Master Your Habits or Your Habits Will Master You

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Master Your Habits or Your Habits Will Master You

Postby red » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:10 pm

Its been said : habits that begin as cobwebs sometimes end as cables. If repeated , they become more difficult to stop. It may applies to alcohol, drug abuse, as well as worry and anger. Try meditate Rom. 6:19 and John 8:36.
I dont think my old habit should apply this lol
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Re: Master Your Habits or Your Habits Will Master You

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:20 pm

Red, that is interesting, "begin as cob webs then end up as cables." There was an object lesson about this that was done when I was a little kids. They would wrap thread around a person's wrist, one time, then say, "break the thread." They would keep wrapping and breaking until after the thread is wrapped a number of times, you can't break it any more. That is what bad habits or sin is like. They get hold of a person, then without God's help you can't get rid of them, to save your neck! That's a funny old expression that means to save your life!

Romans 6:19; "I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness and holiness."

John 8:36; "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

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Re: Master Your Habits or Your Habits Will Master You

Postby red » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:36 pm

Yes Sir. Read that in daily bread too. Anyway, my habits are not sin. I am glad. Picking on nose sometimes not sinful ha ha! But one thing could be is worrying cant help that esp if someone sick or dying or in danger. What should i do be happy on all that? hmmm
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Re: Master Your Habits or Your Habits Will Master You

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:03 am

It is really funny, Red, because some people are not even aware of some of the things they do, like picking the nose! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is a difference I think between concern and needless worry. We are all caught in the trap of worrying at times when we shouldn't be worrying. "Why worry when you can pray, trust Jesus, each and every day!" My mother was a worrier. If she ran short of things to worry about she invented something, and I think I took after her, because I get caught in the trap periodically. Carol tells me, "You worry to yourself; maybe you can take it, but I can't handle it!" It drives her crazy when I worry, but sometimes I must worry! :lol: :lol:

Anyway be concerned for people who are sick, dying, or in danger and pray for them. If it is worry it is called for, but don't neednessly worry! As I do! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: No I am trying to over come that! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Master Your Habits or Your Habits Will Master You

Postby red » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:45 am

Well, i be a bit worried if somebody still owe me lots of money and is dying. I be concerned and worry but I guess its okay. :D
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Re: Master Your Habits or Your Habits Will Master You

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:39 am

Yes, Red, that would be a worry if someone owes you lots of money and they were dying! I am in the rental business with 2 houses. I got them just before my mother died. She passed them on to me. I have heard about bad renters for years and I saw my Mom have trouble with one renter of hers where they damaged the house and didn't pay. They were kind of friends also and Christian people and it is hard to understand. Out of 7 renters I had 3 who did pretty much what they were supposed to do. They all looked good, were promising, and intended to stay with me for a long time. Two of them I lost a little money, like $2000.00, and one of those two tore up/damaged the house! I had two other renters who left me, and they owed between the two of them, $10000.00, and each of them damaged the house. I not only didn't get the money, but I had to find money to repair the damages. That is a loss of $12000.00 not including the money I had to spend to repair the houses. Four of them caused big time troubles with the neighbors as well, and that made the neighbors mad at me and them. I will never see a penny of that money that they owe. It is gone and lost! I now have wonderful people in the one house, and I have my kids in the other house, so things are much better for me! I am helping my kids because they are down and out, but they are taking care of the place, and they are my kids, so I am doing what I can, which keeps me broke, but that is okay as long as I don't go under, and can pay the taxes and house insurance. Someone suggested a few years ago if I didn't get this one renter out, she could end up owing me $4000.00, and I thought that was not going to happen. Well, what happened to me is a whole lot worse than that. I just have to kiss it all goodbye, and hope I learn something about people. For my peace of mind, I just have to say "well it is between them and God, and there isn't anything that I can do about that!" If they don't do what is right they will answer to God for what they have done! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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