Western Culture

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Re: Western Culture

Postby edeline » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:57 am

Yes a soft spoken person is a very nice thing. A person can be like that if he or she is brought that way. I have a co teacher now in the school where I am teaching. She is a very soft spoken and a gentle woman. I like the way she is and she doesn't panic even if she is needs to do something in faster.

I really like her attitude.
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Re: Western Culture

Postby edeline » Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:03 am

There is an individual difference and that individual difference is just less compared to the western culture. There are so many things to be considered in marrying western because so many things to be considered which is not easy to deal with.

I have seen that they are confident enough and happy persons. That is based on what I have seen. They are happy with what they have now and specially when they have the partners that they have. They are proud and don't mind the people who are watching specially if their partners are Filipinas. The thing that I like of western men is that they are proud of the Filipinas that they have and that is so nice, but ofcourse only for those who are sincere..hehehe
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Re: Western Culture

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:59 am

Edeline, Philippine culture has a couple of very positive things going for it. One is that with such a high percentage of the people being Catholic, and other denominations, the percentage of people who fear God and give Him place in their lives is very high. The other positive thing going for Philippine culture is their value for family. Those are very important things as well as other positive things about Philippine culture. Any one can easily see who is around men that are married to filipinas that there is a lot of value there, and the ones I have observed are for the most part very happy! It is a good thing, and as you said, Edeline, as long as the man is sincere, and also as long as the young lady is sincere as well. I vote for it! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

For anyone who read my post about our grandson trying out for the youth leader/worship leader in the Assembly of God church on the East Coast, he did get the position. They loved him, had him read their rules and regulations, and told him that he had the position. He spent a year studying Bible and worship leading in Sidney Australia at Hillsong College, and there is an Assembly of God Bible College nearby that he can take correspondence Bible courses from, and in a couple of years he could be ordained as well, so we are all really happy for him, and that God directed him to that position. The position was not even posted to the outside public, and it was interesting how our grandson found it by seeing the church pastor's name, contacting him, and the rest is history now. He will be starting with them in a couple of weeks, playing the piano, his guitar, singing, and leading the youth group. God directed him to want to do that, and God directed the pastor and this church to want our grandson to come there. It will be a great learning time for him and a time of spiritual growth, and we are very happy as he is also. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Western Culture

Postby crisipicada » Sun May 27, 2012 8:29 pm

m&m wrote:I have observed, western people are talkative. They want to talk and talk. I don't know, maybe the person i will talk soon will be interested in me because i don't talk a lot. I am a quiet type of person. Maybe i am more a listener than a talker. :D :D :D

I have learned so much about being good to treat people around me. It really helps my character and attitude. Really, experiencing and learning things wil really help mold our life. Now, I can more talk not like before. :D :D :D :D :D :D Am I? :P :P :P :P
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Re: Western Culture

Postby Smiley » Mon May 28, 2012 9:29 pm

crisipicada wrote:This is the way for the Filipinas/Filipinos to understand western culture. Therefore anyone is invited to share about western culture. I may contribute some i learn, like i always heard that western people are materialistic. Not only that, accordingly, they are egoistic and proud. They treated the 3rd world countries with discrimination. Is anything positive you can share about them? :roll:

What you hear about people often depends on who you listen to.There are warm generous people all over.There are scoundrels and liars all over. You can usually find the evidence to back up any claim about any group of people if you look selectively. I`m Canadian.I live right on the US border. The US has been taking a lot of flak from people around the world that seem to eager to insult people from the USA.And for that matter Canada. There ARE a lot of greedy people here. Often young people do not respect authority.Crime rates are increasing,family values deteriorate, and music has been replaced by angry grunting from the ghetto.
These same people however, give freely of their time and their own money to feed,clothe,educate,and offer medical attention to people in need all over the globe.The us has thousands of active churches with active,concerned congregations. There are many serious students in western universities today that are studying so they might be part of the solution to the problems of the world.Not everyone is motivated by greed. Not everybody hates.A lot of people actually live to a high moral standard.
Every society has its sub groups.Some of these groups seem to have better PR than others.There is no country in this world that does not have a controlling group that serve themselves first. There are no cities that I am aware of that have no ghetto,and no culture that is not racist to some degree. Western culture does have its problems but these are pretty much the same problems that everybody has.
Before I got to the Philippines the first time I was told that I would hate it.I was told by a couple older hands that it wasn`t worth the bother of going ashore unless I really wanted to catch an STD. I`m glad that I did not take their advice.I really like most of the Philippino people that I have met.One in particular is almost a son to me.I`m very proud of him.If I would have listened too much to the negative I would have missed out on a lot of good as a result. :) Somehow the fact that we are all different is just one more thing that we all have in common.
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Re: Western Culture

Postby Edwin » Thu May 31, 2012 10:22 pm

I will agree with you Smiley, that there are good and bad people everywhere. When I was teaching school, all I heard was don't bring God into the classrooms! We heard lots of separation of church and state. God seems to have been forced out of many public places. But God has His representation. I have gone into classrooms and found teachers' Bibles on their desks. I saw one teacher, that I actually went to high school with, that read his Bible during his free time in his classroom.

Yes, there are greedy people who care only for themselves, but then there are other people who would literally give the shirt off their back to help someone in need. Yes, Smiley there are wonderful churches in America, the people of which love God and serve Him with all their hearts. Yes, the arogance is there, but not everyone fits into that category. Yes, there are mean people in America, but then there are compassionate people also. There are self centered people in America, but then there are selfless people also. God has blessed many people, and they are able to be a blessing to other people with their money, their help, and their compassion, as well as praying for others.

Everyone is different. My brother-in-law who is recently deceased from cancer could not say enough wonderful things for the Philippines, but his daughter described the Philippines as a, well, I'm not going to say it, because it is that bad. I agree with you Smiley in that the people in the Philippines that I have been with when I went in 2010 were wonderful! I would like to return when I am able to do that! Carol loves her filipina sister-in-law, and her cousin's filipina wife, and our friend's filipina wife, and a few others, but she has no desire to go to the Philippines because she is afraid to fly. Now that her brother has died, she wishes that she would have gone with me to the Philippines when everyone begged her to do that, but she was too afraid to fly. I had to pay my ticket to the Philippines, but if Carol would have gone, her brother would have paid for her ticket to fly the the Philippines, but if you are afraid, you are afraid, and Carol is afraid to fly. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Western Culture

Postby red » Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:23 pm

I thought this would be interesting to share here. Few days ago i heard about my second degree cousin who was in trouble. She has a furniture business. She had a costumer a couple, british man married to a filipina. They went to order a bed from my cousin. The measurement was exact but problem was it wont go thru their bedroom door. So they returned it and made some changes. Still the british guy was not satisfied. My cousin expressed her heartache to the couples relative when they were not home to talk about the bed. The british guy was mean to deal with and my cousin spent more money for changes. Later that day, the couple showed up on her shop and brought a big sledge hammer and broke the bed. Then he throwed bunch of money to the broken bed. The british guy was cursing my cousin. Since she doesnt really speaks english all she said to the guy was fuck you! Fuck you! She went to consult my father about the feud. She said that she didnt understand a word from the british man all she knows to say is fuck you. Lol
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Re: Western Culture

Postby Smiley » Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:17 pm

I really don`t blame her Red. If she was trying to solve the problem and he came to her shop with the intent of committing a violent act he got off a lot easier than he would of with me.Some people :twisted: should not be allowed out in public and this Doofus sounds like one of them. I hope it was enough money to cover her loss.
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Re: Western Culture

Postby red » Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:21 pm

Yep it was easy for him versus my cousin who was helpless. She kept the money though. She said why not it was 7k pesos.
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Re: Western Culture

Postby Smiley » Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:23 pm

I really have a problem with bullies.
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