"The way to a woman's heart is.......... ?"

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Re: "The way to a woman's heart is.......... ?"

Postby Edwin » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:48 am

I think you are right, Red, about the way to a man's heart being through the stomach! Just made me a green pea salad with diced cheese and you have me! Or make me any kind of fruit pie! Peach pie is my favorite, and then apple pie holds a close second. Of course I like all the pies. One person said he only liked two kinds of pies; hot pies and cold pies! I like any kinds of salads with everything in them. I like beans, green and dry, baked or boiled. I like apple, fruit, and jello salads also. Actually there are not many foods that I don't like! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: "The way to a woman's heart is.......... ?"

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:24 am

Edwin wrote:
crisipicada wrote:undevided attention, care, love, smile, comfort, anything that meet woman's emotional need first of all.

Since I am not a woman my comments on this has to be second hand, but I think undivided attention is important, because everyone want to be paid attention to! Everyone wants to be loved and cared for! Smiling, laughing, and being happy is healthy! Everyone needs to be comforted, and at times this need is greater than at other times. Meeting the woman's emotional needs if very important. As we give with no thought of getting a return, those things are returned to us. We sacrifice for the other person, and then they sacrifice for us, and it is a win-win situation. Everyone benefits! :D :D :D :D

For me, one thing that really hate is that someone who do not have word of honor. My heart is so sad when someone would say this and that after all it is not real or wont happen. I am quite the person who really do things as much as I can. Just like my brother, I always advise him that he must do that he has said to the person, or if he promise someone to meet with at that time, then he must do it. What i am trying to say is be a man of word. Because if you do not do what you say, then it is heart breaking to the offender. At this point, the heart of the person is saddened.
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Re: "The way to a woman's heart is.......... ?"

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:59 pm

When I was young and growing up I heard people complain that you just can't take people for their word anymore. I was told that at one time people would make an agreement, shake hands on the deal, and those people would live up to their word. I am sure it has gotten worse in the years that I have lived as an adult. It is difficult for me to understand people like that because I will not go back on my word. When I give my word it is good. I think many people are not like that. I have learned that from renting out houses to other people. They even sign contracts, and it doesn't mean a whole lot! In the one house three out of five of my renters were not good for their word. Two of them damaged the house, and left without paying me what they owed. After studying it a while I decided not to take them to court, but to just take my losses and move on. The other was the granddaughter of a respected business person in the community, and so I thought I could depend on her, but she left owing me also. I really let her take advantage of me because of who she was, and thinking that I could depend on her. The other house I had one renter who tried to get me to pay the deposit back to them before they had finished their obligations and cleaned the house! They did fairly well by me, except for taking a screen for a storm door either to the dump or to one of their other places. The other person who rented that house seemed promising. She had an emergency situation, and I worked with her, and she made good, but the next time she stopped paying I thought she would make good again, but she didn't. I am too embarrassed to write here the amount of money that I lost to all these people. I would say from my experience that there are a lot of dishonest people that will take advantage of you if you allow them to do that. I have good people in my houses now! One renter the county sheriff found for me, because he was tired of being neighbor to all my loser renter, so he found a good one, and they are very good people. I moved our youngest daughter into the other house, and she and her daughter are doing wonderfully, and I am very happy with them.

It is important to keep your word, and do what you say you will do. If you say you will meet someone at a certain time, then do that, or call before and let them know that you can't make it. If you say you will pay, then be sure to pay. It has to do with being responsible. If we do not keep our word we will end up hurting someone, and we will get a reputation for being unreliable. The Bible has a quite a bit to say abvout keeping your word. If you make a vow, then you must keep your vow. God wants us to keep our word that we have given. It is better not to give our word, than to give our word and then not make good on it. We need to keep our promises! :D :D :D :D
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