Fun Gatherings

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Fun Gatherings

Postby Edwin » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:46 am

We have several fun gatherings each year that we attend, normally, although sometimes we miss some of them for various reasons. We just attended the Okanogan Country Fair, and that was lots of fun with a lot to see, do, enjoy, and eat, especially the icecream to support our Omak Fire Department! Next, there is a dinner and business meeting for the Electrical Coop that we belong to, as that is how we get our electricity. Once a years they put on a dinner that is very good, and cheaper than you could buy groceries and eat at home, so why not; it is a lot of fun. Then they have door prizes at the meeting, and that is fun too! I got the gasoline tank on my van/car filled year before last. Last year I won a bird house! Most of the people who attend are Native American Indians, as those of mostly the people who live near us, this being an Indian Reservation. It is a fun time, and I think about it all year, and it will happen in about a month from now, actually a little less! Carol and I missed the first one, but we have attended 2 of them now! Then our church puts on a Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas dinner for whoever wants to come, and I really enjoy eating and visiting with everyone! Just after the New Year's Holiday one of our neighbors who is one of the Fire Chiefs for our area puts on a turkey and pork bar b q, and then everyone who comes brings a little food to put on the table. We eat and visit, and then after that they have a short meeting about the Fire District, and that is all fun. For Easter our church got the use of the Performing Arts Center, and had one church service with everyone attending. They had a little food there as well, and have enjoyed that at least for two years, 2 times now! In the month of April, there is one of the local churches, the Pentecostal Church of God that puts on a spaghetti feed and dessert auction. Those people from that church really get the music into high gear. They have a bunch of guitar players and singers, and they are nearly professional, and it is worth the little amount of money they ask for the spaghetti feed. We never buy any of their deserts because even though it is for a good cause, we can't afford the prices they pay! But it is a fun evening anyway listening to all that wonderful music! We had a picnic with our neighbors Memorial Day Weekend, and then we had our Mom's relatives reunion on that weekend also, and that is always lots of fun.

I guess you can tell that I love to eat, attend functions, and visit. I think I would make a good filipino; What do you think? :D :D
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