We got water started flowing at the kitchen sink last evening at about 10:30 p.m., Saturday evening. I just woke up and I am tired, but I don't have the desire to sleep presently! I think I am excited that we have water in the house! It has been a long waiting process, with me digging my cellar to put the water system in. Well, I don't have my cellar finished yet, but I can see the end now. My kids want me to go smaller with the cellar, and they are going to help me with the construction part of it when I am finished digging, so I have until August first to finish digging, and then my kids will help me with the block wall. I compromised and agreed to make it smaller, so it will be easier on me to finish digging, and then I will finishe sooner also, and it will be big enough for what I need, so it is all good!
Church is this morning, so I should be sleeping, but I will probably sleep in church! No, I hope not, and will try not to sleep in church! Pray for me!