I have never done anything that made me big money. I have Pastored churches years ago where the housing was provided with a little money, and it worked. I did the best the years that I worked at sawmills. The work was hard, but I got paid well, for laborers wages anyway, not quite like construction, but almost, with paid vacations, and there would have been retirement if I had stayed at it long enough, which is a regret, but oh, well, that's okay. I got paid well when I was teaching, but I was paid nothing during the summer and we almost starved to death, not really, but you know what I mean. It was hard! When we moved and worked in the tourist industry was probably the best working time of our lives, with a wonderful place to live, in the Cascade Mountains at the head of a 55 mile lake, only accessable with a boat or an airplane. It was fun working with tourists who were happy to be there! We didn't get paid big money, but until we voluntarily moved into our own place our housing was provided. We got one meal each day that was provided as part of our job, and I got big tips from tourists. I didn't have to beg. Everyone understood that tips were part of the program. It was not full time; we worked 11 months of the year, with a month off, not vacation, so no benefits, but it worked out okay. Retirement was fine for a while, but we had our kids get mad at us over crazy things over a period of 2 years, making life kind of miserable, but we survived, and now everything is fine. Carol and I both had unemployment which lasted a long time, and when it ran out, it was just a few months until I figured it was time to start drawing Social Security. For a time everything went great until I had renters in two houses that did me wrong, both financially, and damaging the houses. Then I not only didn't have money, but had to spend money repairing houses and making them presentable for renters, which strained our fianances, and we are still struggling over that, but I hope to turn things around before long. I have wonderful renters in the one house. We have our youngest daughter in the other house. She has fallen on hard times. After having the daylights beat out of her for 2 years she is psychologically damaged. As well as other damage she also had her jaw broken, as well as broken ribs from being kicked with boots as well as being hit with the butt/stock of the gun! So, she is not able to pay, and I have to help her a lot, but as long as I am able to do that I don't mind even if it does strain our finances because she is taking care of the house well, and she will recover, and then things will imporve I know. I am doing some of my own projects, like working on houses periodically, which doesn't pay anything since they are my houses. Digging my cellar is taxing me as the work is almost too hard. I am holding up fine, except that using the bar is causing my right hand to lose sensation/feeling, so I will be very happy when that is finsihed. It will cost a little money to build the walls, but I will bear the cost and hopefully recover, then we will have wonderful cellar/mini basement. Then the water system will be safe from freezing,and we can put things there that we don't want to have freeze, like paint and vegetables, and then they won't ahve to be in the house itself. I will be very happy when I finish my digging, then my hand will not loose sensation/feeling, and I will have more time to play the piano again. Then if I can figure out a way to make/save more money, then everything will be wonderful!