What is your weather like?

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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:27 pm

The air felt cold, but it was not really that cold. only about -13 C, but I think it felt cold because of the high humidity in the air. This afternoon I was getting ready to go for a walk with the doggies, and it was snowing like everything. I was going to go anyway, but Carol was afraid I would be too miserable out in the cold blowing snow, so I listened to her. I started trouble shooting an internet problem, and Carol said, "You are not going to like this!" The sun was shining, but it was later than I should have gone at that time, and I was supposed to call back to get help with my internet problem an hour later, so I decided not to go for a walk anyway, but I walk most days so one missed day of walking once in a while will not hurt me. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:36 pm

Seattle Washington is experiencing a snow storm. When that happens in Seattle the city just about shuts down as they are not accustomed to getting snow, and when that happens they don't have the equipment to remove it, and no one knows how to drive in it. Many people don't have snow tires of any kind or chains, and with the steep hills in Seattle, cars get turned sideways, and all kinds of crazy things happen.

With the wind chill factor we have almost -30 Celcius, and that is cold. We have a good fire in the wood cookstove in the kitchen, and we are running our pellet stove a little hotter than usual. First thing this morning our daughter and I took a package out to the mailbox to mail it as it was too cold to walk in the cold, wind, and snow. We don't have to go anywhere or do anything today except chop wood for the stove, and keep warm. Carol and our daughter are cooking our food on our kitchen wood cookstove, and the food tastes better cooked on that stove. We don't have much snow on the ground, so our wind is not piling the snow much, but just moving what's there, and it could pile up, but not likely with very little snow on the ground. It is cold enough to make up for the lack of snow though! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:08 pm

Our son-in-law came home from work early, and our granddaughter came home with him. The hit drifts of snow that were over 3 feet deep. They drove for long distances through 2 feet of drifted snow. The snow was soft so they were able to do that. After a few hours of cold and wind the snow gets hard and also gets like sand, and you can't drive through it then. Off our back steps the snow is drifted about a foot or more. It really is like winter in January here now with wind, and -30 Celcius with the wind chill factor. We did have to go out once to repair a broken skylight in a travel trailer that the snow was coming through into the trailer. Now we have that fixed. Our big dog Scooby got out of his yard, because I think he got too cold, and pushed out of a weak spot in the fence. He stood at our back door until we let him in, and then we kept him in the kennel part of the time, and I had him sit by my chair part of the time, and boy was the other dog jealous!!!! Then after a little time I put him back out so that he would not get too warm in the house before having to go back outside. Scooby got some good training and a few treats in the process. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:04 pm

I went outside a little while ago to clean the snow off the front steps and walk to the steps, and I thought, "wow, it really snowed deep!" I went to the other steps to clean them off, and I discovered it had not snowed deeply, just a little, but the wind had been blowing and the deep snow was due to the wind moving the snow into a pile. No one from here needs to go anywhere tomorrow that I am aware off, except it is school day, so who knows if the plough will come to remove the snow so the school bus can come through or not. Sometimes it is mid morning before the plough runs, and then they might get the kids to school late, or not take them from here at all. Our son-in-law often waits until the plough comes through before he goes to work, because even with 4 wheel drive a person can't make it through the snow drifts until the plough comes through. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:55 pm

Day before yesterday I managed to walk even though it was a little cold and the wind was blowing a little, but before I finished it was blowing harder, but I toughed it out and finished my 6.5 miles. Yesterday it was not extremely cold, but the wind was blowing hard, so I decided not to walk, because even though walking is important, it is not worth risking my life or being extremely miserable. The snow was moving, and it drifted over the road fairly deep in places. I did walk the quarter of a mile last evening to take a letter out to the mail box, so that it would be there for the mail carrier to pick up and take to town this morning. It was colder, but by this time the wind had stopped blowing. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 15, 2012 11:53 pm

Until just a few days ago it was cold enough part of the time to need heat in the house. Our pellet stove quit working, and I tried a few remedies, but nothing helped. It starts up and immediately shuts down. It is electronically controled and if things are not right it shuts itself down, so I guess something is not right. I will pull it out from the wall sometime this summer and determine why it won't keep running. It doesn't even matter this time of the year, but it will matter with the beginning of winter next November and December! Saturday late afternoon I was too warm in front of our place working on the water system. I had to go to town for parts, and when I got back it was cold standing out there! Last night it was hot all night long, and it shouldn't be that warm the middle of May! Late this afternoon it turned cooler, the wind started blowing, and the sky became partly covered with clouds! :D :D :D :D
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