How Can I Decide?

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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:42 pm

Indecision is a difficult thing for some people. I am plagued with it. I am better than I used to be, but some times because I can't figure out what to do, or how to do something perfect I will not do anything at all. My Dad used to say to me, "We are going to do something even if it is wrong!" I have gradually come to adopt that motto, because you might as well do something even if it is wrong. There is nothing worse when something needs to be done, than doing nothing. Back when I was flying small single engine aircraft for a short period of time, Carol said she would not fly with me, because she was afraid if the engine stalled I would crash while I was trying to figure out what to do. Well, she was just afraid to fly. I did have my instructor shut the engine down several times in flight, then he would ask me what I was going to do. Once I made a decision to glide miles back to the runway, and he told me later that he didn't think I would make it, but I did! When he shut the engine down, there was an airstrip right below me, and was not aware of it. He expected me to circle down, then land, but I surprised him, in that I didn't do what he expected, and also that I made it all the way back to the airport without the engine running! Do something even if it is wrong, but do something! :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:58 am

To be honest, I seldom have the tendency to have a changeable mind. I knew it even my mother notice that. She also read my hand writing and she said, I change my hand writing when I write that means I am a changeable mind person. Sometimes, my yes will turn No and my No turn to yes. And also my mom said, I am sometimes carried away by my emotion and that is very true. That is why I really need someone's idea and guidance to give me advice. So hard to make decision.

For me, to really rely on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit is important.
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:19 am

The Bible says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways, so I think it is good to be single minded. I had a Bible College instructor, who came back after the summer break with his arm in a cast. When telling what happened, he said that this person signaled to turn one way, and then exercised her woman's perrogative to change her mind and turned the other way, and he was on the sided that she moved over to, sideswiping him. Well, I think woman take a bad rap, because men change their minds also.

I am the same way as you are Crisi, in that I have a hard time making a decision, and I try to get other people to help me know which way to decide. All of us, I think, get carried away with emotions, sometimes, and that is natural. We all who are living have emotions, only some people supress theirs. Just like you, Crisi, if I get bad advice, then I shy away from that person for my next decision. The word of God and the Holy Spirit is important for guidance! :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:18 pm

Sometimes, we really make a chart and write what we really we are wanted but what if God wants you to do this and do that. What if God wants you to marry to someone who you are not attracted to? What if God wants you to marry the opposite you want someone?

ALl i can say is that, be submissive to God's will and I still believe all will work out with you both married couple.
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:01 pm

Yes, being submissive to God's will is always the best, and He will help things to work out. Sometimes we make the chart and the schedule, but God needs to be included in our chart and our schedule, and realize that God is more important than our chart or our schedule. Sometimes I think God wants to interrup what we have planned so that He can have His way! :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:52 am

Many of us plan our lives, we figure out things to achieve them, we desire things to have in the future, even getting married is on the list.

But the truth is, no one knows what the future holds. NO one knows what would be tomorrow, how things will go and we have no control to it.

So how can I decide?

I learned that, it is important to know to gain wisdom, not human wisdom but wisdom from God. How things is in the view of God? How will I know? The word of God, the Bible, is the mind of God. Thus, it is important to saturate our minds and hearts with His word. What is his view with getting married? What is his view about relationship now?

Many people, rich and poor, intelligent and dull, good looking or not, but fail in their lives. They give their lives in destruction because of wrong choices in their decisions and plans in life. Do we want that life that would give us heartaches and pains? Do we like to live a life that is heading in wrong path seems it is right in human perspective?

How can I decide? It is important to seek wisdom, as the book of Proverbs say, wisdom is waiting for those who are willing to seek her. Gain wisdom, for wisdom is better than all the jewels we can desire. It is life, in his right is riches and honor and in his left is life (Proverbs).

Who do not want wisdom? Of course everyone would want to gain it. Do not close your mind or heart that you do not desire it because it is there waiting for us. :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:56 am

Yes, our decisions are very important, because they are choices that we make that will take us in the right direction or in the wrong direction. God is concerned about us even when we make wrong choices, and He wants to direct our paths back in the right direction. After wrong choices are made we often have consequences. We may turn our lives around to doing what is right, but often times the effects of what we have done follow us for a while. God helps us to over come our past as we trust and follow Him! :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:03 pm

Sometimes, just be still and know that God is there, and do not act anything if there is bad situation is what I am doing. So hard to rush into decisions out of emotion and never think it first, it will always wrong. It always need divine intervention. This is what I believe
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:21 am

You are right, be still and know that God is there. Look for divine wisdom in making decisions. Sometimes waiting to act is good, until having direction from the Lord! "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread," is an old saying that means don't rush in and do the wrong things. Have a sense of God's presence, and that helps a lot! :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:28 pm

I do believe that many of us has difficulty in making decisions in life especially things that would affect our present and future.

Just like what i have heard last two day, If he will tell where she lives, she will lose her job. If she will lie, she will save her good-paying job.

What she is trying to say is that, she is in the two stones beside her. She can hardly decide whether to please God by telling the truth, if not, sin against people and God.

In this situation, i can relate to it. I was not able to get a permanent job while working in the city hall before. Maybe it was not God's plan and also i did not compromise. I know I lost my job before but God give me greater responsibility now and having a lot of designations. Sometimes, we need to choose the right one, whether it cost us living, but behind that, God will reward us more greater than we realize. It pays to trust the Lord. :D
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