by mystic » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:05 am
I think it depends a lot on the environment in which u live.
Living in a western atheist world, just mentioning the word "God" lets the people aroud you turn on a red flag. And some just take advantage of you because they know that you have good principles and will not refuse to lend your hand. This can go so far to destroy one's life. So I learned that it is better to live one's spirituality silently and hiddenly, and just show ur good attitudes selflessly, without expecting something in return.
I'm writing these considerations from the land of the Roman Church, and I can say that there is more atheism here than in the US, despite is seems a non sense.
However, I would never forsake the faith and the special relationship with God. Yes, it brings peace, leads one's life. But it still makes you feel like a foreigner in your own country. I don't know if there are others who think like this here. It's my first post, and I was glad to find a place where to share some ideas with people that actually have some faith.
Sorry if it deviates a little from the original post. Just to stay on topic, I can say that from my past experiences I only found girls that had no interest in God. And it always turned as a main issue, bringing conflict. The persons who do not understand the need for God, soon or later will judge us as not thinking about them, wasting our time in unuseful things and thoughts, being "strange" or dangerous because mentally instable (i.e. we believe in imaginary things, on which they have no control), etc. So it directly affects a relation, because it lets the trust fall. However, I believe in general that men are more tolerant than women. A western atheist man will be more prone to accept a religious filipina, but a western atheist woman will hardly accept any God-fearing man. I hope nobody feels offended... it's just my opinion contributed to the thread, which comes from my general experience.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)