Top reasons why women are unfaithful

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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:05 am

That name did come to me but I was not sure enough of it to write it down, but you are correct; that was their last name. If I remember correctly that was prominently on the news for a while. I think everyone heard that story for a while. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:43 am

I do not think so if the woman will be unfaithful to the person whom he loved and then she love the person too.

In marriage, the one would be faithful as much as they are committed to each other. That means they have the same view of marriage, they believe that marriage must be forever, and that it is for a life time. And also they must be committed to grow and take care of their relationship.

In many situation, I believe that it is the man who is not faithful to women. I do not want to be bias about this. Why, because I have seen a lot of marriage in our barrio that the man is the one who is unfaithful. The man might have their own reason, but all i can say is that it is not a valid reason to commit adultery since we are in a Christian community.

That is why, there are lots of marriage today that say, "well I guess our marriage did not work, then we must divorced" and the worst thing is that even they are not yet divorce, both men and women are looking for partner even they are not yet divorced. Can you imagine how bad the society today? Okay, I can say that because I have seen that in our place. The worst thing is that, women and the children are the most affected persons due to divorce of the parents. Do you want that? That is why I do not believe that someone would say, well you can marry to many times as much as you can until you find the right one. Hey! Wake up,that is not Christianity. That is selfishness. That is why, it is my prayer to marry someone who is committed to the Lord and really committed to marriage because I do not want heart ache which I have experience that already having broken heart.

of course it is my desire that the man God will give me will love to go to church because I need someone who is mature and be submissive to the pastor God will give us.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:37 pm

I do know that in our country both men and women are unfaithful to each other. I think in my family, friends, and relatives, more of the men have been unfaithful than the women. Another thing that struck me about this is that our society says that there are reasons why people are unfaithful, but I think it would be more honest to say there are excuses. People wanting to stray will find ideas why it is legitimate for them to do so. This is the same as people saying they have reason to view pornography. They will blame the weaknesses of their marriage partners for the reasons they are commiting sexual sins. The fact of the matter is that they are drawn away because they are lusting, and that results in them commiting sexual sins, whether we call it adultery or fornication, or whatever. So my idea is that if someone is prone to wander where that person does not belong, he or she will find and excuse to do that, and will call it a reason.

Having the same view of marriage is important, and having an understanding about what they expect from marriage and the marriage partner is important also. Men and women do look for another when they are not even divorced. Some of them think of themselves as already being divorced even though they are still married. Then those people start looking for somone else while they are still married, and when they find someone else, bang, bang, there goes the divorce! There is a lot of selfishness involved here, and Jesus said that the people were hard hearted. They don't care about each other, their family, their relatives, their friends, their marriage partner, or their children, and yes the husband or the wife that have been left and the children are the ones who suffer, and in more cases that I am aware of it is the woman who is left with the children, and they are in a bad situation. The sad part of this whole thing is that now it is happening a lot with people who attend church, and think they are Christians. You are correct, Crisi, this is not Christianity, but it is selfishness. We are supposed to put the needs and the welfare of others above our own. That means if we have to suffer, we suffer, but we do what is right before God! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby BigBlastGuy » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:28 pm

[quote="crisipicada"]I do not think so if the woman will be unfaithful to the person whom he loved and then she love the person too.

In marriage, the one would be faithful as much as they are committed to each other. That means they have the same view of marriage, they believe that marriage must be forever, and that it is for a life time. And also they must be committed to grow and take care of their relationship.

In many situation, I believe that it is the man who is not faithful to women. I do not want to be bias about this. Why, because I have seen a lot of marriage in our barrio that the man is the one who is unfaithful. The man might have their own reason, but all i can say is that it is not a valid reason to commit adultery since we are in a Christian community.

That is why, there are lots of marriage today that say, "well I guess our marriage did not work, then we must divorced" and the worst thing is that even they are not yet divorce, both men and women are looking for partner even they are not yet divorced. Can you imagine how bad the society today? Okay, I can say that because I have seen that in our place. The worst thing is that, women and the children are the most affected persons due to divorce of the parents. Do you want that? That is why I do not believe that someone would say, well you can marry to many times as much as you can until you find the right one. Hey! Wake up,that is not Christianity. That is selfishness. That is why, it is my prayer to marry someone who is committed to the Lord and really committed to marriage because I do not want heart ache which I have experience that already having broken heart.

"I have seen a lot of marriage in our barrio that the man is the one who is unfaithful. .......The worst thing is that, women and the children are the most affected persons due to divorce of the parents."

Crisi what you said may be true in your culture but it certainly is not true in many western cultures. Maybe if you want to find a western man, which I assume is the reason you are on JadeRune, you may like to understand what western men experience? Western men are tired of being blamed for all marriage problems.

In the USA about 75% of divorces are sought by women. Biggest reason for women seeking divorce is they "feel" different about their husband, they do not "love" their husband. It is not about their husband cheating or running around, these women just do not "feel" good. Then the man must leave his home, lose his children and also pay to support his children and his ex-wife or he will be sent to jail. His ex-wife then may move her boyfriend into the home. Research studies in the USA show that almost as many wives cheat as do husbands.

AND in the situation you described in your barrio of a married man being unfaithful, the married man is obviously cheating with a WOMAN who almost certainly knows he is married.

So consider looking at these situations honestly, stop blaming men and realize women cause 50% of the problems in marriage.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:48 pm

In this whole situation there are the facts and figures. If you would do a study, then you could figure out how many women were unfaithful to men, and then how many men were unfaithful to women. In my circle of family, friends, and relatives more men have been unfaithful to women than the other way around.

Another part of this whole scenerio is personal involvement. If you are a woman you may think that more men are unfaithful, and if you are a man you may think that more women are unfaithful, and that may or may not be true, but it is your impression because of who you are.

Another part of this is personal experience. If you are a woman and a man has been unfaithful to you, you might see, or think of all men as being unfaithful to women. If you are a man and a woman has been unfaithful to you, then you might see all women as being unfaithful to men. This is a natural tendency to be biased, and I think it happens.

I do know of one case that brings this out. A certain man was holloring and yelling about his wife being unfaithful to him. But, it so turned out that we talked with one of his girl friends who gave testimony that the guy was unfaithful to his wife with her, but he wasn't telling that side of the story! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:21 pm

Only the people in a marriage really know what happens behind closed doors in a marriage, maybe the man caused the problems maybe the woman caused the problems, maybe both did. But this propaganda that men cause more problems than women and men cheat more than women is ridiculous just not true and the so called christian community tends to spout that nonsense. That's because they cater to their core customers, women who like to hear that nonsense. Women tend to give churches more money so the churches and pastors repeat that nonsense to keep the women happy and giving money.

Women cause just as many problems and cheat almost as much as men do. For every man cheating he is cheating with a woman and she almost always knows he is married. I have been single man for quite a few years and I know based on my own experience that about 50% of married women do cheat, right there in the bed she shares with her husband in the house he is off working to pay for.

So marriage problems and cheating are about 50-50 men and women. Stop blaming men.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:30 pm

By the way here is an interesting fact. With improvements and availability in dna / genetic testing, current paternity testing in the USA shows that 15-20% of children are NOT the biological children of the man the woman is married to. And since statistically a woman has sex multiple times before conceiving it's obvious there are lots of women having lots of sex with men that are not their husbands.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby crisipicada » Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:29 am

BigBlastGuy wrote:By the way here is an interesting fact. With improvements and availability in dna / genetic testing, current paternity testing in the USA shows that 15-20% of children are NOT the biological children of the man the woman is married to. And since statistically a woman has sex multiple times before conceiving it's obvious there are lots of women having lots of sex with men that are not their husbands.

Actually, I do not want to argue with here, guys. That is why, both the woman and man must be genuine and true and to truly honest. Sometimes, it is hard to trust anymore when the woman is true to the man while dating then she found out that he is not faithful and date a lot and say "I love you" to many woman. That is scammer. Or vice versa.

So, for me since I belong to a family that always encourage to be obedient what the word of God says, then at least I know my stand now. I do not want to cheat my man if in case I will get married. I do not want stress, really. It is devastating.

So, both my talk and really be true and no hidden agenda. We must live by principle, no by preference.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby BigBlastGuy » Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:35 pm

crisipicada wrote:
BigBlastGuy wrote:By the way here is an interesting fact. With improvements and availability in dna / genetic testing, current paternity testing in the USA shows that 15-20% of children are NOT the biological children of the man the woman is married to. And since statistically a woman has sex multiple times before conceiving it's obvious there are lots of women having lots of sex with men that are not their husbands.

Actually, I do not want to argue with here, guys. That is why, both the woman and man must be genuine and true and to truly honest. Sometimes, it is hard to trust anymore when the woman is true to the man while dating then she found out that he is not faithful and date a lot and say "I love you" to many woman. That is scammer. Or vice versa.

So, for me since I belong to a family that always encourage to be obedient what the word of God says, then at least I know my stand now. I do not want to cheat my man if in case I will get married. I do not want stress, really. It is devastating.

So, both my talk and really be true and no hidden agenda. We must live by principle, no by preference.

Crisi, I do not argue, I state the truth: Men and women are equally responsible for problems in relationships and marriage.

Good that you intend to keep commitments and not just act on your feelings.

Meeting and interacting with someone online is not dating. Anybody on the internet can say or pretend to be anyone.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:24 pm

Yes, Crisi, both the man and the woman need to be true and genuine, and then it is a happy deal! It is hard to trust when you have had bad experiences with someone saying "I love you," to you and to a number of other young ladies!

You are blessed, Crisi, to belong to a family that does encourage living by the word of God! The old saying goes, "if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything," and that is pretty much true. It is good that you take a stand. So, being true and having no hidden agenda is very commendable! Living by principles rather than preference is the best way! :D :D :D :D
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