What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:43 pm

When my day started I was tired, and I didn't even want to think about digging in the cellar. It is a long hard job and at times I feel demoralized. I was just mainly tired and I felt lazy! But I went at my work anyway with less enthusiasm than normal. I worked until 1:30 when I got my dinner together and ate it. Then I rested a long time, even taking a nap, sitting in my chair! I went back out after as I usually do, and worked until 7 p.m., and I did get a quite a bit accomplished. I will be very happy to have that digging finished, as I am not playing the piano at all because of giving all my time and energy to digging! I will really enjoy getting back on that piano when the digging is finished. Before I would play the piano, and dig, play the piano and dig, but my time is limited, so now I am digging, digging, and digging! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:28 pm

I went to bed fairly early for me last night, at 11:30 p.m., or so because of today being Sunday, and I didn't want to sleep through the preacher's sermon! In his sermon he alluded to the fact that when he was growing up on the Free Methodist Church, they didn't play cards, drink, go to shows, dance, and a number of other things. When I was little we were attending the Assembly of God Chruch, and the sounds of things they both stood for much the same. He mentioned a wedding when he was young that a relative of his refused to officiate in because the bride and groom were going to exchange rings, and they did not believe in wearing any kind of jewelry. Well, our church was not that strict but almost. The ladies wore dresses to church, and now Carol will not wear a dress to church either. The preacher was dressed in a nice pair of slacks, why do they call them a pair, when there is only one. Can you imagine someone dressing with two pairs of pants side by side. When I have been cold I have put one over the other. Well, the preacher had that on, and nice open collar shirt, and he alluded to the fact that years ago when he was ministering, he would have had a suit and tie on. He was trying to say, "Are these God's rules, or are they our rules?" It those things were wrong then, they are wrong now. But styles change and the things that people do changes with the times. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:39 pm

Part of the reason the preacher got into that discussion about the things people do now that would not have been acceptable years ago, is that the church just finished with Daily Vacation Bible School for the kids, and in that Daily Vacation Bible School they had hip hop music, and he said that would not have been tolerated years ago, but now they use something like that and it is a draw for the kids. I didn't care for the music for me, but the kids were sure having fun with it!

Anyway I thought I was getting around earlier than I needed to because I woke up early, so I got up, and I just barely made it in time. When Carol is gone there are many things that she does that I have to do in her absense. But I made it okay anyway. When I got to the house, there was not car, and I thought to myself, "Where have they gone?" But, our daughter is having surgery to correct a nerve damage problem in her right hand/wrist/lower arm, so today was her last chance to help this lady with something that needed to be done. So, her daughter, our granddaughter and I went to church. We were early so we went to the fellowship area where some of them were drinking coffee, only I didn't see the coffee drinking, but one family in particular that has helped our granddaughter a lot was there hugging her, and making her and I feel welcomed and loved. I actually knew the lady's parents from many years back, but I didn't know this family was connected with them! Anyway, it was a wonderful service and ended with communion, which was very touching, and spiritually uplifting! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:46 pm

After the church service our granddaugher made maceroni with chopped up weiners in it and cheese, and it was very good! Later after our daughter came home from helping this lady, she brought me rootbeer, and cooked me a plate of chicken. Then a little later she baked some chocolate chip cookies, and we sat down and ate a few of them. She sent a whole bag of them home with me! She sent also 2 cans of kidney beans, and a large container of peaches, and told me to eat them, and not let them get old, which I will do. I guess she doesn't want me to go hungry while Carol is gone. We searched for ticks and pulled some off the dog; her dog didn't have any. For a while my dog avoided my daughter and I both because he didn't want us to look for any more ticks. He stayed close by our granddaughter, until he forgot about the tick hunting time, then he rejoined us again! Then I came home. I got home too late to walk with the doggies, but this is Sunday, we were visiting, so that was okay! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:03 pm

Day isnt over yet but its going to hectic. Lots of paperworks, errands here and there. Hate the last minute but my pillow and bed is tempting. ;)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:09 pm

Im glad to hear your sunday sir ed. I had great time at church last sunday. It was spiritually uplifting. I was singing out loud and dance worshipping the Lord. Would you accept an invitation to preach one time at our church here Sir?Just if you have time during your vacation. He he
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:31 pm

Red, I think it was your bedtime when you were posting that post, and I can hear you and see you with all your pressures to get things gone and get them right. I think sometimes you end up on the last minute even if you are not a last minute person! I hate that last minute stuff, and I do everything I can to avoid it, but sometimes it just happens.

Sounds like you did have a great time at church, and found it spiritually uplifting. Yes, Red, if I ever get a time that I can be in the Philippines, I would love to preach at your church!

I had great hopes today of getting a lot accomplished on my root cellar work. Well, it is also a water system cellar. I had a great morning working, worked until I had a late mid day meal. I was sitting there just getting ready for a short nap, and our daughter came over, told me we were having company, a supper, and asked me if I would come enjoy with them! Well, it meant that I did not get any more work done and I missed my walk with the doggies! They were children of my good friends from former years. His Dad was and is a Christian, and we worked in the sawmill together. I had lots of wonderful times with him while eating my lunch in the break shack at the sawmill. So I lost some work time, but maybe I can work harder later and make up for it. It was fun eating with and visiting with them all! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:40 am

had busy day....i been eating alot. is it normal for mid 30's to have so much appetite on eating or just a way to cope stress ha ha!
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:10 pm

I have had lots of interruptions digging my cellar, so I guess the Lord knows I needed the rest! We had company Monday afternoon which took my afternoon away, which is my best time to work and make accomplishments. I was supposed to have an appointment Tuesday, and I did a little work in the morning, then that was cancelled, but by that time it was raining hard enough so that I didn't want to get wet, and my path up out of my cellar is slick when it is wet, so I didn't work at all Tuesday, but I just played the piano all day! I did have the appointment yesterday, but I managed to work about 1 & 1/2 hours, so that worked great. Today have had a great morning working, and got something done, and now I am just finishing eating my mid day meal. I will rest after which I expect to have a great afternoon working and get something more accomplished! Our daughter is bringing me supper, which is really nice of her, so when I get back from walking my doggies the 6.5 miles, then supper will be on the counter waiting for me, and that is very nice! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:57 pm

When I got up this morning, I ate my cooked oatmeal with cranberry raisins and milk. Then I took my pickup truck down the hill to town, and stopped to pick up our youngest daughter. She and I went to pick up some hay for Dude the horse. The bales are a little heavier this time, making more work to load them. We got one ton, and that turned out to be 25 bales of the alfalfa hay. That made the old gentleman horse happy!

Our daughter thought she had a meeting to attend, but she told me on e-mail that no one showed up! So, I came back up the hill, took a little nap, and then went to work in my cellar. It is actually easier work than what I was doing, because before I was picking hardpan, rocks, and gravel off the wall, but now I am picking off the floor. The rock bar is taller than I am and it is heavy, so now I have gravity in my favor, and that helps! After chipping lose a few inches deep, I got started hauling some of the dirt out. Then it was time to walk the doggies. :D :D :D :D
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