healing heart

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healing heart

Postby lovelessgurl87 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:05 am

how to heal a broken heart? and a heart thats full of regrets?
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Re: healing heart

Postby tom » Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:35 pm

dear lovedgurl, i suggest you read ms.sin17's post at topic "betrayed".... and especially take to heart what her friend told her: "only the love of the Lord NEVER leave and NEVER betrayed"... my experience is: if you spend time in His presence and open your heart to His love, He will heal all the wounds and hurts... it might take awhile and it might not be so easy, but it will happen for you, too... His love and forgiveness in our hearts is the key.... (isaiah 61:1 & luke 4:18; heb. 13:5; 1john 4:7-19; mt. 11:28-30; luke 10:38-42; mt. 18:21-35) :)
Image"Weep not! Behold! the Lion of the tribe of Judah is victorious... and His kingdom will never end." (rev.5; luke 1:30-33;isaiah 9:6-7,11:1-10)
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Re: healing heart

Postby purex » Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:06 am

tom wrote:dear lovedgurl, i suggest you read ms.sin17's post at topic "betrayed".... and especially take to heart what her friend told her: "only the love of the Lord NEVER leave and NEVER betrayed"... my experience is: if you spend time in His presence and open your heart to His love, He will heal all the wounds and hurts... it might take awhile and it might not be so easy, but it will happen for you, too... His love and forgiveness in our hearts is the key.... (isaiah 61:1 & luke 4:18; heb. 13:5; 1john 4:7-19; mt. 11:28-30; luke 10:38-42; mt. 18:21-35) :)

I have regrets also but God allow all these things for a purpose and so little by little God heal my heart. But love for him still remains.
Wn God knows yor READY 4 D rsponsibility of comitment,He'l reveal D ryt prson undr Hs tym& ryt circumstnces.Wait patiently,Dont waste Ur tym srching& wshing.Grow& b redy &yo'l see.God wl giv U a lov story far betr than U cud ever dreamed
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Re: healing heart

Postby lovely » Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:29 am

lovelessgurl87 wrote:how to heal a broken heart? and a heart thats full of regrets?

I am hurt also. What will i do. I very very hurting. Why are you men full of promises and leave us on the air? I can't stop this feeling
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Re: healing heart

Postby jadegil6 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:30 pm

I have placed a new music video for those who may be suffering from the pain of a broken heart. It is a song by JJ Heller, and it is called, "YOUR HANDS'". You can find it at this URL : http://www.jaderune.com/Christian%20Mus ... tists.html ...(which you can copy and paste into your browser, or click on this link)... Or you can look at the Various Artists page with the link directly under the words, CHRISTIAN MUSIC VIDEOS on the Homepage, and the song is the last one on that page.
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Re: healing heart

Postby ms.sin17 » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:15 am

lovely wrote:
lovelessgurl87 wrote:how to heal a broken heart? and a heart thats full of regrets?

I am hurt also. What will i do. I very very hurting. Why are you men full of promises and leave us on the air? I can't stop this feeling

I Listened tO the sOng and it was great! :P I feeL sOrry abOut yOur heartbreak, LOveLy.. At first, maybe yOu wiLL bLame the LOrd Or yOurseLf why is it happened tO yOu but in time yOu will evetuaLLy reaLize that it had made yOu tO becOme a strOnger persOn and will Learn frOm it. There is nO mistake unLess yOu have Learned what have LessOn yOu gOt frOm a situatiOn.. :P I knOw hOw it feeLs, LOveLy.. I have been in yOur shOes befOre, when I first experienCed it, it was very hard fOr me tO deaL with it, as I am Leaning On my prObLem tO my cLOse friends it seems Like the pain that I am suffering is getting wOrse.. :oops: Until, I reaLized that nObOdy can cOmfOrt me than Him, which is the LOrd! :D I didnt dO anything than tO pray in Him, I pray, pray and pray.. :cry: I Open up my heart tO LOve OnLy Him, at first I bLame Him why is was happened tO me but Later I reaLized that I was wrOng bLaming Him in what happened tO me. I thOught the LOrd dOesnt LOve me because He Let me experienced the greatest heartbreak that I feLt befOre but I was wrOng, nOw, I reaLized that He LOves me mOre than I knew, He just want nO One wOuLd repLace Him in my heart in LOving sOmeOne eLse, cause He knew that He wiLL be repLaced if I wiLL LOve sOmebOdy eLse.. Maybe the LOrd wants the best fOr me in the "right time" and 1 thing is that, if yOu are gOing tO be with that persOn yOu wiLL nOt be prOgressive in yOur Life cause yOu wiLL get stuCk with Him[that was accOrding tO the bOoK read by my sister].. YOu must enriCh yOurseLf first befOre anybOdy will LOve and "respect" yOu.. :) There are things that yOu must fOcus in yOur Life first.. DOnt Let yOurseLf sink because Of yOur heartbreak! In due time, sOmebOdy whO is the Best fOr yOu wiLL cOme and yOu twO wiLL be happy.. :D If yOur hurting nOw then be it.. Give it tO the hands Of the LOrd and Obey the things which He is annOinting yOu.. :D :D
Everything eLse that is happening in the earth is tempOrary, yOu cOnsider, everything that is gOing On is just Vanity. . .
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Re: healing heart

Postby lovelessgurl87 » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:46 am

Ms Sin had a very inspiring advise.. i had a situation which first ever i felt this way. The pain dat cost me was very hard to ignore until no one can comfort me even my family..every minute i was crying and asking HIM of all the things that happened He did not want me to be happy..
But then one day that i was so sick for being depressed that almost brought me to the hospital. I just realized that isnt it just a little problem to exchange my life with. HE makes me awake of being weak. That HE let me thinks the negative side of it and why that things happen and why should myself be awaken and be happy coz there are lots of those who love me more and needs me. HE always find a way for us to realize and think of our mistakes and we must figure those out to know were are we wrong and we must do things right for not to commit those mistakes again and be fully happy. We offenly misunderstood the situation we are in. Dispite of what had happened to me. I am still thankful for him for the cut that had made my hurt wounded it makes me more stronger person. I know HE wouldnt allow us to have problems that we coulndt cope up coz HIS love is unconditional. HE just want us to remember HIM that He is always with us.

Thank u so much to u all.
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Re: healing heart

Postby ms.sin17 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:42 am

lovelessgurl87 wrote:Ms Sin had a very inspiring advise.. i had a situation which first ever i felt this way. The pain dat cost me was very hard to ignore until no one can comfort me even my family..every minute i was crying and asking HIM of all the things that happened He did not want me to be happy..
But then one day that i was so sick for being depressed that almost brought me to the hospital. I just realized that isnt it just a little problem to exchange my life with. HE makes me awake of being weak. That HE let me thinks the negative side of it and why that things happen and why should myself be awaken and be happy coz there are lots of those who love me more and needs me. HE always find a way for us to realize and think of our mistakes and we must figure those out to know were are we wrong and we must do things right for not to commit those mistakes again and be fully happy. We offenly misunderstood the situation we are in. Dispite of what had happened to me. I am still thankful for him for the cut that had made my hurt wounded it makes me more stronger person. I know HE wouldnt allow us to have problems that we coulndt cope up coz HIS love is unconditional. HE just want us to remember HIM that He is always with us.

Thank u so much to u all.

I am saddened by yOur situatiOn, Ms. LOveLessgurL.. :cry: There are peOpLe whO are very emOtiOnaL when it cOmes tO LOve and dO everything because Of the name Of LOve. I myseLf tOo.. My ex had Left me hanging, at first, I cant beLieve it and it was turned that I bLamed everything tO the LOrd.. and nOw I reaLized I have sinned and dO nOt have the right tO dO it tO Him. I think Mr. Cupid reaLLy hits yOu with that man but its OK nOw. YOu have mOved On and I think that is OnLy shOwing the fact that yOu are grOwing OLd in Life.. :P that is the mOst impOrtant.. He`s LOve fOr us is uncOnditiOnaL, that is very true.. Remember, we never knOw what is the best fOr us Other than GOd! because he is the OnLy One whO knOws what`s the "Best fOr Us!" As I`ve said, we just have tO beLieve in Him as what Mark 11:24 says "all things that you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and you will have them".. HOw we need tO give Our whOLe being and Our future tO Him! He is caLLing us fOr anOther purpOse.. maybe it time, He wiLL give us the right man/wOman in Our Life tO enjOy Our Life with Our partner and with Our LOrd!! :D :D
Everything eLse that is happening in the earth is tempOrary, yOu cOnsider, everything that is gOing On is just Vanity. . .
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Re: healing heart

Postby ms.sin17 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:47 am

My friend aLsO tOLd me that "The best way tO fOrget the past is tO fOcus yOurseLf in the presnt aLready!" :P :P
Everything eLse that is happening in the earth is tempOrary, yOu cOnsider, everything that is gOing On is just Vanity. . .
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Re: healing heart

Postby tom » Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:36 pm

ms.sin17 wrote:My friend aLsO tOLd me that "The best way tO fOrget the past is tO fOcus yOurseLf in the presnt aLready!" :P :P

i agree... because the PRESENT is where we find His PRESENCE... as it is said: God's PRESENCE is always PRESENT in us... IN THE PRESENT moment... (wherever we might happen to be in the stream of created time) ... and HIS LOVE (1john 4:7-19) that NEVER leaves us and NEVER betrays us (heb. 13:5) is ALWAYS PRESENT with us, in us (john 14:15-21)... wherever we are in time and space (john 4:21-24)...... all because Jesus, at one moment in time, "once for all"(heb.10:10), by His death, tore the curtain (the vail) in two (mt. 27:50-51; mk.15:37-38; luke 23;44-46)... giving us free access into His PRESENCE ("the holy of holies", "the most holy place") (heb. 10:19-23; 4:14-16) ... making us God's temple (His dwelling place)... His house and home (1cor. 3:16; 6:19; 2cor. 6:16)... :D :D :D
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