Well, in the Philippines it is 2 p.m. on a Sunday. Most of you who attend church have gotten home, had Sunday dinner, and you are having a nice afternoon visit, or rest. I trust church was wonderful for you this morning! When I was a little boy we always went to church in the morning, came home, had our Sunday dinner, and Mom and Dad had a nice afternoon sleep. We kids amused ourselves on our own for the afternoon however our fancy suited us. When I was little our church also had a Sunday evening church service, so off to church we went again. We had a good time meeting with our other little friends at church also. We would play with them before and after church. We definately did no work on Sunday, unless there was some kind of great emergency, and it had to be almost life or death before we would work on Sunday. My parents believe in that from the command of the Bible. My Dad also believed that we and any of our animals that we worked needed a break once a week to recuperate, so that we could all be refreshed and ready to work for another week. My Dad worked horses when I was little and before I was born, and he said that if you didn't give them a day off once a week, eventually they would get so they couldn't work. They had to have that day of rest, and it is important for all of us. It is important to obey God's command of keeping God's Day, but also to have a day of rest. While I was digging in my cellar, I was so happy to have Sunday to be able to attend church, and rest for the day! There was no way I was going to dig on Sunday so that I could get finished sooner!