Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:52 pm

Yes, Crisi, I think it is in Proverbs that it says that it is better to dwell or live in the corner of a house top than to live with a brawling woman, and that goes for a man as well. To live with someone who would mistreat, beat, and yell, humiliating you would be the worst. I can't even imagine it! I agree with you, Crisi, the mother is the mother, and she might not be perfect, but she deserves love and respect. All of us should love and respect our parents no matter what they are like, because after all they helped us to become adults. It is a natural desire to be married and have a family, and that is God's desire for us also. To have someone who is godly, a committed Christian, loves to attend church, and listen to the word of God is the best. With that kind of a person loving you, you will be happy and treated right. You are wise to be concerned and careful, and single rather than to be with someone who will mistreat you. You deserve to be respected, loved, and treated with kindness! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:45 am

Edwin wrote:Yes, Crisi, I think it is in Proverbs that it says that it is better to dwell or live in the corner of a house top than to live with a brawling woman, and that goes for a man as well. To live with someone who would mistreat, beat, and yell, humiliating you would be the worst. I can't even imagine it! I agree with you, Crisi, the mother is the mother, and she might not be perfect, but she deserves love and respect. All of us should love and respect our parents no matter what they are like, because after all they helped us to become adults. It is a natural desire to be married and have a family, and that is God's desire for us also. To have someone who is godly, a committed Christian, loves to attend church, and listen to the word of God is the best. With that kind of a person loving you, you will be happy and treated right. You are wise to be concerned and careful, and single rather than to be with someone who will mistreat you. You deserve to be respected, loved, and treated with kindness! :D :D :D :D

To be honest, I am afraid to marry someone who will beat me or hit me. I have so much pain with my late father. he was so strict and I was living in fear. I do not want that anymore.

It is my desire and prayer that God will give me a husband who is loving, caring, understanding and most of all always comfort me and give me assurance that he will always love me and only me. I must admit, I am sometimes possessive. I know that we all wanted attention and love and care from someone who we love, therefore it is normal.

How about you guys, are you possessive too?
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby Edwin » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:38 am

Yes, Crisi, everyone deserves to be treated right. They deserve to be loved and cared for. People are supposed to have hearts of flesh, and not hearts of stone. God promises to take our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. God does not want anyone to be hard hearted and abusive. He wants us to be loving and kind with hearts of forgiveness and love for each other. We do need comfort from each other to make life happy and secure. It is okay to be possessive. When you marry someone you belong to them, and they belong to you. Not everyone sees it that way, but that is Bible teaching. So as a married woman you husband belongs to you, and as a married man your wife belongs to you. Part of the marriage vows read, "Keep thee only unto him/her, so long as ye both shall live." So possessive is okay. I think in this country feminist people object to thinking that a man would own a woman! But that is okay, as long as the man treats the woman as he would want to be treated. :D :D
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:16 pm

crisipicada wrote:
Edwin wrote:Yes, Crisi, I think it is in Proverbs that it says that it is better to dwell or live in the corner of a house top than to live with a brawling woman, and that goes for a man as well. To live with someone who would mistreat, beat, and yell, humiliating you would be the worst. I can't even imagine it! I agree with you, Crisi, the mother is the mother, and she might not be perfect, but she deserves love and respect. All of us should love and respect our parents no matter what they are like, because after all they helped us to become adults. It is a natural desire to be married and have a family, and that is God's desire for us also. To have someone who is godly, a committed Christian, loves to attend church, and listen to the word of God is the best. With that kind of a person loving you, you will be happy and treated right. You are wise to be concerned and careful, and single rather than to be with someone who will mistreat you. You deserve to be respected, loved, and treated with kindness! :D :D :D :D

To be honest, I am afraid to marry someone who will beat me or hit me. I have so much pain with my late father. he was so strict and I was living in fear. I do not want that anymore.

It is my desire and prayer that God will give me a husband who is loving, caring, understanding and most of all always comfort me and give me assurance that he will always love me and only me. I must admit, I am sometimes possessive. I know that we all wanted attention and love and care from someone who we love, therefore it is normal.

How about you guys, are you possessive too?

No. Not possessive. To me being possessive implies lack of trust. I can not be with someone I do not trust. If I have no trust, we are done.
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:02 am

BBG different words have different meanings for various people. Whether being possessive is a good thing or a bad thing depends on what you mean when you use the word possessive. There was a time in my life when I was at home with my parents and my older brother and his family. I had use of anything that belonged to my older brother as long as I didn't try to steal something, or misuse something. He was very good to me, and just like the best father you can imagine. He is nine years and one month older than I. I think of him as being 10 years older, but he is actually about 9 years older. He went to school a full year early for his age, and that is partially why I think of him as being 10 years older, and he was 10 years ahead of me in school. Then I had my own parents, and anything and everything they had was mine. They were never like, don't take that, or don't use that. Before I went to school I drove nails in every board I could find practicing, and I even bloodied my thumb nail, missing the nail I was supposed to hit. I put a board on my knee, took a hand saw, sawed the board, and kept right on sawing on my knee, ruining my pants, and making a good sawed cut just above my knee! I was not possessive because I had everything at my disposal. But when I got married, I began to accumulate things, and now I am possessive. My things mean something to me, even if they are pieces of junk! If your husband or your wife mean anything to you, then you are possessive, and it is a good thing, not a bad thing. The Bible teaches us that the wife belongs to the husband, and the husband belongs to the wife. He has power over her body, and she has power over his body. Some people would not want to hear me say that I own my wife, but I do, and in every good marriage the wife owns the husband. They own each other. This does not imply that it is his or her right to abuse the other person. The Bible say that we are to treat our marriage partner as we would want to be treated, and the Bible also says that "No man ever hated his own flesh." So, you are to treat the other person like you would want to be treated, and that is with love and respect. Jealousy is some what like being possessive. It is a good thing, but it can become an awful thing. God is a jealous God. He wants us for himself, and for no one else, or nothing else. Just as God is jealous for His people we are to be jealous for our husband or our wife. Now if that jealousy drives us to beat our husband or wife, then that jealousy has gone too far, and it can. If I beat the daylights out of my wife becasue I think she looked at another man, then I am in the wrong. But if I want my wife to be only mine, then that jealousy is good. :D :D
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby BigBlastGuy » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:18 pm

Edwin. We have different beliefs. I am confident with mine. To me being possessive implies lack of trust. I can not be with someone I do not trust. If I have no trust, we are done. I am not interested in changing anyone else's opinion on this issue , just replying to Crisi's question.

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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:23 pm

God wants to give good gifts to His children. We are his children. He wants to give us someone who will love, cherish, honor,and treat us with kindness and love. "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for bread will give him a stone\?" If he asks for a fish will you give him a serpent? God is willing to give His good gifts to His children, and He will not give them something bad. So, seeking divine wisdom and guidance from God is the best. Trust in the Lord is the best, and he will give His protection, if we ask Him. :D :D
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:30 pm

Even if you do not trust someone, or maybe you are in doubt, then still there is relationship in between of you. What I mean is that, you can still love someone even if you do not trust him or her.

For instance, she or he has friends, but actually he or she loves you. And then you concluded that you do not trust him or her anymore. That is not good. I mean, it is better to talk to him or her, asking him or her what he or she is planning, then if there is a possibility that you will really interested to build a long life marriage? Those are things to consider.

What if you got married, and then you do not trust your wife or husband anymore, that it means it needs to end up the marriage and end up divorced? Don't you think it is good? Why not talk over it, do everything to recover or gain your trust to each other? Sometimes, it needs to think all over again rather than making conclusion or ending up relationship.

As as have said, relationship base on feelings only end up as much as feelings ends.

Is your relationship right now founded only with feelings? What if it is gone? What can you do? Is that means to end it? Is there something better than this?

Give your opinion over here, please and it is highly appreciated. :D
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby Smiley » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:28 pm

I have a very low opinion of divorce in general but I do recognize its necessity.Believe me ,when I finally agreed to the divorce all other options had been eliminated.
A successful relationship simply takes two people devoted to each other and to the relationship.Trust and communication both play a big role as well.A successful relationship takes a certain amount of work from both parties.Long term success is not an accident,it has to be important enough to you that you are both willing to make it happen and keep it happening. ;)
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Re: Would You Marry Again If You Had the Chance?

Postby red » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:36 pm

Smiley wrote:I have a very low opinion of divorce in general but I do recognize its necessity.Believe me ,when I finally agreed to the divorce all other options had been eliminated.
A successful relationship simply takes two people devoted to each other and to the relationship.Trust and communication both play a big role as well.A successful relationship takes a certain amount of work from both parties.Long term success is not an accident,it has to be important enough to you that you are both willing to make it happen and keep it happening. ;)

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