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Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:11 am

Can someone tell me what the term Katholico means? Is this just a filipino way of saying Catholic or is this a filipino version of Roman Catholic religion?
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Re: Katholico

Postby red » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:02 pm

Katholiko is Filipino or bisaya term of Catholic or roman catholic religion. :)
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Re: Katholico

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:56 am

Google agreed with what I thought I remembered about the word "Catholic." It was a greek word that simply meant everything all inclusive. It did not have its origin in religion, but it came to be applied to religion. The word meant universal, and it came to be associated with the univeral church, or Catholic church. As time went on other churches split off and started up, either within the church, or outside the church. It was no longer the universal or Catholic church. So now we associate the Catholic church with a specific set of doctrines, dogmas, and beliefs. You have all kinds of ideas about the Catholic church. Some believe that it is a false religion. Some do not believe Catholics are Christians. I do not accept all the things about the Catholic church, in relation to Mary the mother of Jesus, and also pergatory, and probably a few other disagreements, but I think there is enough good doctrine in the Catholic church, so that a person can have a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit within the Catholic church. I have relatives, mostly dead now, who were Catholics and wonderful Christians. I have a cousin who was a Catholic, who is now a born again Christian, and while a Catholic he does not believe he was a Christian. So, I am not at all against the Catholics. I just believe that they can't trust the church, or the Father, to take them to heaven, but they have to have faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. When I was a little boy many of our churches were against the Catholic church, however the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, sister organization to the Assemblies of God, where I attended Bible College, actually sent their students to a Catholic University who wanted higher education than what was was offered where I attended. My Catholic relatives, prayed, and trusted in God just the same as we did. So, actually being a Christian, trusting in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, and eternal life is an individual matter. We each have a choice to either serve God, or not serve God. Jonathan Edwards an early Puritan preacher, who preached conviction of people to the point that they sought repentance, said, "God has no grandchildren." What he meant was that because my parents were Christians, that does not make me a Christian. Each one of us has to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and each of us becomes a Christian as we accept Jesus, and as we manifest faith in God. :D :D :D :D

The word "Catholic" is derived from a Greek word, Katholikos, originally meaning universal. In the early days of the Church, many Roman citizens referred to this new upstart religion that followed the "Ways" of Jesus Christ as being Catholic--it was universal throughout the empire--meaning that members of this new religion could be found almost anywhere throughout the empire. As time went on, this particular word began to be recognized and used in describing this new religion. Among members, of course, the word had a much more significant and broader meaning than just geographical consideration. It was understood also to describe the very nature of the Church, in that it was universally for everyone. There was no exclusion according to nationality, race, economic or social status. It is for all the people of God.

The word "Catholic" was and is also applied to the teaching and the faith of the Church and , in this sense, it means what is believed by the whole Church. It is universally united in its worship, in what it teaches. There are no divisions or branches within its membership.

And finally, the word "Catholic"has also come to be used to describe individual Christians who profess belief in the Church's universal teachings and practices.
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Re: Katholico

Postby BigBlastGuy » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:18 pm

red wrote:Katholiko is Filipino or bisaya term of Catholic or roman catholic religion. :)

Thank you.
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