Looking for friendship or soulmate

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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby red » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:28 pm

He cant pay all the pain he caused. Looking at it humanely perspective, he deserves to be hanged!
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:10 pm

You are right, Red. For the 2 years they were married, there were multiple times of black and swollen eyes, swollen lips, and its a wonder that she still has her teeth! He broke her shoulder collar bone twice, on 2 different occasions. He broke her eye sockets, and her vision was affected for a while, but I think it has cleared up. She has nerve damage, loss of sensation/feeling in her right hand, and I hope that can be corrected. The last time that her uncle came from the Philippines, she was not able to see him, because her husband had beaten her up so badly that he wouldn't let her come to see her uncle for the last time before he returned to the Philippines and died of cancer. She covered for him most of the time she was with him, saying a horse kicked her, or the horse ran into the fence with her. She fell over the pile of wood in the dark to break her shoulder/collar bone, but no, she didn't fall, he beat her, broke her shoulder/collar bone, and beat her after it had healed, and he broke it a second time. She lied to us about things that happened to try to protect him, and she didn't even want to turn him in/press charged until some of his family and an Indian Tribal Police Officer talked her into turning him in and pressing charges. Part of the family supports her, and part of them wanted him protected at all costs, so that he would not have to pay for what he did. I think it was 2 other women that he did this to, but I think he beat our daughter more frequently over the 2 year period, and more violently, and I think it was because she took it, because she thought she loved him. She said that when he was not drunk and on drugs he was really a nice guy, so it is sad! :(
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby fenmoor » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:29 pm

Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in about seeing someone when you are not quite divorced.

Here in the US, it is not so hard to get a divorce, especially if both parties agree. So when we look at the situation from our stand point, it is a bit skewed from the typical Filipina in an abusive relationship. Especially when the woman has been deserted and left for another. If she cannot afford an Annulment, is she suppose to stay alone forever? Simply because she cannot afford to make the law do what morally it should?

In my mind the WORD is about the heart. The LORD knows your heart. I think you can do the right thing and it still be a sin, because your heart is in the wrong place.

As an example, I place me front and center. My wife left me and my 3 children March 2011. During the next 6 months I tried to reconcile with her, even supporting her in her new home, while we tried to work things out. Little did I know at the time, she was seeing another man as well. She was just using me for my money... But I still supported her when I found out because she was my wife and I made a vow.

Now, then it started with the children. At one point she took my children into drug houses, she hit my eldest in the face several times, before I could intervene and she started to "play" the girls against each other. Now I had a problem. I had to stay true to my Vow or I had to stay true to my role as father and protect my children from their mother.

So I (YES ME) filed for a divorce. The man that HATES divorce filed for it. AND I THINK IT IS A SIN! But if I must be damned for protecting my children, then so be it. I had a choice to make and I made it. As a matter of fact, the woman lost her custody and visitation rights and has not seen the girls in months. Good riddance.

That said, I remained true to my vow to Suzanne. I did not date, or even really talk exclusively to another woman even after the divorce. You see I believe that there are biblical reason for a divorce, with adultery being one of them. So I stayed by myself and looked after my girls. Then in December my ex had her boyfriend fly to Alabama from California. I was pretty certain that she committed adultery during that trip as she spent the entire time in his hotel room. But I did not know for certain, so I remained true to my vow.

Then she married him in January. At this point, I divorced her in my heart. She had then committed the sin of adultery and I had grounds for a biblical divorce. It was then that I began entertaining interest from women again. So I see sin as a heart issue.

Did I sin when I got a LEGAL divorce? I do not think so, because i never got a divorce in my heart and kept that vow as best I could while also protecting my children. The advantage I have over Glenda is that I can get one easily and cheaply. Well not so cheap as I had to give her lots to get rid of her, but you get what I am saying. If I had been living in the Philippines I would STILL be married. My ex would still have committed a sin that Jesus said was grounds for divorce, but I could not obtain one legally.

BUT I do not see the Word of God as an instruction manual for your actions. I see it as an instruction manual for your heart. The truth without love is nothing. Almost all of the time, the actions and the heart will match up, but there are unique situations that appear every once in a while that need to be met with love and understanding.

If Glenda was in the US, she would already have her divorce, as she has grounds for it and has divorced him in her heart as well. Does the State have the right to determine when someone sins? That is what is happening here. The Republic of the Philippines has determined that Glenda cannot get a divorce and they have made an annulment impossible for her... Other than that, she has every ground for a biblical divorce. So are we to say that because the government will not allow it, it overrules GOD'S WORD?!?! May it never be.

So while I think Glenda is not divorced in the eyes of the government, I believe she IS divorced in the eyes of God. I will continue to try and do what the WORD says, but I will not allow civil forces to pervert and usurp God's Law. After all, in America it is civil law that abortion is legal, but in God's law it most certainly is not. Should I allow God's Law to be usurped by civil law and say it is ok to have an abortion? May it never be!

God's law is God's law and Man's laws be damned. Glenda has fulfilled God's law for a divorce and I say GOOD LUCK TO YOU GLENDA! I hope you find someone that makes you so happy that you cannot sleep at night! AND MAY HE NEVER LAY A HAND ON YOU IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN LOVE!

God bless you all.
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby red » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:39 am

I understand you fenmoor. Then theres question law of man over rides law of God?
I agree with your explanation. I cant really say more about it since i dont know how it feels to be left by spouse but i know the feeling of being cheated.
I spent half the day yesterday with Glenda. She said she hates men who are trying to allure her. But shes communicating one guy now and shes taking her time. Shes kinda confuse wether to pushthrough going abroad because she will miss her son.
It says that nothing should be above the law (of man), but no one should be above law of God. I am going to ask our Pastor about this issue. I know sir ed have some input. For me, if you have let go someokne who no longer love and wants you then its time to move on and if someone comes along that is willing to commit forever then go for it. But make sure to be free to marry first. Be married so you will enjoy love hugs hugs kiss kiss legally. Just dont be illegal lover.
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:21 am

Yes, Red, the important part is to be free to marry so that it can be done legally, and then the kissing and hugging will be so much more fun! I agree with Glenda that alluring is not nice, so don't do that! The laws of man and the laws of God bring to mind that situation where the Pharisees were trying to get people to keep quiet about their faith, and the question came up, "Is it better to obey God or man? Acts 5:27; "And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, 28; Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. 29; Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. 30; The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. 31; Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. 32; And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him." Because of what was said they became very angry and tried to figure out how to kill them!

When Pilot was trying to get Jesus released from the death sentence because he realized the innocence of Jesus, the people cried, Matthew 27:25; "Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children."

These people asked for Jesus blood to be on their heads and the heads of their children, and then the high priest said "you intend to bring this man's blood upon us!" They had already asked that his blood be brought upon them! Innocent blood was upon their heads by their own actions and requests! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby wolfetone100 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:22 pm

felt i should say something here i have been commuicating with the lady in quistion for a while now and will travel to see her early nest year. The issue of being seperated is not easy i live in ireland and cant get a divorce for another four years thats the law here and i have made her aware of that and as you know she is seperated from her husband we are both adults and love each other so we will are willing to wait and work through this. The idea of not seeing anyone for four years while waiting for my divorce is ridiculous to be frank i think both Glenda and i are entitled to some happiness and i will do everything in my power to see she is happy i hope that god is more concerned with love than a piece of paper. as for her husband well it would be best for him that i never run into him any coward that hits or threatens woman deserves to be hung as red already said.
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby wantingmore » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:46 am

wolfetone100 wrote:felt i should say something here i have been commuicating with the lady in quistion for a while now and will travel to see her early nest year. The issue of being seperated is not easy i live in ireland and cant get a divorce for another four years thats the law here and i have made her aware of that and as you know she is seperated from her husband we are both adults and love each other so we will are willing to wait and work through this. The idea of not seeing anyone for four years while waiting for my divorce is ridiculous to be frank i think both Glenda and i are entitled to some happiness and i will do everything in my power to see she is happy i hope that god is more concerned with love than a piece of paper. as for her husband well it would be best for him that i never run into him any coward that hits or threatens woman deserves to be hung as red already said.

It is best to find another partner when you do not understand each other anymore. Give a chance to be happy.
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby red » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:59 am

Oh yeah agree 100% ...everybody has the right to be happy. Goodluck y'all! ;)
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby erwin » Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:50 pm

red wrote:Oh yeah agree 100% ...everybody has the right to be happy. Goodluck y'all! ;)

It is true, I agree. If you are not compatible at all, then it needs to let go things.
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Re: Looking for friendship or soulmate

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:52 pm

erwin wrote:
red wrote:Oh yeah agree 100% ...everybody has the right to be happy. Goodluck y'all! ;)

It is true, I agree. If you are not compatible at all, then it needs to let go things.

Well, it is better to suffer than to experience pleasure of sin for a moment. Happiness is not at all. It is about honest and true
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