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Postby Edwin » Mon May 21, 2012 2:28 pm

There is a saying that something like, the best laid plans of men and mice go astray. We planned to attend church, but that didn't work out. Our daughter has been in a custody battle with her first husband the father of her two daughters. He has been pretty mean, but the Lord is keeping the records. After months of not getting to be with her younger daughter she won a court battle to get to see her for 10 hours every other Sunday, and we ended up going to her place, and not getting back to church. But, our daughter talked like the next time she is able to have her daughter visit we are all going to church, and I am thankful for that, and that will be good. Her daughter is not in a good home life situation right now, she is working on it, and eventually no doubt it will all get worked out. The guy did not honor the first court ruling that gave her visitation rights, and he was making up things to not let her see her daughter. The last court ruling must have had more teeth, because it didn't seem like he had a choice, and he was mad about that, but it will all work out. Her troubles has driven her to her knees as she told us she prayed half the night, so that is good news. The Lord has really worked a miracle for us and for her to get her to safety and on the right track! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Plans

Postby Edwin » Mon May 21, 2012 3:52 pm

Another plan that has gone astray is my plan to work on my cellar today. When I got up this morning it was very lightly raining. Since then it has started raining hard off and on. It rains hard and then it almost quits. Because of this rain I am not able to be out in it to dig in my cellar, but maybe the Lord knew I needed a break. I am holding up pretty well so far except for my right hand. I broke my wrist in a horse accident when I was 21 years old, and it has not been the same since. I haven't had enough agility in that hand to have good hand writing since that accident. Any hand stress work that I do affects that hand. My digging with the shovel, using the rock bar, using the sledge hammer to drive the wood spitting wedge, and other like activities take their toll on my hand. After that I lose feeling in my thumb and a couple of fingers, and when I play the piano after working like that I lose feeling. It is affected a little typing, but not as much as playing the piano. I also lose feeling in the middle of the night, and then I have to get out of bed for a little while, and that allows the feeling to return. After I take a break for a few minutes then I can go back to playing the piano for a little while until I lose feeling again. If I am not working like that I can play the piano hour after hour with no problem, and I do sometimes. So today I will have a break from my digging in the cellar. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Plans

Postby Smiley » Tue May 22, 2012 10:19 pm

I was never much of a Beatles fan but John Lennon once said" Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans"
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Re: Plans

Postby Edwin » Tue May 22, 2012 11:06 pm

I really wasn't much of a beatles fan either. That is interesting that he said that. I think it was in 1962 or 63 that I bucked alfalfa hay bails in the field for a guy and earned a little money. With some of it I went to the drug store and bought a transister radio. I had a lot of fun listening to music on that radio, the beatle's songs were some of them that were being played. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Plans

Postby red » Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:23 pm

Will continue reading Chicken Soup For The Soul book and help Aj on her workbook. And go pharmacy for my "asthma gears". Prepare ingredients for lunch tomorrows Bible study.
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Re: Plans

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:09 pm

This is interesting, Red, that you brought this post around today, because this day is exactly like the day was when I wrote that post. It rained most of the night and filled my floor down there with water. It has also rained most of the day as well. It might clear enough for me to walk the doggies, and it has one hour to do that. The problem apart from getting wet is that the dirt trail/ramp that I walk up is very slick when wet, and the first couple of steps are the worst, so I just didn't go down there to work, but instead I have been doing this, and playing the piano as well. I have been stressing my right hand/wrist which I broke on a horse accident when I was 21 years old, and it works pretty good, except I lack a little flexibility, as well as not being able to spread my fingers quite as wide, and then if I do much work with my hands then that hand loses feeling during the night, as well as loses feeling after I play the piano for a while. When I am working like this I can only play a couple of songs at a time, then I have to take a break to allow the feeling to return in my hand. When I am not working with my hands I can play the piano all day long, hour after hour with no problem, and I do that on occasion!

I have heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Lunch with Bible study sounds like a great combination. We have a lot of asthma in our family. Our youngest daughter and her two girls have problems with it. My grandfather and one uncle had problems with asthma. One of the twins kids have problems with it sometimes. Sad to have problems like that! :( :(
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Re: Plans

Postby red » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:58 pm

Asthma runs in my father's side of family. So now im taking anti allergy daily and 1gram vitamin C. Helps me prevent asthma. Rhinitis has lots of stuff that triggers it including chocolates. So my siblings and nephew and my girls are not allowed to eat chocos but im amazed im not allergic to chocolates. My sis in law is keeping chocolates for me she got them from agents of choco companies. So im excited to go cdo to collect them lol.
And yes sir ed i like Bible study im curious to alot of stuff so its great time to interrogate Pastora. fact, wait up coz im going to ask your opinion about some stuff maybe tithes etc. Will send thru pm.
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Re: Plans

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:00 pm

Yes, it is unfortunate that people have to have asthma. I think a number of things trigger asthma. I don't know a lot about it, but I think the ones who have asthma are also plagued with allergy problems as well. Our daughter outgrew her allergy reactions to chocolate, but she still doesn't like to eat it because of bad memories from what it did to her when she was little. That is pretty neat that they save the chocolates for you! Good Bible studies are very interesting, and you can learn a lot from them! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Plans

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:10 am

My plans went astray today! I view every day as a day to dig in the cellar. Our daughter wanted me to move a pickup truck canopy so that there would be more room to take a hay swather through. I moved it, took a lot of time, and move two vehicles as well. A van and a uhaul type open trailer were too close to each other, so I move a car and a van. The car was easy as it was headed down hill. The van was very hard until I thought of using my come along to pull it. After I moved the canopy, our daughter informed me that she didn't want it there, but told me where she wanted it moved. I was not very happy, but what she said made sense, so after lunch I moved it again. That left very little time to work in the cellar, but I got a little accomplished, and the other moving needed to be done.

Tomorrow I will be helping our youngest daughter load up some of there things that are here at our place into my pickup truck, and haul them down the hill. Then we are going to go get a 2 ton truck that belongs to her that she wants to sell. So I will not be digging tomorrow either, but that is okay as she needs help. I am just hoping that what we do goes smoothly! We will manage okay, I am sure. Then maybe Friday and Saturday will be days to dig and work in the cellar! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Plans

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:38 am

As I woke up I just had a brain storm about my cellar. At first I was going to start 16 feet outside the house, away from the wall, then go underneath the house a few feet. Then I decided that I should go to the next concrete pad underneath. Then my son-in-law came over to look and talk with me about what I was doing because he wanted to help get water in our house within a few days. He didn't want me to start 16 feet away from the house, because he said he was afraid a car would drive over the top of it some time in the future and end up in my cellar. He also didn't want me to go so deep, but I told him I would compromise, not start 16 feet away, but I still wanted to go as deep as that is safer from freezing in our climate. He wanted me to start 4 or 5 feet away, to allow room for stairs to go down on the outside. He also talked me into running my water pipe bringing water in on the opposite side of my ditch and not running it as deep as I was going to. So, I agreed with him on that. We put all the water things, like pressure tank, pump, and so on above ground, so that it would not be in my way for digging, and that worked fine, and now we have water to our kitchen sink and dishwasher, which is good, even more happy for Carol than me, because I never minded hauling and storing water in the house. My son-in-law wanted me to be finished with the digging by August because his idea was to build cinderblock walls for the cellar. Just this morning I decided to build rock walls instead, as we have an abundance of rocks, but the cinderblocks cost more money than I want to afford. I know building rock walls is slower and harder work than putting up cinderblock walls, but I have more time than money, and the hard work does not bother me. I also decided to start at the outside wall of our house and have everything underneath our house, and I feel very good about that decision. I will have nothing outside the house, except for the pipe bringing the water, and I will bury that deep enough so there will never be a worry about freezing. I also decided to put in a trap door in the kitchen, going down, and that will work great rather than having an entrance from the outside of the building. At first I can use a ladder, and later I will build stairs going down. If I run out of time, with winter approaching before I get enough finished I will just partition going from outside of the house going down to the cellar floor level, and that will keep it safe for the winter. Then next spring after the snow has melted and it has stopped raining, I will open up the partition and go to work on my rock wall. My son-in-law is very busy with all the projects that he wants to do, and my new plans will release him from having to take time to help me. So I am very happy with my new ideas! :D :D :D :D
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