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Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:03 am

Carol bought a rooster and two hens for our youngest daughter in town. She was getting eggs on a regular basis. She has her chickens right in the back yard where everyone can see and enjoy them, in a large dog run. The neighbor brought grandkids over to see the chickens. They are getting very tame. One of the hens died. I think it is because it had a growth on its neck. Our other daughter gave her sister a hen, and said it was a token of her love for her, and that made us feel really good, because the feelings between them have not been that good! She also gave Carol a banti rooster and three banti hens, and Carol is excited and thrilled about that! I was a 3 & 1/2 hour trip from her house to ours, and on that trip one of the banti hens layed an egg! It took me long enough to set up a pen for them with Carol's help that I was late walking my doggies, so I only got in 4.5 miles and 80 minutes or so instead of my usual 6.5 miles and 120 or more minutes, usually more lately because those doggies do not want to walk fast when it is hot. They spend a lot of time looking at things and peeing on them as well. A little humor there! Our daughter who lives here close by asked us to try to keep Rand from peeing on the hay bales. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chickens

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:16 am

I think we are going to be listening to lots of crowing! They say that the smaller ones crow the loudest, and the most. Well, this banti rooster was crowing at least by 5 a.m., or earlier, and he has been crowing off and on ever since. One of the hens lays an egg, she cackles, and then he crows about it. I'm not sure what else he is crowing about, but they are right out side the living room window, so we hear lots of crowing! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chickens

Postby red » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:50 pm

We have old chicken pen at backyard. Our neighbor's hen lays eggs there. Sometimes we see eggs on the garden so our help picked them up. Cooked them hard boiled lol
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Re: Chickens

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:38 am

My Mom of course was around farming and ranching all of her life. She loved the chickens. She loved to hear the roosters crow, and the hens cackle. They actually produced many eggs commercially among other things up until the time I was 2 years old. It was a quite a business for them. We moved when I was 2 years old, and after that they kept 15 or 20 hens to lay eggs and we ate lots of eggs. They would each spring get 100 chickens, then they would butcher and eat all the young roosters, and some of the hens sometimes. When my uncle lived with us for a while before he died, he boiled a lot of eggs so that he could have some to eat. Our kids got mixed up and took some of his boiled eggs and left him the uncooked raw eggs! He gave them a lecture on how you can put eggs in water to see if they are boiled or not! :lol: :lol: I saw banti chickens in someone's barn when I was a little boy, but I have never had any experience with them. Anyway Carol wanted some, so our kids who live 3 hours away from us gave her 2 banti hens and a banti rooster, so she is having fun with them. It was nice of our daughter to give our youngest daughter a hen to take the place of the one that died. She wants to be friends with her, and I think it will work, because our youngest daughter is a very forgiving, loving person, but I can't say the same for her daughter. You do that kid wrong, and she is your enemy forever! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Chickens

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:34 pm

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These are the Banti Rooster and Two Hens that our daughter gave to us a few days ago. She had an old cage, and then she had some chicken wire, and together the Banti chickens don't get out! Carol has a dog kennel that our daughter loaned us next to the cage, so they have a house and a pen! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chickens

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:15 pm

Our son-in-law's grandfather died, so they went to the funeral today. They took a trailer over there, and they will stop by our other daughter's place, and the other daughter is giving us a nice small chicken house and run pen for the banti chicken, so that is very nice. The chickens will come up in the world, and they will be safer for winter, and then Carol will be very happy about that also! :D :D :D :D
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