Well, we did get up, and went down the hill to attend church. Our daughter was pretty upset, so she didn't go, but her daughter, our granddaughter went with us. When we returned our daughter had dinner ready for us, so that was nice. I talked her into going with me across town to check out a leak under the bath tub. It turned out that none of the plumbing was leaking, which made me feel good. It was the calking around the tub was needing redone, and the people who live there will do that, so that is nice. When we returned we raked some leaves into piles and bagged them. After we left our daughter bagged the remaining leaves, leaving just a couple of piles or raked bark to be picked up.
After being home for a while our kids here came over to hook the pump up and start it. The JB weld did not hold, and so the pump was removed. My son-in-law has another pump that he didn't think would work, but he managed with a lot of WD 40 to get to break lose and start. He hooked that one in, and we are waiting for the pipe glue to set up, so that we can start the water, and hope it will work. I need to finish my cellar, but I am making great progress, and this will give us water while I am finishing. I compromised, making the cellar smaller, as I was making it larger than necessary, and my son-in-law is going to help me with the construction of it, cinderblock walls, concrete floor, and so on. Then we will hook up the water correctly. For now the water is only going to be hooked up at the kitchen sink with both cold and hot running water, which will be nice.