What Did You Eat Today?

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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:35 am

I had the usual cooked oatmeal with cranberry raisins in milk for breakfast. By the time we headed down the hill it was getting late after we loaded some things, so I ate a chocolate nut and fruit health snack bar that Carol sent with us and drank some orange juice. I drank a can of rootbeer on our way to get the truck. Then on our way back from taking our granddaughter to the school she bought pop for each one of us, and it was rootbeer for me, so I drank a bottle of rootbeer. She likes to drink pop, so when I am with them I drink entirely too much rootbeer. For supper we ate some corn chips and some hot cabbage stuff. Then we ate some stir fry with prawns in it and drank some milk, and it was really good. Then after walking the doggies, I ate some peanutbutter, honey, and drank some milk. Then I drank some more milk with a half bar of dark chocolate, and boy was that good! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby red » Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:40 pm

Guess what sir ed, im no longer allowed to eat chocolates. Its the most sad day of my eating career. Went to doctor for check up because i thought im having bronchial asthma. I got panic because i have to stay healthy. Then doctor said my lungs clear so she asked what i been eating lately i said i had choco the other day. She said that trigger my asthma. So she told me to quit on them. And have to see my ENT doctor to have my sinusis/nose clean too. Goodbye chocolates...hello diet. Thats sad indeed.
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:17 pm

Red, that is the saddest thing I have heard for a while. Our youngest daughter had the same kind of trouble as a little girl, and she grew out of that, but she says that she doesn't like to eat chocolates, because she remembers what they used to do to her. One of her daughters doesn't care for chocolate either, but I am not sure about the other one. They all three have your kind of breathing problems. They keep their inhalers close, and take medication for it as well. Very sad, Red, and I am sorry for you! Red, do you still have to get your medical physical to get cleared to come to the USA or is that already taken care of? I hope you can find some other good tastes to take the place of the chocolates, and that the diet is not too restrictive! :( :(
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby red » Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:30 am

Waiting on signal for medical exam thats why i have to stay healthy. We have a neighbor here that is delayed on her interview because she has to undergo treuatment for infection of her lungs. So please pray for me and our neighbor.
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:29 pm

I will pray for you and your neighbor on that, Red. I suspected that was why you are so concerned about your health right now. The tuberculosis test I think is done two ways. One with the exray, and the other is another test, I think a skin sample tested. Your exray can show something that makes them think you need another test, but often that test proves negative, not requiring treatment. It is quite common in the Philippines for the young filipinas to get delayed on those tests and then needed treatment, and it is a sad delay for them when they are psychologically all ready to make the trip and move. I think a lot of people in the Philippines have tuberculosis and don't even know it until it has progressed further. A lot of the early USA Jazz musicians had tuberculosis.

We had a family doctor where we lived when I was 6 years old or so, that had tuberculosis. It used to be when they would find someone in this country with tuberculosis, they would send them to what is called sanitorium. I think it was a forced hospital stay, almost like jail, but you didn't have to be a criminal to get sent there. Anyway they sent him there and brought in an army doctor to take his place. Because this doctor had tuberculosis, they over checked everyone for that. I remember them checking me with a skin test, and then they said, "Oh, you are negative; you don't have tuberulosis. After a few years he did return, and I went to him to have a small growth cut out of my finger. I was 14 years old by that time. My brother was mad at him, because my brother went to him to have a huge wood sliver dug out, and my brother would not tell him that he had pain. The doctor kept asking him if it hurt. Each time my brother would tell him no, and then the doctor would jab him a little harder, not even trying to be careful. Well, my brother would have died before he would have admitted that it hurt, because that is the kind of tough guy he was. Well, the doctor kept jabbing, and my brother kept telling him it didn't hurt. My brother figured he was one of these people who enjoy making other people hurt. My brother said that he thought that doctor thought he was going to make my brother say it hurt. Well, my brother never did tell him it hurt, but my brother told me that it hurt really badly, but he was not going to give that doctor the satisfaction of hearing him say that it hurt. It just made him mad at the doctor! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby red » Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:43 pm

Your brother is tough sir. Thanks for prayer we need it. I owe the help of mr. Todd Evans andMarissa Evans. Thanks to them too.
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:16 pm

You guys can use all the help you can get, and it is good to have many people praying! When I wrote before I couldn't remember the names, but I thought of them since. They exray your lungs first, and if they are clear you have no problems. If the exrays show anything suspicious, then you have to have either a spatum or a culture test, or both, and I am not really sure about whether it is one or the other or both. When they tested me when I was little they did some kind of a skin test on my arm. Then if the culture or spatum turn out positive then you have to take medications for it for a period of time to kill the tuberculosis. I will continue to pray, and I am thankful for others who are praying also! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:25 pm

For breakfast I had cooked oatmeal with cranberry raisins and milk. Then for my mid day meal I had 2 slices of meat loaf, 3 pickles, and milk. For supper I had apple pie and blue berry icecream!!!! Now I am eating peanutbutter, honey, and I am drinking milk. Later I will probably have a half bar of dark chocolate, like baker's chocolate, with a little more milk. Good food today. Pie and icecream seemed strange for supper!!!! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby red » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:56 am

Gees im jealous of you eating choco. So what, i tried the milk choco hersheys kisses had little scratchy on throat i thought ooppsss guess should avoid that too. Anyways, i have been taking this pill for anti allergy as prevention but that should work well if to avoid foods that triggers rhinitis. Doc said if pill works well then i can stop using seretide inhaler. Hope hopia lol
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:52 pm

I hope that works for you, Red! Yes, it would be hard for me to give up chocolate! But, if I needed to badly, I guess I could! Avoiding foods that trigger those reactions would be wise. If taking that pill could help you aviod the inhaler that would be good. We have had a lot of inhaler use with our kids and grandkids, not all of them, but some of them. Carol has had bronchial problems after sick spells the last few years, and she uses the inhaler once in a while. :D :D :D :D
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