What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:33 am

Super cute....maybe he is thinking to give flowers to his girlfriend...hehe yellow roses are so delightful on the eyes...makes the mood brighter. Thats why i like yellow flowers at center of house.
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:18 am

Poor dog...he misses maam carol. Im sure you miss maam carol too, dont you sir ed? :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:08 am

Yes, Scooby might like to give some yellow roses to his girlfriend. Yellow roses are beautiful I think also. I can't remember where the start of this rose bush came from just now, but our daughter knows. It doesn't require much water at all, but I do water it as the summer progresses and it gets hotter and dryer. This rose bush is about 3 feet from Scooby's house, so he is with it all the time. Scooby loves people, and any time anyone goes into his yard he thinks it is for the purpose to pet, stroke, love, and talk with him. Both the doggies are very loving, and the smaller dog is very jealous! Scooby loves to lick you, because he thinks he is giving you kisses. If you get down to pick something up off the ground he will lick you in the face!! :lol: :lol: Yes, both the doggies miss Carol, and I do to. I am glad that she got to go on this train ride/trip to the East Coast, but I will also be glad when she returns. I don't like to be alone, but I can handle it, and I will survive. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:15 pm

It is sad when people don't take good care of their animals. Our animals always have enough to eat, and we give them lots of attention/affection. We love our animals and they love us. I can't imagine why people are mean to their animals or why they neglect them. We are careful to protect them from the elements. We are careful not to leave an animal in a hot car. Our smaller dog, which is actually a large dog, but small compared to the other dog is in and out of the house all the time as he wishes. When it is very cold he lays by the stove and enjoys the heat. He doesn't want to stay outside any longer than he needs to unless we are walking. The big dog, Scooby is a Swiss Alps' dog, so cold weather is his thing. I did worry about him last winter, so my daughter and I put a light for heat inside his house, which made it nice for him when it was the coldest and wind was blowing. It made it nice for me not to have to worry about him also. But in actuality he probably doesn't even need the added heat, but I want him to be safe. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:43 am

Both our doggies love us, and we love them too! They love the walks that we go on. The smaller dog has to show the bigger dog that he is boss, and boy he is mean with him until he gets that out of his system. The big dog pays very little attention to it, and he is so big he would easily kill that little dog if he wanted to, but he thinks "why bother." They are actually very good friends, but you know how little big feeling dogs are, and he needs the big dog to understand that he is the boss!!!!Anyway the smaller inside dog really misses Carol. I know he wonders where she is. He stays so close to me when Carol is not here, and I think he is lonesome for Carol also! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:37 pm

It makes my doggie, Rand, so tired to watch me work, that he just has to lay down and sleep while I am working. Otherwise he couldn't take it!!!! He stays with me all the time. If I am in the house, he wants to be in the house. If I am out working, he wants to be out working too! Even though he is not on a leash when we are walking he stays right with me, and it is amazing to me that he will not go out there, even though he could, unless we are walking! Sometimes he stays so close it is difficult to work, and when that happens I just go into the house for a drink of water, and when we come back out he lays in a different spot! He lays his head on my knee to show me that he loves me!!!! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:42 pm

My dog has so much faith in me that he lays down anywhere, and he knows that I will not step on him! Carol and I both have kicked him, unintentionally in the middle of the night, when it was dark in the house. He yelps, but still does not lose faith in us. He is lonesome now that Carol is gone, and he stays right at my feet all the time! When I am working, he is right there, unless he is laying in the cool ditch, and he is no dumb doggie! Yesterday I threw a rock up with a shovel, and it didn't quite go far enough, so it came back down, and landed just inches from his nose, but he was asleep and didn't even wake up! This morning I knocked over an iron bar by accident, and you talk about a dog moving quickly, he did, but he still hangs right with me. He thinks I am a wonderful guy! What do you think? No, I shouldn't ask that question! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:14 pm

Well, both the doggies are sleeping, so I guess I will too. I think they are sleeping because it is hot! Since I started working as hard as I am I have started taking a long lunch/rest break, and then I have found that I can actually work harder and get more accomplished that way. Work hard in the morning, then lunch and rest, then work hard in the afternoon, until about 7 p.m., then I walk 6.5 miles or about 2 & 1/2 hours. I don't push my doggies when it is hot. If they want to sit down, then we all sit down. I figure they are doing something wonderful by going on these walks with me, so I kind of let them do what they want, within reason of course! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:26 pm

I have a big black rubber tub for water for Scooby in the summer. I keep 2 gallons of water before him all the time, so that he will never say that I let him run out of water! In the winter I have a heated dish that I got over twenty years ago, and I am surprised that it is still working, but it is. It only holds one gallon of water, but in the winter he doesn't drink as much, so one gallon is fine, and his water is right at our back door, so as long as we are home it is easy. We usually take the smaller dog, Rand, everywhere we go, so we are taking care of him, but our granddaughter takes care of Scooby while we are gone, and she is very good not to let him run too low on water. He misses me so much that when I am gone he, and it drives our daughter crazy, so our granddaughter has to sleep in my chair by the sliding glass door, so that she can tell him to stop barking. If you tell him to stop barking, he will. He is very good that way. Carol goes out the sliding door at night, holds his face, and chews him out for barking, telling him, "Scooby, you stop your barking now!" He thinks she is giving him special attention, and he loves it. He has no idea that he is getting chewed out!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:06 pm

The first round of our walk was rather warm, but not as warm as yesterday evening, as we started getting clouds and a breeze that got stronger and stronger! The breeze has actually cooled the house off considerably! The smaller dog did lay in the ditch, but not as much as the night before! It was a very good walk! :D :D :D :D
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