That sounds like fun, Red, watching John and Marsha with Dolphy in that. Every once in a while someone comes along that is just great and no one ever takes their place, really. Others come and start their own show, acting, but no one ever measures up to the excellence of some of these old greats who had their day and passed on along. We have some of them in our country. We also have some who attempt to be great, but they use bad language and bad humor, so they fall short, and will not be remembered, only as a vulgar person appealing to people's base or low life attitudes, and hoping to be popular from that. Because our society is so depraved we have people like this who live low lives and enjoy the sin. People who sit around drinking beer, thinking bad thoughts, doing bad things, are the ones who enjoy this kind of sick humor. Oh, for some of the wonderful people from the past who actually used good humor, and promoted godly living!