Love and money.

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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:07 pm

red wrote:I tell you what i was a bit stupid in love before. I even fell to a man who was once a drug addict and on parole.
Physical and emotional attraction for me is a big deal. Money was not my first criteria. In fact faith to God was on top. I was very picky when it comes to man. I should be in love and enjoy him physically too. :P

"emotional attraction for me is a big deal"

Yes, but where does emotion come from? Emotion is a feeling. What creates a feeling? God gives women a feeling, urge, need (emotion) for men who have resources (money) or the ability to create resources (money). Cave-woman was attracted to cave-man who was a good hunter who brought back food to support her and her children. Today modern-man does not hunt for food, he works for money to buy food, clothes, house etc the woman wants for herself and her children. Women feel emotion (love) for men who can provide resources (money).

All studies show most women want to marry a man of equal or greater resources (money) than she has. Asked to list criteria for mate selection about 95% of women will list money or ability to make money in her top 10. Men will almost never list money as a criteria for selecting a mate. Women do not like to ADMIT that money is a very significant selection criteria because admitting they want a man for resources (money) makes them feel dependent and cheap, like they are selling themselves like a prostitute. What people do, not what they say, is reality. Women may say that they don't chose men for money but reality (facts) prove women DO look for men with money.

Red did you not earlier say that you rejected men on JadeRune who did not want children? So you did not allow yourself to have emotion (love) for a man who did not meet your requirements. You only allowed yourself to feel (love) a man who would provide children and agree to provide for you and children. Providing for you and children is providing resources (money). So money was a VERY important criteria you used when selecting your husband.

People who say money is not a key reason for filipina-american marriage are just kidding themselves. All different aspects of a man except skin color and money can be much easier found in the millions of local filipino men than in the relatively few american men available to a filipina.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:10 am

It is very funny, BigBlastGuy, that you gave this post the title of "Love and money!" The Bible says that money is the root of all evil. We can see a lot of evil tied to money, and it is not so much the money as the love of money. Judas betrayed Jesus for a little money. He carried the bag of money, and he helped himself more than he should have. When Mary annointed Jesus with very expensive perfume, Judas, complained that the money could have been used for the poor, but he said that because he wanted the money, and Jesus said that he didn't care about the poor, but he wanted the money, and he was a theif. Money can become a sin because of a person's greed and love of that money. There is a song that I play every so often on the piano that makes a lot of sense entitled, "Little is much when God is in it." You have to choose whether you will serve God or serve money, and you can't do both. I would like to hear how some of the rest of the people on this forum think about this subject. Are you money hungry, or are there other things in life that are important to you? What drives you and causes you to make the decisions you make? I think there are people who are more noble than to allow money to do this to them. :D :D
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Re: Love and money.

Postby erwin » Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:38 am

It is okay for me if the woman ask me if I can provide for her. I can provide because I love her.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby red » Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:04 am

BBG, My husband is poor we are poor. Go figure.
I think you are making generalization. Sorry if you feel that way. Hard to find a woman who truly loves? Keep your eyes open she might just be in front of you and you just didnt notice her because its not what you love and desire. And if i were for money...i could have married that Aussie Engr rather than my husband now. And why? Because i love my husband and he gladly and proud to say that he met all the most important criterias that i was searching for.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby red » Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:33 am

If man is for love and woman is for money, then no wonder there lots of gays in the world now because its sure thing that feeling love is fairly reciprocated. Ha ha ha ha Somebody said a gay takes care better than a woman. :P
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:15 pm

red wrote:BBG, My husband is poor we are poor. Go figure.
I think you are making generalization. Sorry if you feel that way. Hard to find a woman who truly loves? Keep your eyes open she might just be in front of you and you just didnt notice her because its not what you love and desire. And if i were for money...i could have married that Aussie Engr rather than my husband now. And why? Because i love my husband and he gladly and proud to say that he met all the most important criterias that i was searching for.

Your husband is poor? Poor compared to who? I bet he is much wealthier than most poor men in the Philippines. So he was relatively wealthy when you chose him. And do you support him with money or does he support you and your children with money. Of course we know the answer--he provides you money. So the money he provides was and is an important factor in your relationship.

Feelings and opinions do not change reality. God created woman with a core biological desire to birth and raise children and for that she needs resources. Resources she needs usually come from a man and they especially come from a man when the woman is from a poor country like the Philippines where there are few jobs and no government support programs to provide women with resources. Resources (now known as money) have always been and will always be a major interest to women selecting a mate. That is the reality God created and no one's opinion will change that. A man's ability to provide resources (money) is a major factor when a filipina looks for western man.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:44 pm

I don't thing everyone is money hungry, and I don't think that is the main reason a filipina choosed an American guy. Many of them in their profiles state that they are not after the western guy's money, and I believe them. I think money and love are both equally important to the man and the woman. Both of them need money and they need love. I am glad to have someone love me, and I am also glad to have enough money to get by. We have had it hard a few times in our lives. For a quite a few years we had enough money to keep everything going well. We were not rich, but we had enough for clothing, shelter, transportation, and for food. Then we changed directions in our lives with our employment. I let my job at the sawmill go to do something that didn't work out. We still had enough to get by on. Then while I was teaching during the school year we had enough, but during the summer we got further and further in debt, and we were having trouble paying our bills. Then we went to work in the tourist industry, and we did very well, getting out of debt and paying our bills, with enough money to live and have a good time. Even after we moved where we are now 4 years ago we did well until people renting my houses took advantage of me, and then we had trouble getting enough money to pay the bills and buy groceries. Things have turned around for us lately, and we are doing okay again. We are not getting rich, but we have enough money to do what we need to do, and what more could anyone expect than that? I am presently doing a lot of work on this house which is taking money, but we will survive it, and when it is finished we will be able to put back the money we have been using for house repairs. The Bible says, "With food and rament, be therewith content." As long as we can have enough food to eat, enough good clothes to put on, good shelter, and transportation, what more could we want? :D :D
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Re: Love and money.

Postby wayne208 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:13 pm

Being In Love with a Good Lady is Beyond Great .. It Makes The whole world seem Great .. It Made Me feel so Rich and Happy .. But without God in Her heart as well as Mine the Love is Not Complete or True ..
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Re: Love and money.

Postby crisipicada » Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:54 pm

Do not love the world, neither the things of the world, sayeth the Lord.
FOr the love of the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes are not of the Lord.

Whether you like it or not, man is greedy. He wanted to acquire things, he is not contended of what he has, and always desires more things in life. That is man, no contentment at all.

As the Christian grows in his spiritual life, his outlook in life, change. His desires and priorities change.

He then understand that all things in life are just steward; material things, relationships, family, work, business, everything that he has, named it.

Remember that we brought nothing into this world, and we shall nothing to carry out when we die.

As far as getting married or loving someone, it is not good that you will both marry without any money , not riches, but let us say financial security.

Many in the barrio that get married that they do not even realize how important to have money or finances. They are just carrried with their feelings and later on realize that they do not love each other.

There are many people out there that they are looking for someone who consider to love the Lord in their hearts. To have a Christ centered relationship and not into how they felt of how much money they have. A lot of men and women desire to find a godly man and woman more than money.

That is why, it is not a generalization that women or filipina looking for foreign guys, are just after money at all.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:07 am

"There are many people out there that they are looking for someone who consider to love the Lord in their hearts. To have a Christ centered relationship and not into how they felt of how much money they have. A lot of men and women desire to find a godly man and woman more than money." Quote by Crisi

Crisi, this is the best of the riches that anyone can have when they love the Lord in their hearts, and they find someone else who also loves the Lord in their hearts. God says, "Why do you spend money on things that do not satisfy?" Yes, we all need money, and we "seek God's kingdom first, and then all these things that the gentiles seek after shall be added to you!"

This has to do with priorities. This is like "where your heart is there will your treasure be also!" No good thing will God withhold from those who love Him, and the ones whom He loves. The person who seeks a wife, seeks a good thing, and the same with the person who seeks a husband.

It is true that people should not get married just based on their feelings when they can't make it work financially. But, there is also something to be said for getting married and trusting in God to supply all needs according to His riches. If we do our part, God will do His part, and He will see us through! :D :D
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