EPAL Anyone?

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EPAL Anyone?

Postby Davidambro » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:10 am

I am a 60 yrs. old man, living in the USA and interested in epaling someone or several someone(s). No solicitors please. Only people no bots...
I am divorced and supporting my handicapped son. I am really not looking for a romantic encounter. I don't want any naughty chatters/epalers. Just normal people willing to exchange views. I was thinking about moving to the PI but my son moved in with me and put a dent in that plan. I don't get around that much anymore, used to fish and camp but I have too many ailments that keep me at home. Now I read, watch tv and videos, play video games and read the news on the internet. I used to love to read. Up untill now and till I change things I am being seen for my medical problems at the Veterans Administration Medical Center but services have become shabby lately and I am going to be going back to private healthcare. I think it will be Blue Cross this time. I have to have cataract surgery done and the doctor I saw at the VAMC spooked me. Open season for former federal employees is this coming November. Funny thing, I had hoped to be living in Manila and hire someone to clean the house, cook etc. and help me manage my medicines. I know lots of people go there for a girlfriend or for sex but diabetes has taken that away, even if it didn't, it is a bad idea to go there for that in my opinion. Just would have looked for a normal housekeeper person to help me not anything else. Right now though I have to concentrate on helping my son and that uses up most of my finances. So no trips are planned for a while and maybe ever. I will chat/epal with anyone, any age (any normal person). I am mentioning this, though I know it is a lot of personal information for several reasons, one is if you are not looking for a epal but are looking to sell me something or get banking information from me, save my time and yours and do not bother me. Also if you are looking for a 'sugar daddy' to bring you to the 'states' you can look elsewhere too. But if you are looking for a honest, truthful, friend who will be open with you and who you can be open with about anything, then I am here, drop me a line.
Ok, thank you for your time, and keep in mind that I don't get on this site that often, it may be a couple of weeks before I answer anyone, if anyone actually responds. Thanks again.
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:12 am

Davidambro, I would like to encourage you to get on here and post just like you wrote this one, if you want to. The things you said that you would like to converse about you can do it right here, and other people can respond to what you write, ask you questions, give input to what they think, and I think you would enjoy that. So if you just keep getting on here, you may spark some interest in someone who will want to converse with you on these subjects, or you might just like to participate in this forum, and I think you will find it enjoyable. :D :D
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:26 am

I hope that you will find the right one and being true and honest to you. Just be patient and you will find her in due time. Just be hopeful.
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby Davidambro » Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:54 am

like I said I'm not looking for to find someone. I am only interested in finding a epal.
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby Davidambro » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:25 pm

I know this is a dating site. Despite that I am not looking for dates or marriage right now, as I thought I had explained, thoroughly.
I am sorry if any ladies are upset about this but what good would it do me to pursue someone right now? The health problems I have make intimacy impossible. The fact that I am supporting my handicapped son means I haven't the money to go to the Philippines. Why should I waste anyone's time? Certainly if you feel this is a inappropriate posting let me know and I will ask that it be deleted. I have had pen pals from the Philippines before, women who I met on dating sites who were fine with writing and later with epaling, they got married though and felt it would be best for their marriages that they did not write another man so it was broken off. So I am on the lookout for yet other pals to write. I prefer epals because I pay a internet service and it doesn't cost extra for me to write, regular mail requires stamps, letters, envelopes... Also I do not feel my age. I look my age. I simply don't feel my age when looking at prospects and have written some very young women who felt insulted that someone as old as I am would actually write them looking for marriage...lol. Then there are the women who were older than these and who had college degrees. I wrote them because I felt they would be safer than someone who was needy, after all they had jobs etc... so they weren't looking for me to support them and their families...or to bring them to the states and I had no success with that. Goodness knows my lack of a Phd. meant to them that I am some sort of mental incompetent. So here I am, 60yrs old and though I have my son for company, it is nice to write others and learn about their lives and hopes and dreams. Also it helps to not feel stuck here when I have someone to write. I had no idea it would bother anyone though. So let me know and I will happily remove this ad. Thanks.
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:37 pm

Yes, Davidambro, things can happen and do that change your plans, either for the immediate future, or forever. I enjoyed going to the Philippines very much with friends in 2010. They invited me to go with them last fall, but like you I had things going against me. I had a couple of people renting my houses that did me so badly that they nearly put me in the poor house, so with renters tearing up the houses, and moving out without paying me what they owed me, and moving out right when I want to go to the Philippines there was no way I could do that! Things have turned around for me and are looking much better! My friends will not be returning to the Philippines for a couple or three years until he retires, because going to the Philippines last year was too hard on him with the changing of the time, and then he said airline tickets are getting more expensive all the time. They are on a set 2 week vacation time slot, so they have to buy the tickets for the 2 week period, and that means they pay higher prices for their tickets. I think visiting the Philippines is wonderful, and if you can't visit, at least you can hope and dream! We have had 2 relatives who have lived in the Philippines and loved it. I just met a guy close to my age coming out of the dollar store at my local town who I over heard tell the cashier he was from the Philippines. I followed him to the door talking with him. He lives in Bohol, and he told me that he loves it there. He thinks the weather/temperature is ideal for him! I didn't get to visit with him long enough to learn much, but it was interesting.

As Crisi said, "just be patient and you will find her in due time. Just be hopeful." We do need to find people who are true and honest to us! :D :D
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby wayne208 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:24 am

David .. I am Looking for a nice Lady Here who someday I could met ... I am 61 yrs Old and Divorced . So I am Older then You are David.. I live In California and I have finally gotten enough Love in me To Share with someone ..Listen To Crisi she tells it Like it is .. I am so Looking forward to going to Bohol next Year In June . Have a Great day David :) .. I hope You find the Lady of Your dreams Here . :) Edwin Sorry to Hear about Your Bad Luck .. Hang in their and I hope things start Going Your way :D
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby Davidambro » Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:18 am

Edwin, thank you for your advice. I have been to the PI (Philippine Islands) in the 80's when I was in the USN. I married a filipina there. We are divorced now, she divorced me for another man. We have two children. My daughter hates me due to her mother, but she also hates her mother. I seriously am only interested in a Epal and don't wish to give any filipina false hope, that it could become more than that. Edwin it is good that you are trying to learn as much as you can about the PI but I fear you only hear the good things and none of the bad. There are bad things to look out for there Edwin. You need to insist on finding these out. I had started to tell you here, but this reply was so long that I decided not to. Sorry. Oh and I too had a house I rented out and had the same experience as you had, almost went bankrupt too. I also received a large back pay VA Benefit and because of a mailing I received regarding making millions on the Commodities markets, I lost half of that money. I paid off several bills with the rest but it is all gone now. My son has Cerebral palsy and is 27. He is not treated well by filipino's here. According to him they treat filipino's born in the PI better than they treat people like him. Also Edwin, age is just a number is a lie. Filipinas are fully aware of age differences and this could hurt you if you get a bad one. One bit of advice, get to know the family of the woman you are interested in; if the family is bad, she is likely to be bad too. Every filipino I have ever met has emphasised family, that family is important there. So take heed. To be safe Edwin, make sure you have a friend there and friends who will visit you so that you are not alone and isolated. People who are alone and isolated are taken advantage of, and often harmed. As to the women there, yes sometimes they can seem like angels but there are also devils there to watch out for. A poor filipina would marry a foreigner in the belief that he would support her family and that is where the 'age is just a number' thing may work, but it might not. Yes. Filipina's are not treated well by filipino's there, the culture but if you are more than ten years older than her, you are taking your chances Edwin. So take your time. If she is in a hurry Edwin, look out! There are decent filipina's there but if you go there and think that everyone there is a saint you may be more than just disappointed. Go look up PI and read as much as you can. I think there is a site expatriot.com that you can find information on.
Edwin I appreciate your advice and the lady's but I know what I want. I am 60 years old. I have experience, and no; not all bad experiences. PI can be heaven for someone our age, retiring there, but it also can be hell. As I said the best and safest way is to have friends there, real friends who will look out for you and then your stay there, for however long will be heaven, as you appear to hope. That's all now Edwin, bye for now. Dave
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby Davidambro » Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:34 am

This has been edited by me. I have love in my heart. I simply do not wish to have someone thinking that things will become romantic when I only wish to write. Thanks. Dave
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Re: EPAL Anyone?

Postby crisipicada » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:46 pm

Davidambro wrote:This has been edited by me. I have love in my heart. I simply do not wish to have someone thinking that things will become romantic when I only wish to write. Thanks. Dave

Therefore, you just want someone to be with you and someone to talk with? Am I right of my thinking? I thought you are looking that is why I try to wish you good luck and God bless. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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