What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:16 am

Thanks for all the fire exercise repelling pictures. That is really neat that you can do that, and it is a great service to your community and country. You look like you are having fun in those pictures, and that is wonderful that you can enjoy what you are doing. It is really great that they have learning exercises, because there is nothing to compare with knowing what you are doing in an emergency situation! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:27 pm

You are right, Sir Edwin. Lately we have had a lot of calamities here in Valencia City. The basic training that we undergo will help us personally in case of emergency cases. Also, we can extend help to others if there will be calamities and also we need to share to other people especially to those calamity prone area especially in the barrio that is near to mountains wherein there is always landslide and flooding.

I am happy for this at least I can be a blessing to others just in case maybe. It needs a continuous practice since it can be easily be forgotten due to a lot of things to remember.

Now, I really appreciate how important skill could be rather than theory. Application is very important, because knowledge without application can be useless. Of course knowledge is important. But knowledge with application is more important.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:09 pm

Yes, Crisi, the application of your knowledge in practical actual doing it gives you confidence also. You might be able to do it if you had the knowledge but had never done it, but having practiced it makes you feel that you can do it.

In our elementary school reading books for the little kids, they always have stories of fire fighters rescuing someone's cat that can't come down out of the tree! Have you seen those in your books for little kids? They have other stories about fire fighters for little kids to read, but that is the one that made an impression on me!

The book of Hebrews brings out that in the spiritual information we need constantly to be reminded so that we will not forget what is important for our spiritual lives. God doesn't want us to forget Him and His things, and it is so easy to do and that is why the book of Hebrews gives those warnings.

When you help people when they are in their calamities they love you! That is very important, and then I think it feels good for you to know you are helping people as well! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:27 pm

This is what will my day be like tomorrow! Well, I have a pretty good idea about some of it. I will get up fairly early in the morning, and get my chores around here done. I will take my doggie, Rand, down the hill, and leave him with Carol, because he told me that he didn't want to be left alone that many hours! The other big doggie, Scooby, will be fine as he will be in his back yard with his dug out to help him stay cool, and his large house. After I drop Rand off with Carol, I will drive to Wenatchee, Washington where I will have a root canal on one of my wisdom teeth. I am not looking forward to that, but this guy has never hurt me, and I haven't even hurt that badly after it was finished, different from some root canals I had years ago which were really painful for about four hours. Then I will go to a second hand store and look for a croc pot, electric slow cooker for Carol. I saw one the last time I was down there, but I thought that her croc slow cooker pot was fine, but she tells me that it is cracked and won't last long! I may look for another church song/hymn book as well. I may look at a bunch of other stuff just for fun. It is always fun to look. It should be a good day, except for the cost of my root canal, and that will hurt worse than the pain of having it done, but I will be okay, and I will survive! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:10 am

Today, I am not feeling well, I got cold and fever. This is due to the climate change. While in the morning, it is very hot and in the afternoon, the rain is so heavy.

I cannot stay in a cold places also especially when there is aircondition. Last Monday, my other officemate got cold, and maybe I get this from her. :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:43 am

I am sorry, Crisi, that you are not feeling well. Yes, climate changes do affect us. We often catch things that other people have as well. Airconditioning may feel good, but it is not good for you. When you go out in the heat, then you go back into the airconditioning that sends your body into shock. I do not like airconditioning, and we do not have it in our house. We do use fans as the heat really bothers Carol. We also keep airconditioning working in the car, and I think that is good, because all the metal and glass in the car allows it to get far too hot. Many poor dogs have died inside cars because their owners did not understand this. It is so dry here, and has been so hot that we have had trouble with lightening struck fires lately, but soon it will rain on us, and that will be a blessing for us. Send us some of your rain, Crisi! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:12 pm

It has been getting cooler at night around here and we have been getting a fair bit of rain.It makes me sad to see summer end,it feels like it just started.Winter shouldn`t be too bad I`m hoping to spend most of it in the Philippines! I will be turning 60 this winter although I certainly don`t feel it and I`ve been told that I don`t look it or act it (not sure what that means :oops: )
Im hoping to be able to spend at least 6-10 weeks touring around looking for likely places to put down some new roots. If things go well I should be able to make a longer trip a little later in the year.
Over the last year and a half or so I have been trying to replace at least part of my income marketing online.My rationale is that it would be nice to have a steady income that I could maintain anywhere in the world.In spite of several false starts and many wrong turns it looks like I just might be able to make this plan work.Last week my service provider got hacked and a lot of people found their websites down,me included.Then for some unexplained reason my whole neighborhood lost DSL internet for way too long.It looks like I have a reliable signal again finally so now I can start my damage control.Hopefully by the end of the weekend I can have everything straightened out again.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:52 pm

I hope that all works out for you, Smiley, and that would be great and wonderful. You are still young enough to do those things and enjoy? I like you feel young, but I'm not sure about looking young, and I take no medications for anything. If it were not for a threating prostate gland trouble, everything would be perfect. In November I will have another PSA test evaluated, and if it is down, I am alright, but if not the doctor will want to do another prostate biopsy, and I don't like that idea, but we will see.

Yesterday my daughter and son-in-law came from 3 hours away after they got off work. When they got here, they got in and I got in with my other son-in-law, and we went down the hill a lot faster than I would have driven! On the way down the hill they talked about what plumbing parts we would need to plumb the entire house for running water, and our daughter took notes. We got there about 30 minutes before closing time, and they picked up parts fast, fast, fast! We then came home, went to bed, and got up this morning, going to work on the house. My son-in-law from out of town got under the house and went to work on the water plumbing. The other son-in-law had to work, but when he got home from work, he pitched in and helped also. My daughter and I helped our son-in-law doing his work. My daughter helped me tear a sink and cabinet out of the bathroom. Then we put a sink in, hung it on the wall, that I got from the place where we worked several years ago. Holes need to be cut through the floor, and water and drain pipes need to be connected, but we are well on our way. Everything in Carol's bathroom is hooked up for water, but we haven't hooked to the pressure tank, pump, and hot water heater yet, so we still have water to the kitchen sink and dishwasher, and that is all. I can still use my toilet, but I can't use my bathroom sink yet, but I will have to brush my teeth and shave at the kitchen sink, which will work for a while. I have to repair deteriorated floor in my bathroom where it looks like the toilet is ready to fall through the floor. Then I am going to put a second layer, floor on, but that won't be done right away. We are now getting closer. He is pretty well finished with Carol's bathroom, then the kitchen, then the utility room, and then my bathroom with tub, toilet and sink to be hooked up shortly, as well as the foor being repaired! We will get there! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby M.Runca » Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:49 am

That was some interesting stuff here on jaderune.com Thanks for posting it.. wish you luck
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:23 pm

Sunday is the day that my son visits with me.He is 21 and he is a good looking young man. He has got to be at least 6'6" in his socks(if he would ever stand up straight) :lol: . Nathan does not speak at all.He can be very charming in his own way though.He lives in a group home with 3 other autistic young adults.
Today the weather was fairly cool with a hint of rain.We stayed inside most of the day and just kinda hung out.He likes helping in the kitchen and loves going for walks. I did take him for a short walk down towards the river so he could see the ships and we stopped so that he could have a slice of pizza which is probably his favorite thing.
Now that he has gone back I`m back online trying to fix the mess caused by the hacker attack on my web host last week,things are starting to look quite a bit better.
That was my day. . . . . . . . . .
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