I saw an article on Yahoo News, but I didn't read it. There was a picture of a young lady in bed eating. The subject of the article was that one in three single young ladies prefer their favorite food to sex. That means that 2 out of 3 young single ladies prefer sex to their favorite food. I did look it up later and read the article, but it didn't make a lot of sense to me. More men prefer sex to their favorite food than do women. In the first place single women or men should not be having sex, but then that is the world's point of view, and we who are Christians have a different belief system and higher standards.
Another idea is about the connection between food and sex. A psychology teacher in the 1980s said that when a man and a woman feed each other, like with their fingers putting food in the other person's mouth that action has sexual implications. When I was in one of those classes where there was some food, a young lady who was just a friend did that to me. She picked up some food and put it in my mouth. Carol was right there, and she never commented about it, and I never thought any thing about it. She was just a class mate and a friend. Maybe she has those thoughts in her mind, but I didn't and was not even aware until this teacher talked about that.
Another thing that was brought out is that if you do not eat nutritious foods, and have a balanced diet you will not have the energy to have sex, so you have to have food if you are going to have sex! The other thing that was brought out is that people will have a romantic dinner, with a little wine, which I would not drink, and they get too full, and the wine has an adverse effect on sex, so after that romanic dinner, instead of having sex they go sit in front of the television set, which is the worst thing they can do. They should get out and exercise. Without exercise people will not be in condition to have sex, so exercise actually augments sex.
Chocolate is mentioned as complementing sex, and there was another food mentioned also, but I can't remember what food that was. The reason given that chocolate complements sex is that Chocolate lifts the spirits, and that makes you want to have sex, and makes sex feel better for you!