Church Attendance

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Re: Church Attendance

Postby Edwin » Sun May 06, 2012 11:03 pm

Well, we did get up, and went down the hill to attend church. Our daughter was pretty upset, so she didn't go, but her daughter, our granddaughter went with us. When we returned our daughter had dinner ready for us, so that was nice. I talked her into going with me across town to check out a leak under the bath tub. It turned out that none of the plumbing was leaking, which made me feel good. It was the calking around the tub was needing redone, and the people who live there will do that, so that is nice. When we returned we raked some leaves into piles and bagged them. After we left our daughter bagged the remaining leaves, leaving just a couple of piles or raked bark to be picked up.

After being home for a while our kids here came over to hook the pump up and start it. The JB weld did not hold, and so the pump was removed. My son-in-law has another pump that he didn't think would work, but he managed with a lot of WD 40 to get to break lose and start. He hooked that one in, and we are waiting for the pipe glue to set up, so that we can start the water, and hope it will work. I need to finish my cellar, but I am making great progress, and this will give us water while I am finishing. I compromised, making the cellar smaller, as I was making it larger than necessary, and my son-in-law is going to help me with the construction of it, cinderblock walls, concrete floor, and so on. Then we will hook up the water correctly. For now the water is only going to be hooked up at the kitchen sink with both cold and hot running water, which will be nice. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 07, 2012 1:38 am

I am blessed by the message yesterday. It is a reminder about sin and God's chastisement during Sunday School.. And also about doing the best we can for the Lord during Service.
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby Edwin » Mon May 07, 2012 9:00 pm

Crisi, any time we can hear from God in the church service that is great. Sin and God's chastisement is not a popular subject, but we need to hear it. Many people do not want to hear it, but we all need to hear that. It is good to be warned and then avoid the bad things. If we commit sin as God's children, He will chastise us, and He does it because He loves us. He wants to see us repent and return to Him!

My older sister's husband, who died a couple of years ago, had a favorite song. It was "Give of Your Best to the Master." He was one of these brilliant guys who did everything. He knew how to play a guitar. He studied for a while for the ministry, and got involved as a student minister. He almost completed Pharmacy College. He was involve in loaning money for house repairs in California. He started a taxi cab business, then sold it, afterwhich he started a trucking business which he sold, but kept working for them to make sure they were successful. The sad part of his life is that he strayed away from God, and was away most of his adult life. He returned just a few years before he died, and I know that we will see him in heaven, but it is so sad that he missed all those years of God's blessing that he could have had on his life. I am so happy that he is with Jesus! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 07, 2012 9:05 pm

During the sunday School, the title was: Sin & Chastisement. There are 5 points that I have learned.

1. Sin brings the lost of christian joy. Psalm 51:7, 10-11

2. Sin brings the lost of the Holy Spirit Filled-life.

3. Sin can cause the lost christian's leading of the Holy Spirit. I Thes 5:19

4. Sin can shut God's ears to our prayers. Psalm 66:18.

5. Sin brings God's chastisement. IIKings 5:20-21. Acts 5: 1-11.

During Sunday Service, the topic was:

Therefore, as we have the opportunity.
Ecclesiastes 9:10-12

1. Let us do the best that we can to the Lord today.
Ecc.9:12, Job 14:12, James 4:14

2. Let us grab this opportunity - do what you can do for the Lord. . John12:26

3. Let us acknowledge God while we take this opportunity. Without God we can do nothing Prov. 31:30.
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby Edwin » Tue May 08, 2012 1:02 am

Those are very good points, and very serious. People just do not realize what sin does, and the chastisement that it brings. During your Sunday Service, you had an admonition for service to the Lord. Yes, for sure without the Lord we can do nothing, but with Him all things are possible! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby Edwin » Sun May 13, 2012 9:49 pm

Yesterday which was Saturday for us, our youngest daughter came up to our place, and we loaded her car with her things, as well as loading a pickup truck full of her things as well. I had to make an emergency run down the hill to town to get some plumbing parts, and I wished that I could have taken the pickup with her things down, but I needed to hurry back and there would not have been enough time to unload. Our daughter told me she was glad I didn't, because she was too tired to unload it. So this morning, Sunday morning we drove that pickup truck down the hill, left it at our daughter's place, and rode with her to church. The church had the young people do the service, and they did a wonderful job, and the youth pastor did the preaching. The youth pastor and a half dozen kids are going to Kennya Africa on a missionary trip, and they had a desert auction to help raise money for that. We got 3 pies and a plate of brownies, so as it was Mother's Day we went home to our daughter's place, and ate a nice dinner, as well as having the desert later after we had unloaded the things off the pickup truck. Then I came home and walked the 6.5 miles with my doggies! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby Edwin » Sun May 20, 2012 8:52 am

Well, within about 10 minutes we will be headed for church. Attending church is alway very valuable when we get to sing, worship, pray, and listen to the message. Our daughter, the youngest one, and her daughter has been going with us, and I think we will have her other daughter with us today as well, and that is nice. We usually hang out at her house for a little while before coming home, and that is fun! It is funny because we are looking forward to Sunday services, and people in the Philippines already had their Sunday services as it is 11 p.m. Sunday evening in the Philippines, but it is about 8 a.m. Sunday morning here. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:25 pm

It seems dangerous to say on Saturday evening we are going to church in the morning, and then Sunday morning it doesn't turn out that way. Sunday before last I thought we were going, but our daughter got her daughter for a visit for the first time in many months, so they decided to stay home with her. Last Sunday, Carol and I attended, but our granddaughter stayed at a friends house too late watching movies, and she kept her mother up waiting for them, so neither one of them went with us. Now tomorrow morning, Sunday morning, they are having a special part of the service for the graduating seniors, and our granddaughter is one of them, so I think we will all be there, including the younger granddaughter as it is time for her visit with her mother and sister. So it is almost 10:30 p.m., Saturday evening here, but in the Philippines your times is 15 hours ahead of our time zone, so in the Philippines it is 1:30 p.m. Sunday early afternoon! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:20 am

Well, I wanted to go to church, but I was overruled. We picked up our granddaughter, younger daughter of our youngest daughter. She does not have a very happy life as her Dad and other grandparents do not treat her very well, and for now they have custody of her. She was in a bad mood, so they didn't want to go to church. I think they should have gone anyway, but they said if we went they would sit in the car, so that was disappointing, but hopefully next time it will be better! :( :(
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Re: Church Attendance

Postby red » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:38 am

Church attendance was good. Almost no seat vacant. Hard to concentrate esp my girls do not like to attend sunday school with other kids. They like to play run around. And asking money to buy candies at nearby store.
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