Those without sin caste the first stone..

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Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby wolfetone100 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:24 pm

Why do people who profess to be god fearing and christian people spend their life passing judgement on and interfering in other peoples lives? Personally i've never met someone who is perfect everyone has problems or issues in their lives?. The best people i have met are the people who work with or help others in bad situations without the need to belittle them or look down on them or preach to them. I have seen this kind of behaviour over and over people useing the problems or weaknesses of others to make themselves feel better or important about themselves so they can quote the bible and shake their heads? i just wonder if i'm the only person who finds this annoying and condesending ? or am i hellbound aswell?
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby BigBlastGuy » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:25 pm

wolfetone100 wrote:Why do people who profess to be god fearing and christian people spend their life passing judgement on and interfering in other peoples lives? Personally i've never met someone who is perfect everyone has problems or issues in their lives?. The best people i have met are the people who work with or help others in bad situations without the need to belittle them or look down on them or preach to them. I have seen this kind of behaviour over and over people useing the problems or weaknesses of others to make themselves feel better or important about themselves so they can quote the bible and shake their heads? i just wonder if i'm the only person who finds this annoying and condesending ? or am i hellbound aswell?

Basic human nature. People all have some Do Gooder in them. Some have more than others and the effort to keep Do Gooding under control is more or less in different people. Just like people are more or less susceptible to jealousy, anger, overeating, alcoholism etc, people are more or less susceptible to Do Gooding. Unfortunately seems to be lots of Do Gooders in churches and other so called helping organizations.

Do Gooding is very harmful as Do Gooders hide their harm under a veneer of respectability.
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:45 am

The woman taken in adultery was brought to Jesus as a test to try to put Him on the spot, and the Pharisees hoped that He would make the wrong decision and get Him into trouble. If He said stone her, He would have been in trouble for being cruel. If He said let her go, He would have been in trouble with the religious leaders. He said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Then He wrote in the sand, maybe the sins of the Pharisees, then looked up and all the woman's accusors were gone. Jesus told the woman, "neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more." :D :D :D :D
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby fenmoor » Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:16 pm

Well I have a little different take on this.

If anyone else here is old enough, the band Rush had a song, in it are the lyrics, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

I find that everyone that is breathing passes judgement on everyone else that is breathing constantly. Whether we do it consciously or not, we are still always passing judgement, much like wolftone is doing with this post. I simply think that some people will use their religious precepts to help in their decision making processes. It seems that this is what Wolf might be objecting to.

None the less, even those that hold the opposite opinion are still making judgements and those judgement inherently affect everyone around thems' lives, whether directly or indirectly. It is almost always a matter of if the person agrees with us, that determines if they are "Interfering" or "giving advice". And should we ask people for their opinion, then we give up the right to claim they are interfering. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are wrong.

I find it interesting that many people will look down on those of us that are Christians that use the standards of the Bible as our guide, as being judgmental, when that feeling/opinion is in and of itself, judgmental.

None the less, I wish you good things, not bad Wolf, especially with your new love. I hope that God blesses your union, like I put in the other thread.

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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:02 pm

One of my Bible College instructors was giving advice on how to live as a minister of the gospel. He said that the milkman may get by with having a thing with someone else's wife where he is delivering the milk, but a minister will not get by with the same behavior. Before God everyone is held to the same standard, but the public holds the minister to a higher standard. This same instructor said that we should be really hard on ourselves, and judgemental of ourselves and go really easy, non judgemental, and accepting of everyone else. God is our judge and each one of us stands or falls before God alone. I look around me and see so many people who are divorced and remarried, but God is their judge. He sees their hearts. I had a great aunt and uncle who have both been dead now for many years. They were the most godly people I have ever known, but they were both divorced and remarried to each other. Some well meaning person from the church wrote them a letter and told them that they needed to break up, divorce, and go back to their former companions! Well, the biggest problem was that their former companions were also remarried and had families of their own, so you can imagine what kind of a mess that would have caused. They had complicated their lives before they became Christians, and I believe God forgave them of their past, and they moved on. After they became Christians they spent a lot of their free time going to church services. That was their passion in their later years. I thought they were really old, but they were not nearly as old as I am now! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby red » Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:46 am

I guess some Christians do being judgmental because they hate other people committing sins. It is not the people they hate its the sin. I dont think judging others or interferring other peoples business is not good especially if it isnt meant to be interferred. Over the years i learned that it is better to mind my own business to stay away from trouble.
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby wolfetone100 » Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:03 pm

I'm not looking down on Christians or anyone else i try not to judge other people. My view on life is to live and let live. Personally i find the busybodies who find the need to judge and make negative comments on other peoples situations or problems a bit o a joke. They clearly have very boring lives. I would be willing to wager a lot of people like that have larger or darker secrets than the people they attempt to persecute. That goes for christians and non christians alike. And i can assure you the people on here who attempt to make out that i am an evil hell born sinner have zero influence on me. The self righteous religous people have spent time since history was recorded have murdered millions probably billions of people who thought differently or didnt belive exactly as they did. It'll be a cold day in hell before i bend the knee to the likes of that.
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby Edwin » Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:06 am

Yes, Red, I know people like that who have such a hatred of sin that they can't separate the sin from the person. God hates sin, but He loves the sinner! Yes, you are correct about some people being self righteous, and they see every one else's faults, but they can't see their own faults. Hate the sin, but love the sinner. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby crisipicada » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:18 pm

wolfetone100 wrote:Why do people who profess to be god fearing and christian people spend their life passing judgement on and interfering in other peoples lives? Personally i've never met someone who is perfect everyone has problems or issues in their lives?. The best people i have met are the people who work with or help others in bad situations without the need to belittle them or look down on them or preach to them. I have seen this kind of behaviour over and over people useing the problems or weaknesses of others to make themselves feel better or important about themselves so they can quote the bible and shake their heads? i just wonder if i'm the only person who finds this annoying and condesending ? or am i hellbound aswell?

I am not condemning someone when he or she did mistake in life. I know that I am one who made wrong choices in life. What is important is that we always have listening heart and always be and encouragement to someone. It is hard to say something wrong to someone that in fact in our lives we committed one. The best thing to do is to give your ideas or what you believe just in case you see someone doing wrong and is leading to the wrong direction.

Some Christians are very sensitive to what is right and what is wrong. Some Christians are gifted with discernment, that they able to see what would be the outcome of what is the present decision a person is doing. Just in case I have a friend who is doing wrong and I know that it wont help him or her and lead her to distraction, I will always give advice and never condemn.

What you say and how you say it are two different thing. Example: I know that you have done wrong decisions in life, but God is willing to heal our heartaches and give us hope and future. He has his own mind for us, plan for our future and give us hope.

OR: yes, you are really bad person, you never learned, you always make wrong decisions because you are like that and like this. What you are doing is always lead to bad situation!!! OF COURSE THIS IS NOT HELPFUL.

That is why, if someday, i will get married, I would be glad to be a GOOD accountability partner of my husband. An accountability partner, is someone who is there for you, encourage you, never condemning, but always have a listening heart and always desire what is best for you. :D :D :D
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Re: Those without sin caste the first stone..

Postby Edwin » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:27 am

We have a strong sense of right and wrong, and we have a tendency to judge other people based on our ideas of how we should live. Jesus said, "Neither do I comdemn you, go and sin no more." We should be hard and strict with ourselves, and easy and forgiving with other people. If we look at our own lives we can see the struggle to live according to God's will, and then we can have better feelings for other people as well. Not that it is okay to commit sin, but we realize that we have sinned, all of us, and come short of the glory of God, and we realize that God has forgiven us for Jesus' sake, and then we can be forgiving and non condemning of other people also. God is able to work on their hearts as we pray for them. :D :D
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