how to attract foreign man

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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby TheGunfighter » Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:11 pm

Hi it is easy to get a man from another country. Men from Canada want love and happiness. How easy is that?:)
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby FredinTX » Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:51 pm

Outstanding communication, honesty, sincerey and respect for each other at the beginning and during a long distance internet dating is a must to establish trust. Always tell the truth and be honest, regardless of the conversation subject. The same holds true for any dating in person and is imperativ for LTR and marrige. We all need love and honesty is one of the best ways to show interest in another person. It's not your looks, but what's in your heart, what's in your personality and your humanity. If marriage was based on good looks of both partners every marriage would fail after they both turn 40 or so and the woman has had children. Looks is only skin deep and fades away with age, but honesty, trust, faithfulness, loyalty and respect for each other and most of all unconditional love for each other will never fade away with age and time. REAL LOVE IS ETERNAL! Honesty is the best way to attract a foreign man and the same vise versa ;) . (with all my wisdom I hope I find my filipina soon........hehehe)
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby joshfink » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:12 pm

This is a great subject because I know that many Filipina women are anxious to find a foreign man.

I am from Southern California, USA. I lived in the Philippines for four years during the 80's when Marcos and Aquino were at desperate odds with each other. I know a lot about Philippine culture and I can give you good advice. Please feel free to e-mail me ( with any questions and I will answer them with the utmost respect and sensitivity. I understand the deep feelings of the heart and how we all long to give love and be loved. I am a born again Christian so I have an active relationship with Jesus. I get my wisdom from him and I would love to give you the insight of being an American man.

Don't be to shy to ask, your e-mail will be held in strict confidence. At the least we could become good friends and Pen Pals.

My first advice is a general one that goes for everyone.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Most foreign men have a great understanding about the world, i.e. politics, economics, world history, religion, sports, etc...However if they are not God fearing you could be in for a big disappointment. It doesn't matter how smart, successful, funny or good looking a man is, if they do not know Jesus Christ as their personal savior you could face irresolvable problems in your relationship with them. I'm not saying a God fearing man won't have problems, but he will have the Lord to help him resolve them before they get unmanageable.

Secondly; don’t be in a hurry. God teaches us not to be anxious for anything. That goes especially when it comes to making one of the biggest decisions of your life. Why do you think there is so much discourse in marriages? Partly because we rush into marriage with false hopes built on emotions and not logic. What I mean by logic is; do we really know who this person is that we plan to share our hearts with. And let me be clear, marriage is the blending of two hearts and if it goes bad, let me tell you, it hurts like nothing else in this world. Take your time, pray until you have a clear answer from God, and be prepared to accept God's answer if he advises you to say no. Trust God, he knows everything and only wants the very best of love for you.

Thank you and God Bless, Joshua Matthew
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby crisipicada » Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:19 am

Those words of wisdom enlighten me and i believe the rest of the members. I am glad that you have lived here in the Philippines and that makes you understand well about Filipino culture and can share to others, too. Very well said about waiting and praying for God's guidance and direction. Sometimes we make wrong decisions because we based them through our feelings or what feel good to us and not what is best for others. I always remember my mentor he said, Rush Decision is Wrong Decision,and so be patient and while waiting you will know step by step what really God wants for us. Now, all i can say is that it is better to trust God than to put confidence in man.
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby tikkasf » Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:23 pm

I am a man living in the United States. Are there any women out there who primarry concern is not how much "help" (money) they can get from me. I am due to meet a women in Quezon City in 4 weeks and since I have known her, endless ways to get me to send her "help" without directly asking me most of the time. Is everybody in the Philippines "on the game"?
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby crisipicada » Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:21 am

tikkasf wrote:I am a man living in the United States. Are there any women out there who primarry concern is not how much "help" (money) they can get from me. I am due to meet a women in Quezon City in 4 weeks and since I have known her, endless ways to get me to send her "help" without directly asking me most of the time. Is everybody in the Philippines "on the game"?

I feel so sorry about the girl that you are going to visit here in the Philippines. Keep a positive heart that in the right time and in the right place and right person, will come along. As to the saying says, "There is no mistake, Only Lesson".Not all Filipina are only after for money but there are some who has a good heart looking for the right man for them. So from now on be positive and keep on posting.
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby stan2nz » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:22 pm

Hello, im new to this site so just trying to understand
I was looking for a female penfriend to exchange emails ect
regards Stan
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby tom » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:25 am

tikkasf wrote:I am a man living in the United States. Are there any women out there who primarry concern is not how much "help" (money) they can get from me. I am due to meet a women in Quezon City in 4 weeks and since I have known her, endless ways to get me to send her "help" without directly asking me most of the time. Is everybody in the Philippines "on the game"?
dear t, i, too, have had similar experiences (at other sites).... at first, i couldn't understand why women who SEEMED so interested in me suddenly stopped writing to me... until i realized it always seemed to happen right after i didn't offer to send money in response to their stories telling me how poor they are, or how they can't finish college until someone helps with their tuition, etc. .... or, it also happened, right after i tell them i am retired and living on a small retirement pension... or, it also happens immediately after i tell them my parents are still living at ages 90 and 82.... i thought maybe they would be happy for me that my kind and gentle christian parents are still living... but, i guess, IF they are thinking "matandang, mayaman, madaling, mamatay" then maybe the idea of having to wait until i am 90 or older for their "inheritance" just isn't worth the wait, in their minds.... (i can ALMOST understand why they are that way... because it is normal for women to want some financial provision from their husbands -1tim. 5:8)... but, there is one thing i don't understand ... IF THE WOMAN IN QUEZON CITY IS AS YOU DESCRIBE HER, WHY? WHY? WHY? WOULD YOU GO TO MEET HER? :?: :shock: :? :? :?
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby tikkasf » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:47 pm

I did not plan to meet her in the begining. She is 31 yrs old and I am 25 yrs older. I was hoping just to mentor her and help her change her life. She was a cam girl. That was the only work she could find and she was trying to support her mother. At my insistance, she has quit that line of work and I am supporting her now. She will look for work work after my trip. Why find a job now, if I want her to spend all her time with me when I visit. I have always believed she was not a bad girl, but was around bad people and learned how to be "on the game". She is telling me she loves me now and I care for her a lot. Some of the things I have bought her, she did not ask or hint for. She may be spending some of my support on other family members, beside her mother....that may be why she runs short of money before next support payment. Yes, in the beginning it was mostly about how much "help" I could give her and when I pressed her on that issue earlier in our relationship, she was honest and stated my "help" was the priority for her, but she had also stated that she liked me. We now chat online almost daily, exchange letters and cards, exchange text msg and talk 3 or 4 times a week on the phone. just sometimes she goes back to the hint for money game and I get frustrated....that why I posted here....i was frustrated
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Re: how to attract foreign man

Postby crisipicada » Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:20 am

tikkasf wrote:I did not plan to meet her in the begining. She is 31 yrs old and I am 25 yrs older. I was hoping just to mentor her and help her change her life. She was a cam girl. That was the only work she could find and she was trying to support her mother. At my insistance, she has quit that line of work and I am supporting her now. She will look for work work after my trip. Why find a job now, if I want her to spend all her time with me when I visit. I have always believed she was not a bad girl, but was around bad people and learned how to be "on the game". She is telling me she loves me now and I care for her a lot. Some of the things I have bought her, she did not ask or hint for. She may be spending some of my support on other family members, beside her mother....that may be why she runs short of money before next support payment. Yes, in the beginning it was mostly about how much "help" I could give her and when I pressed her on that issue earlier in our relationship, she was honest and stated my "help" was the priority for her, but she had also stated that she liked me. We now chat online almost daily, exchange letters and cards, exchange text msg and talk 3 or 4 times a week on the phone. just sometimes she goes back to the hint for money game and I get frustrated....that why I posted here....i was frustrated

Remember, there is no mistakes or failures only lessons, so be positive. There are lots of women there who are honest and true and pure in their motive.
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