Yes, it is best for the children to chose their own careers. I had a high school teacher, band teacher, music, chior, chorus, also later high school principal, and he taught other high school classes that I took as well. Any his pet pieve was about parents pushing their kids to do things that the kids didn't want to do. The parents were trying to live their lives through their kids and that doesn't work. It is okay to encourage and guide, but no more than that, and some insist. This teacher said that in his opinion not everyone is cut out for college, and why force the kids to attend college if they don't want to do that. Education has been unreliable in this country also over the years. There might be a short time that they don't have enough teachers, so they promote teacher's education until they have so many education students, that they don't have enough jobs for all of them. I agree with you that Nursing is actually the best one in my opinion.