes doing laboratory to solve crimes.
Lately...i watched One Day. It is a romantic movie. I suggest single men and women to watch it. You would appreciate how a relationship develop romantically thru friendship. Made me cry. Oh gosh more kleenex please.
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Postby Edwin » Mon May 14, 2012 9:10 am

I love romanitic movies that make you want to cry, and Carol does also. She has a lot of those Ms Marple movies, and I think she has watched them all at least once. She usually just watches them alone, as I really am not into those kinds of movies, but she got started to putting them in while we eat supper, and she says it is a lot more fun to watch them when I am watching too. So, I guess I will watch some as long as I can afford the time to do that. :D :D :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Fri May 18, 2012 1:14 am

We have been watching Miss Marple as that is Carol's favorite. I don't care that much about those movies, but I have been watching them with Carol. We did watch a movie last night, "Eight on the Lam," in which Bob Hope is the main actor, and it is very good. His humor is over the top and crazy, but it is a very clean movie. Phylis Diller is in it also. Bob Hope always had clever sayings in his work, whether a movie, or a show for the Service Men & Women, on the holidays. That is one movie I would recommend, and it will make you laugh a lot! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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