What did you have for breakfast?

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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 15, 2012 12:21 am

I remember those days Bill, when I worked nights, and meals and sleeping were all confused! Yesterday which was Sunday, Carol put some cranberry raisins in a pan of hot water, getting ready to cook oatmeal, then she realized we got up too late to eat breakfast, so I put them in the refrigerator, and this morning Carol pulled them out, and we had our cooked oatmeal with the cranberry raisins in milk! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby Edwin » Fri May 18, 2012 1:08 am

When I was in the Philippines one morning my friend said, "Let's have something different for breakfast this morning; let's have oatmeal with sliced mangoes!" Actually he was kidding because that is what we had every morning for breakfast! This morning I did have something different for breakfast. I had two hotcakes with 4 eggs on top, lots of honey, and milk. Carol cooked each one of the dogs a hotcake also, and they appreciated that immensly! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby fenmoor » Fri May 18, 2012 7:22 pm

Edwin wrote:. Carol cooked each one of the dogs

Hehe were they tasty Edwin? :)

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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby Edwin » Sun May 20, 2012 12:20 am

Yes, fenmoor, the dogs love to eat a hotcake after we have ours. They look forward to that so much! This morning we had cooked oatmeal with cranberry raisins, and milk. I have that a lot, and I never get tired of eating that. The cranberry raisins in it are very good. They reconstitute from the water, and the flavor is very good. I like the oatmeal with grape raisins, and apples also! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 21, 2012 5:49 am

We had so much bring house yesterday after the 4rth death anniversary of my late father's preparation.

So , at least we cut our weekly budget with my friend, Inday Girl.

We had so much meat actually and so it is quite an adjustment for me to eat now. So much oil and it makes me feeling bad again.

We had:

1. minudo
2. Pancit
4. Milk with milo
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 21, 2012 10:51 am

Yes, Crisi, you do more of that kind of thing with the annual death commemoration than people in this country do. I think they do more of it in Mexico as well. It is good to remember and celebrate the happy memories of our loved ones. While I was in the Philippines, we went with my friends' family to the Cemetary to remember my friend's filipina wife's mother. She was several years younger than Carol when she died, but she had heart complications and didn't get to the doctor when she should have. There were people at the cemetary selling candles, and my friend was evasive, as he didn't want to buy any candles, but his filipina wife and her sister bought candles. We took candles to her grave, placed them on the ledge, as her body is in a vault above ground, where many of the bodies were buried in that cemetary. They are talking about moving her to another cemetary as they have come up in the world slightly, and they consider this cemetary somewhat low class. Anyway we burned candles at her grave and prayed. They also had a huge cross that was centrally located, and they burned candles there and prayed as well. Most of them are Catholics, some are El Shaddai, and some are pentecostal believers. Her brother told me that pentecostals raise their hands when they worship. Well, I think several denominations raise their hands when they worship, but I guess that is what impressed him. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 21, 2012 11:00 am

Yes, Crisi, it is a blessing and a curse to have so much food all of a sudden, huh? That happens with us sometimes after a special eating celebration we get to bring extra food home, and then it is very nice, but you are tempted to eat more than you should, and eat the wrong things. But for a little short time I figure it will not harm us a lot. You are right in that too much meat over a period of time is not good. Of course my older brother will disagree with that, and he is 75 years old and very healthy, so I guess it works for him. Something I did not realize about oils until I took my last nutrition class is that the really healthy oils give you great health benefits when you consume them cold, but if you cook them, they lose their health benefits, and I didn't know that before. So, some olive oil, or some other oil in a salad is good for your health, but take that same oil and cook it with stir fry and it is not as good. But I am not going to worry about that, because our food has to be cooked with oil, and if it is healthy to begin with then we are better off. I have heard it said, "Everything in moderation is okay." I'm not sure that statement is completely true, but there is probably some truth in it. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 21, 2012 12:48 pm

Our Memorial Dad this year is May 28th, and we remember our dead relatives on that day. There is also some recognition for those who have fought to defend our country and have died. When I was a little boy, all our families and relatives would gather at my grandmother's house on that day with a big potluck, with lots of food and deserts. My mother grew flowers special for the occasion to take them to the graves of our families and loved ones. We would usually go to the cemetary and visit the graves, after which we would go to my grandmother's house for the potluck meal. When my grandmother died, I was 18 years old. For a short few years the family lost interest in gathering with grandma gone, but after just a few short years we started gathering again, and we are still doing that. It is very enjoyable to get together and eat while talking about our dead loved ones and relatives, with fond memories.

I have a kind of funny story to tell about my aunt and uncle. Some of it is serious, and part of it is very funny! When they had my grandma's funeral my aunt was crying, I mean bawling right out load. That part was not funny because she was the baby of the family, youngest of about 12 or so children and she loved and missed her mommy who was now dead and lying in the casket. My uncle, her husband, right out loud, enough so every one in the church could hear him, told her hush up! And he did not say it nice. He was either mad that she was bawling, or it embarrassed him, and I am not sure which. Well, many years past and that uncle died just a few years ago, and he was lying in his casket, and guess what? My aunt laughed while they had his funeral, and I'm not sure why. Different people react differently to grief, and I guess that was her way of grieving. I was horrified that she sat there telling jokes and laughing while his funeral was taking place! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: They did stay together all their lives, and they were married when she was 13 or 14 years old. When grandma saw a good man, she tried to get them married, and though her daughter was very young, she didn't want that one to get away. My mother married at 15 or 16, and I can't remember which, but I could figure it out. The aunt who laughed at her husband's funeral is now 91 years old. Maybe she was getting senile already at that time, just a few yeras ago! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby DavidM » Wed May 23, 2012 5:26 am

Where is the lunch thread? Ok, this is what I usually have for lunch.

1 cheeseburger with
about 1 1/2 jalapenos
enough sriracha sauce to make the bread soggy a little (this is hot sauce)

The owner of the cafe I eat it at usually shakes his head and says "You're a better man than I am." haha. Some people have no spice tolerance, I guess, but to me it adds more flavor. Jalapenos are my favorite. I try to put them on everything I can that goes well. I have a 1/2 gallon jar of them in my refrigerator. When I cook them in my eggs I like to cook the jalapenos in the skillet first because it brings out more of the heat. I'm no glutton for punishment, though. I won't go much hotter than a serrano pepper. I are a raw serrano pepper a couple of times. It was pretty warm and I said this is it no higher :)
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Re: What did you have for breakfast?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 23, 2012 10:18 am

Actually the thread my say dinner, as in our family breakfast was the morning meal after the break your fast from the night before. Dinner is what we eat at mid-day. Supper is what we eat before we go to bed. Lunch is sandwiches we take to school or work. I know not everyone sees it that way, and Carol doesn't either. To her lunch is the mid-day meal, no matter what it is comprised of. This is okay, I think, because I often go to a thread and it reminds me of something else, so I write away from the subject, which I don't guess anyone minds to much, because I see other people doing that too.

You can start a lunch thread whenever you want, and that will be no problem. :D :D

Some of those peppers that especially the Mexican people eat, are far to hot for me. There's one of them that you don't dare touch your eyes after touching that pepper. Carol has almost no tolerance for anything hot and spicy. I can eat and enjoy hotter and spicier than Carol can, but I don't like my food extremely hot/spiced.

I have told what I have for breakfast so many times, and it is the same each time with cooked oatmeal, and grape raisins, or cranberry raisins, and yesterday it was cranberry raisins with milk, and we had one half banana each as that was all that was left after eating the rest of them. :D :D :D :D
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