Time spent singing music to God is such an important part of fellowship with God. It fills my heart and mind with so much love and peace. I can really feel a connection with God and it is so precious. I remember it took more than a year after I was saved before I could really start to join in and love to sing at church. Now it is the measuring rod that I measure all other music against. If secular music can’t elicit at least a positive emotion then I feel almost as if I am defiling this gift of music God has given. If Christian music can’t bring me into the presence of God I start to feel the same way.
What makes Christian music good? To me the #1 thing has to involve and you have to hear the crowd sing. The next thing is that the lead singer has to be fully aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit and allow him to work by not showboating and responding to the crowd. The instrument players must do the same. There is a natural ebb and flow to praise that you can witness by reading Revelation 4-5. The best music and worship services I have been to have been aware of this. Of course Christ has to be the center and focus with everything submitting to him.
I think if you listen to these two songs you will know exactly what I am talking about.