The Apostle Paul talked about building the work of God. Some lay the foundation, others water, and then the result are reaped by others yet. Then Paul says that people build on that foundation, but he says that they should pay attention to how they build. Some build with wood, hay, and stubble. We have straw bale houses that are incased in concrete which are really nice houses, and this method is especially well suited for the South West USA where it is dry, almost like desert. They build some very nice house, and I considered this myself as well as our kids considered it. Where we used to live in the Cascade Mountains at the head of the lake where you have to use an airplane or a boat to get there, there is a house that a young couple built out of straw bales, and it is quite nice. Most of the houses in our area are wood frame houses with a roof, interior dry wall, and exterior siding of various materials, all well insulated in our area against the cold. In the Philippines I saw mostly cinderblock constructed houses incased with concrete. I paid $1.00 for each block, for a pickup truck load, and thought I got a great deal, and my brother-in-law who is now dead, told me that he paid 25 cents for each block to build his house in the Philippines! Anyway Paul said that it is better while building the House of God to use gold, silver, and precious stones, because those materials will withstand the fire! The fire will try every man's works to see what they are made of, and the wood, hay, and stubble will burn up, but the gold, silver, and precious metals will still be there after the fire. If your works are not that good you will suffer loss of reward, but you will be saved, but why not build with gold, silver, and precioius stones and have great rewards in heaven!