lie_ta, welcome to the forum, and thank you for your information and invitation to communicate with you! This is a great place to meet people, to post your thoughts, to start posts, and to respond to other people's posts! You will find some wonderful people here who are looking for what you are looking for, and I hope that you meet someone wonderful for you here in this place! You might want to consider sending your picture, or pictures, and profile information jadegil6, Michael, who owns this forum, to be listed with the profiles of people looking for friends and mates. You can find all that information in the first page, and there you will find information on how to get your profile published. A few of the requirements are a picture of you, or more if you have them. It all needs to be sent e-mail. Other than that all the information is on that page telling how to register your profile with God Bless You also, lie_ta!