Do you have good relationship? How is it?

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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:55 pm

Yes, it is good to be kind and generous, and you are right Crisi, that it is sad to have someone take advantage of you. Motivating someone for good is a good thing! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:04 pm

Edwin wrote:Yes, it is good to be kind and generous, and you are right Crisi, that it is sad to have someone take advantage of you. Motivating someone for good is a good thing! :D :D :D :D

It is hard to hide what is in your heart. When your heart is full of anger, it will really show in your actions, right? I have experience that.

If your heart is full of inspiration, it will show in your face that you are happy and inspired.

When your heart is full of sadness and problems, there are times that you cannot bear it any more and it will reflect in your life.

The contents of our hearts will show our actions.

How is your actions today? Is your heart in good condition to respond today's challenge? The content of your hearts will also affects our relationship!

How is your heart today?
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:58 pm

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. First there are thoughts, and those thoughts are expressed in words. Those words become actions. Out of the heart are the issues of life. Taking care of our hearts is important to allow God to take our hearts of stone, and give us hearts of flesh. Create in me O God a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. God can take care of our hearts as we allow Him to do that. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:59 am

13. Do you trust God and have the courage to obey His will? Is your relationship headed to the wrong direction? Do you obey what God says and what he wants or we are just making things and decisions based on our knowledge and understanding. Sometimes, truth hurts, just like medicine or injection, but it can cure us. Trust God in all you do and we will never lose if we choose to.

In many times in my life that I have difficulty trusting God especially in terms of love life. I do believe that many of us consider the things that we can see and not really what God wants us to be with someone. How can we fully trust God for our love life if we are always bothered with so many things that we can see and touch rather than considering the inner person of the man? For man is looking in the outside appearance of the man but God is looking the inside of the person. :arrow:
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:22 pm

People do judge by what they see and hear. They judge according to the outward appearances, but God does see the heart of the person. Often times there is more to a person than what we see. If we could see as God sees that would help. :D :D
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby m&m » Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:55 am

What is important is to please God in our lives. Trying to please people is one thing that will end up wrong or disappointment.

When we please God, no matter what people would say , we can still have peace at heart. While pleasing people sometimes will end up misinterpret by them
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby mystic » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:05 am

I think it depends a lot on the environment in which u live.

Living in a western atheist world, just mentioning the word "God" lets the people aroud you turn on a red flag. And some just take advantage of you because they know that you have good principles and will not refuse to lend your hand. This can go so far to destroy one's life. So I learned that it is better to live one's spirituality silently and hiddenly, and just show ur good attitudes selflessly, without expecting something in return.
I'm writing these considerations from the land of the Roman Church, and I can say that there is more atheism here than in the US, despite is seems a non sense.

However, I would never forsake the faith and the special relationship with God. Yes, it brings peace, leads one's life. But it still makes you feel like a foreigner in your own country. I don't know if there are others who think like this here. It's my first post, and I was glad to find a place where to share some ideas with people that actually have some faith.

Sorry if it deviates a little from the original post. Just to stay on topic, I can say that from my past experiences I only found girls that had no interest in God. And it always turned as a main issue, bringing conflict. The persons who do not understand the need for God, soon or later will judge us as not thinking about them, wasting our time in unuseful things and thoughts, being "strange" or dangerous because mentally instable (i.e. we believe in imaginary things, on which they have no control), etc. So it directly affects a relation, because it lets the trust fall. However, I believe in general that men are more tolerant than women. A western atheist man will be more prone to accept a religious filipina, but a western atheist woman will hardly accept any God-fearing man. I hope nobody feels offended... it's just my opinion contributed to the thread, which comes from my general experience.
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:16 pm

Actually if you try to please people you will be in trouble from the very beginning, because you can't please all the people all the time. You do one thing, or think one thing, you will make some people happy, and you will make other people mad at you! If you try only to please God you will be true to yourself, and you will do the best for everyone involved. So, only try to please God, and you are right, Crisi, you will have peace in your heart, and God will take care of you. He will fight your battles for you! :D :D
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby mystic » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:41 am

Ed, very well said!!! I have to stamp this in my heart, "do not try to please all people all the time, but only please God".

But one question: the Christian model is to help others all the time selflessly (even if they are doing bad against you). Doesn't that mean to please the people? I mean as a form of attitude, being always available, smiley, supportive, etc.
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Re: Do you have good relationship? How is it?

Postby crisipicada » Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:25 am

There are times that I am not in the mood. There is a reason why. One of the reasons is that when I have had a bad relationship with my brother who is not good in communication, then i feel bad. Also, I worries about my mother of being high blood pressure, it affects my day, too. But now, I try to give all to God because He will take care of it. If I worry, nothing will make better but it makes me bad.. So better trust the Lord. I should...
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