Home Alone

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Home Alone

Postby Edwin » Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:12 pm

I am going to see if I can get a little sympathy here? Well, that's a joke; I don't need any sympathy. Carol went to a Spinning/knitting, whatever else you want to do with yarn few days away with some other of her friends from where we used to live. I am glad that she can go and have fun, but I will also be glad when she gets back, which is tomorrow. Wednesday I took her down to meet these people. We picked up our daughter and granddaughter from town to ride along with us, and with me on the return trip as far as town anyway. I have done okay, but being alone is getting old. I am not a good alone guy; I don't like it. If I were to find myself alone, I would definately work not to be alone any longer than necessary.

I have my routine. I get up in the morning, drink my water, wash my face, shave, and clean up. I then feed both doggies, after which I cook oatmeal with raisins in it. I have that down; I get it started, boil the water, put the raisins and oatmeal in, then turn the burner off, and let it cook while I do other things. I then play the piano, or get on here and play on the internet. I eat my oatmeal with a little bit of milk in it. Today it was warm, 5 degrees Celcius, even though the wind was blowing. I went for my walk with the doggies this morning about 11:30 a.m., and got back a little after 1:30 p.m. It was a good walk, and the doggies walked right along. The German Pincher chases birds until he is completely tired. I then opened a can of black beans, put them on the stove, and let them warm up on medium setting. I ate my beans, cut an apple, gave the core to the bird, and ate my apple. I then poured a large glass of milk, and I decided I had better eat some of the cookies that I was given for a Christmas present. I had already eaten all the candy out of the tub, so I finished eating the cookies, all except the ginger cookies, and they will be for some time later, and I won't get in a hurry about eating them. The last few days I have been eating some chocolate chip cookies that my daughter in town gave to me. She gave them to be because they were burned on the bottom, and she knows that I don't mind eating burned cookies, although I have heard that the burned char can cause cancer, but I have been eating burned cookies for a long time. For supper each night I have been eating peanut butter, honey, and drinking milk. I only use one bowl, one medium sized revere ware kittle, and two spoons,and then I continually wash them clean. I have them soaking in water until I am ready to eat, then I just wash them quickly, in that way I don't have a lot of dirty dishes that need washing. I keep my milk glass in the refrigerator, and never wash it, but Carol does wash it after it has been there longer than she wants it to be.

I will go down the hill in the morning, one hour eaerly because of daylight savings time, and then I will go to church with our daughter adn granddaughter, after which we will go meet these people about an hour's drive away, then bring Carol home, and I won't be alone any more until the next time she does one of these things which is in May, I think? I don't like the feel of the house when I am alone, but it is almost over with, and I am okay. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Home Alone

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:38 pm

I think when I wrote about Carol's train ride I alluded to the fact that I was alone almost a month including the short spinning/knitting outting she went on. That is the longest time Carol and I have ever been separated in the 44 years we have been married! While Carol was gone I worked so hard digging in my cellar, and so I didn't have time to think about how lonely I was. Well, I survived that quite well, and I was no worse for the experience. I do not enjoy being alone, but it doesn't harm me either. Tonight and tomorrow until tomorrow night I will be alone, without Carol anyway. I left her in town, as she needs to help our youngest daughter and her kids, and I have to be here at home to work with my son-in-law on the cellar wall construction. We are now getting ready to pour the concrete for the footing, and then we will start laying blocks. I will go back down to town tomorrow evening and get Carol and bring her home. Then the next day we go to a funeral for a fellow pastor whom we have known for many years. We went to his wife's funeral a couple of years ago. That happens when you start getting older, then a lot of the people you know die. Then Wednesday Carol will go with our daughter here and my neice to Spokane to look for material. Carol is mainly going along for the ride, and she will have fun, and be tired out when she gets back. :D :D
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Re: Home Alone

Postby crisipicada » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:24 pm

I cannot imagine living alone. I cannot survive living alone. I am use to be surrounded with my family members. I mean, I should have had someone when staying alone. I am scared or got bored when no body to talk with. That is why, I must go home when there is no work so that I can have boding time with my mother and younger brother.

I cannot imagine many western people stayed alone in their houses. Is it depressing to stay alone in the house? Do you get bored too when no one is with you especially guys? Your comment is appreciated.
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Re: Home Alone

Postby Edwin » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:59 pm

Yes, Crisi, I have never enjoyed being alone. I have been alone for short periods of time while Carol and the kids were off doing something else, somewhere else, but I did not enjoy that. Since the kids are grown and gone, there are times that Carol has gone somewhere to do something, and I could not go with her. I live through it because I know Carol is enjoying doing what she is doing else where, but I don't like it. This past summer is the time that Carol was gone two different places back to back, and I was lone longer than I have ever been since we have been married. I was very busy working all the hours that I could stand, so being alone was not has hard on me as it might have been, but I was still glad to have Carol return!

People are not supposed to have to be alone, and that is why for most of us it is not fun. There are a few people, I guess, who enjoy being alone, but I am not one of them! God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so he made the woman. It is not good for the woman to be alone either, so she needs the man, and they need each other. If I found myself alone I would be seeking the Lord to help me find someone so that I would not have to be alone! :D :D
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Re: Home Alone

Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:59 pm

crisipicada wrote:I cannot imagine living alone. I cannot survive living alone. I am use to be surrounded with my family members. I mean, I should have had someone when staying alone. I am scared or got bored when no body to talk with. That is why, I must go home when there is no work so that I can have boding time with my mother and younger brother.

I cannot imagine many western people stayed alone in their houses. Is it depressing to stay alone in the house? Do you get bored too when no one is with you especially guys? Your comment is appreciated.

No not bored. Alone time is good. Men are either leaders or followers. Followers need someone around like a leader or mother or boss or wife to tell them what to do. Leaders are out front sometimes alone, moving forward getting things done. Men who are leaders enjoy and need time alone because they get tired of all the followers always talking and asking the leader what to do.

For example look at the life of Jesus. A great leader who sometimes got worn out from all the followers. Jesus liked people but he wanted to be alone sometimes.

I will suggest that most women make a big mistake and marry a follower type guy because he likes to sit and talk to them and make them feel good. But those women usually regret their decision because they really need to have respect for a man and they naturally admire and respect leader type men. The bible says a woman is to respect her husband and who does anyone find easier to respect? A leader. And a leader type man likes to spend time alone.
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Re: Home Alone

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:39 am

One of my son-in-laws is a person who used to need to be alone at times. I don't think he is as much that way anymore, as I think he has matured and grown out of that. But, he used to need to have our daughter leave for a few days so that he could be alone. It is hard for me to understand because I need to have people around me and with me. I like to tell them stories, most of them true, and ask questions as well as doing stupid things to get a reaction. Not everyone appreciates my sense of humor. My Dad had the same kind of humor, and my older brother as well, only I think my older brother was crazier with his humor than my Dad was, whose humor was more subdued, but it was there. He would say things to get a reaction out of my Mom, and he was usually successful! Our youngest daughter has the same sense of humor, and not everyone appreciates it. One of our twins told me that the youngest daughter has my sense of humor, and she was not intending to compliment either one of us. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Home Alone

Postby Edwin » Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:06 pm

Well, I am home alone again! This morning I took Carol down to our youngest daughter's place to take care of their animals while they are gone to California. I ran around town with our daughter and granddaughter while she took care of some business before leaving town. I came back home early enough so that I could walk with the doggies before it got too late, but then I got busy taking care of some things here, and I ended up almost as late as ever. The doggies walked right along, and so did I, and we could still see alright when we returned from walking. Carol is only about an hour away, and I can call her on the phone when I need to do that, as well as driving down there once in a while. I will probably go down on Friday for a while, and then I will go down Sunday to go to church, and spend the day afterwhich I will come back home. :D :D
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Re: Home Alone

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:18 pm

I am home alone! Did I say that already! :lol: That reminds me of that movie, "Home Alone." I watched it in 1989 when I was teaching school. One of the teachers whose place I was taking left that move for the kids to watch. I think we rented it, or borrowed it from the library also and watched it. It was crazy funny, but Carol figured it was over the top. She didn't like the little kid being so mean. He had all kinds of tricks figured out to protect himself.

Well, I don't have to protect myself as I don't think I am in any danger. I am just doing my own thing with no one to argue with me. Oh, how I wish someone were here to argue with me!!!! I am okay though, just feeling sorry for myselt! You all know how that is. I play the piano for a while, then I write here on the forum, or I go read stuff on visa journey, which is kind of fun for me. I learn things I don't even need to know! Part of it too is that I am dreaming of going to the Philippines again! I don't know when that will happen, but when it does I will be very happy as I love the Philippines and the people there. When people read romance novels they put themselves in the novel, and dream that they are having the experiences, and that is kind of what I am doing, only I don't know that some of it will ever be a reality for me, but it doesn't hurt to dream. Do you want to dream with me? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Home Alone

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:26 pm

Well, I am home alone again. Did I already say that? :lol: :lol: That reminds me of that movie, "Home Alone." A teacher whose place I was taking in 1989 had me show that movie to the kids. I think we rented it or borrowed it from the library also. It was crazy funny over the top. Carol didn't like it because she thought the kid was too mean. He was protecting himself from intruders. I think I am safe, not needing that kind of protection, but I am doing my own thing with no one to argue with me! Oh, how I wish someone were here to argue with me! I am okay though. I am playing the piano and writing here. Then I am also reading visa journey, which is kind of fun for me. People who read romance novels put themselves in the place of the people in the novels, and that is kind of what I am doing, dreaming of going to the Philippines again, as I had a wonderful time when I went in 2010. I love the Philippines and its people. Many of those experience in visa journey will probably never be mine, but it doesn't hurt to dream! Do you want to dream with me? :D :D
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Re: Home Alone

Postby crisipicada » Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:59 am

I am afraid to be alone, I must admit that. I will get a lot of depression to be alone that is why I need someone to be with wherever I go.

i use to be body body system. that means, you must have someone to be with. I learn that while I was in the training. so it is also good that someone will be with you at least not getting bored.
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