Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby red » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:10 am

Soda or pop is great contributor for diabetis. Have lots of it nowadays. I dont buy it during groceries. I buy apple or cranberry raspberry juice. It is healthy for the whole family. I maintain green tea which cleanses the colon and burn fats. Big difference now i feel light on my tummy and makes body slimmer.
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby red » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:10 am

Soda or pop is great contributor for diabetis. Have lots of it nowadays. I dont buy it during groceries. I buy apple or cranberry raspberry juice. It is healthy for the whole family. I maintain green tea which cleanses the colon and burn fats. Big difference now i feel light on my tummy and makes body slimmer.
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby red » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:10 am

Soda or pop is great contributor for diabetis. Have lots of it nowadays. I dont buy it during groceries. I buy apple or cranberry raspberry juice. It is healthy for the whole family. I maintain green tea which cleanses the colon and burn fats. Big difference now i feel light on my tummy and makes body slimmer.
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby Edwin » Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:16 pm

I went to get a root canal on the upper right, next to the last tooth, or 2nd tooth, the dentist calls it tooth number 2. Number one tooth left my body in about 1989 or so. I thought this root canal dentist was painless, but, boy was I wrong! It hurt worse than most for a while, but the pain was manageable; thobbing a little with my heart beats, and a little numbness along with the pain. But, the worst of it only last a few hours, and then I slept good last night, so I don't know whether I had any pain or not, and I am fine now this morning. I had the work done from 12 noon until, I think it was about 1:45 p.m. Then I went to two 2nd hand stores. I went back to the one where I saw the slow cooker, since Carol says ours is no good. Well, its, gone, someone else wanted it too, I guess. Then I went to another antique store, and I found 4 church hymn/song books. The lady at the counter told me that every so often they get together in someone's home, and they sing the old hymns. She is not happy either about the churches discontinuing singing the old hymns. There is nothing wrong with songs like "There is Power in the Bood," "Amazing Grace," "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood," "Look to the Lamb of God," "Tell it to Jesus," "Close to Thee," "At the Cross," "The Love of God," and we should be singing some of those songs as well!

Anyway I went to where we usually buy groceries, and where Carol gets her medications to eat because you can eat there cheaper than any other place! I think they offer such cheap food to get people into their establishment, and then those people buy some things. It is Costco which is a membership wholesale food place, but they give Carol free prescription medication insurance, so her medications don't cost as much there as elsewhere. Anyway I ordered and ate a Polish Hot Dog, huge, huge, with lots of relish and a drink for $1.62 cents, and in some places you have to pay more than that for a cup of coffee. Afterwards I went through the store, just enjoying myself. Carol wasn't with me so I bought nothing except my food to eat. Then they had a full size suzukie piano on display inviting people to play it if they wanted. So I sat down at it and played a few tunes, and it was fun, but I am partial to the acoustic, mechanical wooden pianos! Normally I would keep coming back refilling my pop contianer, but after the second one, I threw my cup away telling myself not to drink any more of that harmful stuff!! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby purex » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:59 am

I also observed that If I drink soda or any pop, it makes me dehydrate. That is why I try not to drink it as much as possible. It is not good for the bones, too. I do not want to be diabetic, too. Because it complicates when you have a diabetics
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby Edwin » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:16 pm

You are right, purex, you do not want to become a diabetic. Carol is a diabetic, and because of that she has all kinds of problems. It is not fun to be a diabetic! You are right, purex, about pop dehydrating you, because it does not. Coffee does the same thing, but maybe not to the extent that pop does, I'm not sure. I am with you, purex, in that I try not to drink it as well. :D :D
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby red » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:25 am

I have a habit of drinking ginger tea nowadays. Its good for hair growth and removes gas on your belly. Lots of health benefits. We stay away from coke now esp my girls become addicted to it. Not good. It isnt healthy too.
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby Edwin » Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:44 pm

That ginger tea sounds good! I drink water, milk, and orange juice, but I do drink a can or two of rootbeer when I am with our youngest daughter, but I know it is not good. I drink milk a lot there to as she is a heavy milk drinker like I am! Growing hair and removing gas is all good! Too bad we couldn't funnel that gas into the cars, huh? :lol: That is part of the problem, Red, is that stuff is addictive. Carol is hooked, and we all try to tell her it is not good for her, but she will not listen. :(
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby mystic » Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:40 am

I think the biggest danger of all those pos/soda drinks is from what they put in. There is one ingredient, orthophosphoric acid, which is one of the most aggressive acids. Coke is the one that contains most of it. Indeed, there is the legend that, if you put a steak in coke for 1-2 days, it will liquify. You can imagine what it does in your stomach! But indeed, it is just a legend (i.e. not true). The steak will only partially liquify.
Anyways, acid drinks (even the bubbles of the soda drinks, which are carbonic acid) acidify the body and cause a lot of consequences (it eats the calcium of the bones, makes a person more nervous, etc.). One's diet should be mostly alkaline, not acid. But as with everything, one can put it go a good use. There are circumstances where it can help (bad digestion, bowels regulation, etc.).
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Re: Dangers of Drinking Diet Pop/Soda

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:34 pm

You are correct, mysic, about what they put in the pop being the bad things. You listed some bad things that are in pop. The carbonic acid damaging the bones and the nervous system. Smiley mentioned the amount of sugar they put in the pop that caused unhealthy weight gain of fat tissue. Then for the diet pops they put in ingredients that are more harmful to you body than sugar. I don't drink pop on a regular basis, but when I am at our youngest daughter's house, I do drink it some. Carol, my wife, noticed that there is aspertane in the pop that she has for me to drink, so no more of that for me. I think our daughter was a little put out at my wife for telling me that, but I don't want to put that stuff in my body, so I said, "No thank you!," but I was nice about it, and I don't think she will offer me any more of that pop! There are so many things to eat and drink that builds your body rather than tearing it down, so it makes good sense to drink water and good beverages that are healthy, and to eat things that will make for good health! :D :D
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