I am very much distracted with the rOtating brOwnOut here in Our pLace, and sOmetimes it is bLackOut! I cant use the things that needs eLectricity. But this is nOt just happening here in Our pLace it is Occuring in the whOLe Philippines! The eLectricity sOurces tOLd the pubLic that this is due tO the eLectricity crisis due tO the Last destructiOn Of the superstOrm "OndOy".. Many peOpLe is very disgusted with this case.. They cant use the cOmputers in the Office [Barangay Hall].. Lucky fOr thOse peOpLe whO have generatOr, they can cOntinue there wOrk..
Oh well, I just hOpe that this will nOt Occur until the day Of eLectiOns, because the bad pOLiticians might use it sO that they can win in the eLectiOn.. I gOt tO finish this fast because the brOwnOut may Occur anytime.. But accOrding tO the news in the radiO, Our eLectricity sOurces will be dOing this within this mOnth OnLy.. [I just hOpe.. ]