Moderator: youngj
tom wrote:dear lovedgurl, i suggest you read ms.sin17's post at topic "betrayed".... and especially take to heart what her friend told her: "only the love of the Lord NEVER leave and NEVER betrayed"... my experience is: if you spend time in His presence and open your heart to His love, He will heal all the wounds and hurts... it might take awhile and it might not be so easy, but it will happen for you, too... His love and forgiveness in our hearts is the key.... (isaiah 61:1 & luke 4:18; heb. 13:5; 1john 4:7-19; mt. 11:28-30; luke 10:38-42; mt. 18:21-35)
lovelessgurl87 wrote:how to heal a broken heart? and a heart thats full of regrets?
lovely wrote:lovelessgurl87 wrote:how to heal a broken heart? and a heart thats full of regrets?
I am hurt also. What will i do. I very very hurting. Why are you men full of promises and leave us on the air? I can't stop this feeling
lovelessgurl87 wrote:Ms Sin had a very inspiring advise.. i had a situation which first ever i felt this way. The pain dat cost me was very hard to ignore until no one can comfort me even my family..every minute i was crying and asking HIM of all the things that happened He did not want me to be happy..
But then one day that i was so sick for being depressed that almost brought me to the hospital. I just realized that isnt it just a little problem to exchange my life with. HE makes me awake of being weak. That HE let me thinks the negative side of it and why that things happen and why should myself be awaken and be happy coz there are lots of those who love me more and needs me. HE always find a way for us to realize and think of our mistakes and we must figure those out to know were are we wrong and we must do things right for not to commit those mistakes again and be fully happy. We offenly misunderstood the situation we are in. Dispite of what had happened to me. I am still thankful for him for the cut that had made my hurt wounded it makes me more stronger person. I know HE wouldnt allow us to have problems that we coulndt cope up coz HIS love is unconditional. HE just want us to remember HIM that He is always with us.
Thank u so much to u all.
ms.sin17 wrote:My friend aLsO tOLd me that "The best way tO fOrget the past is tO fOcus yOurseLf in the presnt aLready!"
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