What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:05 am

Brought my girls to their pedia. Both are sick having cough and colds. Im hands on taking care of them. I cant trust anyone when they are sick. They need mommy. One thing i will miss it here is having a doctor to call anytime. In US you have to wait for appointment. Im sure i will freak out. Thats one thing i love about here. Doctors are easy to reach out. I love Philippines. Hello america will see if we can get along. He he
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:02 am

Sorry, Red, about your girls being sick with cough and colds. :( That is not much fun! You are right about them needing their mommy when they are sick! America will definately take some adjusting for you. I won't say too much about this because I don't want you to have bad feelings about it before you get here. You will find that family is definately different here than in the Philippines; not as close knit. We went to one doctor's clinic when I was in high school, and you had to wait for hours there to see a doctor, and that is if you had an appointment. They always overbooked, and they always ran late. They were Seventh Day Adventists, and they were very good people. They had their own Seventh Day Adventist school, so in school we never saw any of those kids. When we went to the doctor's clinic in town down over the hill I was amazed that we did not have to wait that long to see the doctor, but appointments were still necessary. Now they have a time when they accept walk ins, and those just walking in might have to wait for an hour, or even hours, or most of the day! If there is a dire emergency then they pretty much take someone in right away if it is life threatening, or uncomfortable. You may not like the USA as well as you like the Philippines, but you will get accustomed to this country. It will help if you can find some other filipinas and filipinos to be friends with, and then that will make the culture shock easier to deal with. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:08 pm

i have great day yehey! im being handyman today lol. i was able to make the wall clock work and did little bit carpentry. Disappointed with the drill though but hammer works. Now its relaxing movie time. :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:09 am

Sounds good, Red, play after work. Some things work well, and others not so well, huh? Today I got out early, and worked pretty hard! I took my usually long lunch and rest break. I find that I actually gain more by resting, then going out in the afternoon and feeling like working really hard! I am doing fine except for my right hand, and the bar work causes it to lose feeling, when I play the piano, or during the night. Then I have to sleep sitting up until the feeling returns in it. I will be glad when the hard digging is finished! I will survive it though!
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:09 pm

Busy redecorating and clearing away some clutters in the srage room. An old lady died in our neighborhood. We call her lola sunscion. She died at 80 years old. Died due to old age. I always saw her walking on road as her exercise. I was not appreciative of her family for letting her go walk all alone. Oldies like that should be assisted everywhere they go like having nanny beside them..Now her relatives are having gamble on her wake which is so wrong.
Today is starting of my diet program lol in preparation for my lovey dovey. Gonna get ready to rock n roll lol
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:28 am

I agree with you Red, that the woman should not have been allowed to walk alone! Definately it is wrong to have a gambling session at the wake! In 2010 when I was I was in the Philippines my friend and I went out walking each morning for a couple of times, and then his filipina wife's brother went with us, saying it was not safe for 2 white guys to be out there walking on the road!

We had a very good day yesterday going to church, and spending the day with our youngest daughter at her house. I am sad to admit that I did doze off a few times during the sermon. I have been working too hard, and I am good tired, and when I sit down, I go right to sleep, even in church! But it will be better once my work is finished, and then I will have more time to rest! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:47 am

Today I got up fairly early for me, for when I have been getting up lately, and Carol got up fairly early also, so we got an early breakfast. Our daughter came over from the other house, the one living 3 hours away, is visiting her twin, so she came over to visit with us for a while which was fun. She owns the rug shampooer that we have had for a while now borrowed, so I decided to shampoo the living room carpet, so she could take her rug shampooer home with her. I got some spots removed plus one where the kids spilled some kind of a drink, and it was getting darker and darking, and looking uglier and uglier, so it is gone now, plus several other spots. I went over the spots repeatedly, and went over the high traffic areas more, and did all of it twice, so it is looking rather nicely now! Almost new, not quite, but it does look nice again.

Unless you live in a high humidity environment, you should keep a jar of water in the lower part of the piano. I refilled those quart water jars today. In the big piano, the water was almost gone, and in the smaller piano it was completely gone! The sound board is made of wood, and if it dries out too much the pegs loosen, and then you can not keep the piano in tune, so keep water under their to keep the wood from drying out too much, and it will save your piano!

I helped our youngest daughter with her daughter's computer over the telephone. She went to an unsecured site without any antivirus protection, got a virus that told her that she has violated a copy right law and must send the FBI $280.00 within a few hours. She was hysterical, woke her mom up, and her mom called the internet provider and found it it was a virus, and had been happening to other people as well. So I talked our daughter through the process of disabling that site, so that her internet would work. Then I helped her install an antivirus Norton on her computer. I have license to have it on 3 computers and I only have 2 here, so I had her install it on her computer, and it helped fix up her problem.

I then went down and worked in the cellar for about 2 hours. What I working on is a place for the water to go if it gets on the floor, and also I am using some fill dirt to create a slope, so that water will run towards the drain into this area I am digging out for excess water. I am about finished with that also, so there is no hurry, and no stress with that, which is a nice change from what I have been doing! Then of course I walked the doggies for the 6.5 miles, and it is always good to walk! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:42 pm

Our daughter from out of town was going to come over to visit us this morning at 9 a.m., but, well, it didn't work out, so she came over about noon. I played the piano a lot, and worked in the cellar just a little. Then I visited with our daughter for while just before she went home. Then I went back to work in the cellar until lunch at 2 p.m. I have been eating late for a while now, as it makes a short afternoon, which I like. I then ate and took a long rest break after which I went back to work in the cellar until 7 p.m., when I went for a walk with the doggies. Carol is now watching "Emma," and I am doing this as well as eating! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:45 pm

This morning at 9 a.m. we had 450 cinderblocks, concrete 8x8x16 inch blocks delivered to our houses as well as 28 sacks of mortor, and 48 sacks of concrete premix, and now we are about ready to start building the walls in the cellar. My brother-in-law told me that he paid 25 cents for each block in the Philippines when he built his house, and I am paying $1.32 for each block! It will be nice to have that little room all completed after all that hard digging that I endured! I am so thankful that the Lord allowed mpy body to hold up with no injuries, this season anyway, so that I could complete that hard digging. I was concerned about that, because I knew if I injured myself I would not be able to complete it, but the Lord was good to me! I had enough strength to see it through to completion! I spent the rest of the day doing a few odd jobs, and mostly playing the piano! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:52 pm

It was a year ago last June 18th or so, 2011 that I had that bleeding/prostate problem. Next was the CT scan to make sure my kidneys and bladder was okay, which they were. Then the fateful PSA test. Because my PSA was 4.2 or something like that, they consider anything of 4.0 elevated, and because I had been bleeding, they did a biopsy on my prostate gland. It was a bad experience, my blood pressure and pulse rate plummeted, and I went into shock, and it took them 2 hours to get me into a recovery mode, so that I was okay. My only suffering was 2 hours of feeling weak, shaky, and sick, but after that I was fine. I jumped up and did everything from that time on that I had always done, except I quit digging in my cellar as they gave me the impression that I might have cancer, and that I would need another TURP procedure, and I didn't want to damage a weak area in my body by working too hard, which cellar digging has been from start to finish, and now yes, I am finished digging. The Lord was good to me, in that I suffered no lasting body injuries as a result of that hard digging, and I managed to continue until it was done, but I was not able to work from June to September, which really set me back, but I accepted that and it was okay. They let me think I might have cancer until August, and that I would need that TURP procedure, until the dr. told me that they were not going to do the TURP procedure yet, but watch me and see how I did. Three months later, I had another PSA, and it was up to 4.6 I think, if I remember correctly. The dr. said that they would do another one in 6 months, but something happened to the paper work, and it was 8 months until yesterday when they did another one. I went down the hill to our little town, and had my blood drawn for the PSA test. When I went to see the dr. yesterday, I saw on the form that my PSA was up to 5. something, and I can't remember what the something was. The dr. said, "We can do a biopsy now, or you can do another PSA in 3 more months," and I said "do another PSA in 3 more month," and the dr. told me that he thought I would say that! Well, the last biopsy was not fun for me, and I don't want another one! But in 3 months if my PSA is still up, or higher they will do another biopsy, and I should allow them to do that if that is the case, even though I am not happy to think about that prospect! With an elevated PSA they are always worried about cancer. Maybe next time I won't go into shock, and that will be better! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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