What was Jesus to do? If He said stone her according to the law, where was His mercy. If He said save her, He would be guilty of violating the law.
There is a good chance that the woman had no clothes on, as they caught her in the very act, and forced her to come.
What did Jesus write in the sand? Was it the sins of the men standing before Him?
When Jesus stood up they were all gone. Jesus asked the woman. Where are your accusers? Has no man condemned you? She answered, "No man Lord." Jesus said neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.
Forgiveness is not based on repentance. The woman had not repented when Jesus forgave her. Because of forgiveness, we can repent. Consistency is important. If the woman was brought, the man also should have been brought for judgement. Jesus was declaring His Saving Grace. Jesus was demonstrating forgiveness and the freedom from sin.