I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

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I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby Smiley » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:55 pm

I have just learned that the Philippine government has agreed to a deal with the radical Muslims to give the Muslims autonomous control of a portion of Mindanao.
I have no more details at this time but I suspect that it is likely south of Cotobato.
I really don`t see anything good coming from this.
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:38 am

No, Smiley, that does not sound good. With all the unrest in the world lately, and the conflicts in that part of the Philippines it seems not a good thing to do. It is already, as I understand, a dangerous area for westerners to get in to, and especially Christians and ministers, so that does not sound like a good solution to me, without knowing much about it. I would be interested to know how some of the Philippine's people on this forum think about that? :D :D
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby wayne208 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:12 pm

Smiley and Edwin
This is not good News for a Christian American .. If They { The Muslims} got Part of that Island ?? You know they will try for all Of it .I also wonder How the Philippines feel about this News . I could Not imagine that They are Very Happy with this .. But I could be wrong .. I Never Had any Ideas of Going to Mindanao ..Now I Know I will Never Visit that Island . :?
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby Smiley » Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:34 pm

Mindanao is HUGE!! The area in question for the time being is quite small and somewhat less-travelled by westerners.Most of Mindanao is safe and will likely remain so.
The big problem is: There is not a single Islamic group in power,there are several.They don`t always see eye to eye amongst themselves let alone with the outside world. The area in question is likely the poorest,most ignored area in all of the Philippines and the people there feel like they have been screwed over by the government. This problem has been festering since the 1800`s,things cool down for a bit then something happens to stir up the hornets nest all over again.
The outside agitators do not want peace,there job is to breed hatred and contempt for the infidels.There are a couple Al Queada backed splinter groups based in Indonesia that are active in the Zamboanga area.These idiots will likely do anything in their power to ensure that any attempt at peaceful coexistence will fail.The bloodshed is far from over and most of it will be innocent blood.
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:04 pm

Yes, Smiley, when people hear news like this they think it applies to all of Mindanao, but like you say it involves just a small area. I had this impression also until I learned better. Crisi lives in a safe area of Mindanao, and there are many other safe areas as well. It is good to have a realization of which areas are not safe and avoid them. Of course some people live dangerously and don't get harmed, while other innocent people are kidnapped, killed, and whatever else could happen to them. You are right Smiley, I believe the agitation comes from the outside, as they are stiring people up to have hatred in their heart, just because they are stired up! :D :D
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:31 am

That has been the plan but I believe that it wont happen. A lot of Christian are here. I just do hope that it wont really happen. If it does, it will still go through a lot of trouble until they will be able to convert this as Muslim Country.
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:36 am

Crisi, that is good to hear from you on this subject since you live in the affected area, or in the general area. I am glad that you believe that it won't happen, and I hope and pray with you that it won't happen either. Yes, there are a lot of Christians in that area, and I think it would really be hard to make that work there; impossible I hope! :D :D
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby wayne208 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:36 am

Crisi .. I am Glad You do not think it will happen . And as Edwin said . You live on that Island and have a Better Idea then Us on what is Happening ..I also Hope and Pray it does Not Happen .
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby Edwin » Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:50 am

From being in the Philippines in 2010, and I don't mean that I am an expert, but it seems to be that it makes good sense to have a filipina/filipino with you to keep you safe, and to help you with communication. Some of us westerners are targets, but when we are with people from the Philippines we are better off in a number of ways. Like someone said when in the Philippines you follow me around and pay attention to me. When I am in America I will follow you around and pay attention to you! :D :D
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Re: I wonder how someone actually thought that this would work

Postby Smiley » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:51 pm

A breakaway group has announced that they will not honor the agreement and continue to fight anyway. http://news.yahoo.com/philippines-agrees-landmark-peace-deal-muslim-rebels-050951145.html
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