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Character Types

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:44 am

I love to read the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. It is full of instruction and full of wisdom. If you choose to follow instruction, it helps you not to suffer troubles in life as others have.

As I read my devotional today, I learn a lot about Character Types. Hereunder are the character types that found in the book of Proverbs. This is what I read today.

Proverbs presents several types of characters: the fool, the wicked, the scorner, the sluggard, the wise and the simple.

The Fool. According to Proverbs, foolish people “hate knowledge” (1:22) perhaps because knowledge introduces conflict, discloses faulty thinking and demands evaluation and compliance. In any event, the fool protests, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up!” A fool lacks wisdom (10:21), thinks himself always right (12:15), teaches without understanding (16:22), meddles into other people’s affairs and creates quarrels (20:3), and speaks every thought that comes into his mind (29:11). No wonder Proverbs 26:4 and 5 instruct, “Answer not a fool according to his folly {i.e., in the same manner}, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly { i.e., in the same manner }, lest he be wise in his own conceit.”

The wicked.
The term wicked in Proverbs refers to the unbeliever. The sacrifices of the wicked are abominations to the Lord (21:27); the Lord is “far from the wicked “ (Proverbs 15:29); and in the end, the wicked “shall be cut off” (2:22). Wicked people devise evil imaginations (6:18), bear the fruit of sin (10:32), live deceitfully (11:18), and ultimately bring destruction on themselves (11;5).

The Scorner. Proverbs also discusses the scorner, or scoffer, who mocks others because of his pride. He enjoys criticizing others (1:22). Although the scorner loves to criticize others, he cannot take criticism himself, and he refuses to accept it (9:8). These verses imply that the scorner gives inappropriate criticism, but can’t take even constructive criticism! I’ve often found that characteristic to be true. On the other hand, individuals I know who are slow to criticize others seem to take criticism extremely well. How we respond to criticism is a matter of our spiritual wisdom and maturity.
Hostility characterizes scorners (Proverbs 15:10-13). They often bottle up their anger and then let it out in the form of inordinate cynicism and caustic criticism. Ironically, the scorner needs correction (19:29). He also cause strife and division (22:10;29:8); and the Bible call him “an abomination to men” (24:7-9).

The Wise. Proverbs focuses on the wise and on moving toward wisdom. The wise person knows the Lord and walks accordingly (1:7). He possesses understanding (16:21) and walks prudently (14:15b). He accepts correction, and therefore, grows in discernment (19:25). His words are accurate, tender and carefully chosen (15:1,2) . He can, therefore, give godly guidance and direction (16:21-24).

The Sluggard. The book of Proverbs also traces the sluggard, or “Mr. Lazybones.” He is the person who suffers from a bad case of “voluntary inertia”! According to God’s Word, he has no care for future needs (6:6-11), is not a self-starter (21:25) and lets little things hinder his work (20:4). He day dreams without doing anything (13:4, does not face challenges (26:13,14) and seldom finishes what he starts (26:15).

The Simple. . The marks of the simple-minded individual are quite different from either the fool or the wicked. Proverbs reveals the simple-minded to be complacent or self-satisfied (1;22). In other words, he lacks motivation to learn. He has no understanding and lacks insight (9:4). As a result, he is easily manipulated and easily deceived in what he thinks (14:15). In addition, because he is so simple-minded, he lacks foresight (22:3).

Gary L. Hauck

From above, how do we view our character according to the types of character being described above? Do we have something to change and do our best to be better? Are we willing to learn wisdom in life and be wise? The choice starts now and it makes a lot of difference if you choose too. :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Character Types

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:41 am

For Review
Match the characteristic traits whit its description.

a. Fool b. the wicked c. the simple d. the scorner e. the sluggard f. the wise.

1. Speaks perversely
2. Lives deceitfully
3. Hates knowledge
4. Is complacent and self-satisfied
5. Possesses understanding
6. Mocks at others
7. Teaches without understanding
8. Criticizes others
9. Brings destruction upon himself
10. Meddles into other’s business
11. Accepts corrections
12. Lacks motivation to learn
13. Is hostile
14. Lacks foresight
15. Is easily manipulated and lead astray
16. Can’t take criticism
17. Chooses his words carefully
18. Does not care about the future
19. Let’s things hinder his work
20. Walks prudently

Answer the following questions.
1. Does any of the characteristics in numbers one through 20 describe you?

2. What will you do to change if you need to do so?
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Re: Character Types

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:00 am

The wicked Speaks perversely
The wicked Lives deceitfully
The fool Hates knowledge
The simple Is complacent and self-satisfied
The wise Possesses understanding
The scorner Mocks at others
The fool Teaches without understanding
The scorner Criticizes others
The wicked Brings destruction upon himself
The fool Meddles into other’s business
The wise Accepts corrections
The simple Lacks motivation to learn
The scorner Is hostile
The simple Lacks foresight
The simple Is easily manipulated and lead astray
The scorner Can’t take criticism
The wise Chooses his words carefully
The sluggard Does not care about the future
The sluggard Let’s things hinder his work
The wise Walks prudently
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Re: Character Types

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:32 am

I would use the word "simpleton" or "gullible" rather than "simple". Simple can also mean pure of heart...

Ummmm... let me think.
I am not fool, but I can pretend in my prayers to hear the voice of the Lord.
I am not wicked, but I can strike God's enemies.
I am not a scorner, ... definitely.
I am not a sluggard, but I respect resting time.
I am not wise, because I would be a fool if I thought that.
I am not simple, but I like to keep my heart simple and pure.

However, wisdom is my sister and prudence my friend.

Any missing categories? :D
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Re: Character Types

Postby wayne208 » Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:16 pm

Mystic.. I could Not Have answered The Question any Better Myself.. :)
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Re: Character Types

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:43 pm

Crisi, that is a lot of information on character types from the book of Proverbs. The wise is the only positve character type there, so none of us wants to fit into any of the other character types. I think it is a challenge to be wise and not fit the other negative character types. The fool and the simple are opposites of the wise. The wicked, the scorner, and the sluggard fit in another category. It would be bad to fit the category of the fool or the simple, but there is something evil about the wicked and the scorner. The sluggard fits into a category almost like the fool and the simple, and it would not be good to be a sluggard.

God gives wisdom, and if we have wisdom we will probably be the opposite from the other negative character types. If we lack wisdom we are to ask it from God, who gives to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, or in other words will not chew you out, or criticize you while giving you wisdom. The sluggard moves very slowly, doesn't want to do anything, and procrastinates. I am retired so I don't have to do much, but I keep busy doing something all the time, and I only get the sleep that I need. Sometimes I hate to do some of the things that I need to do, but once it get started I hate to stop also. Some times I put in long hours, but usually since retiring, I put in a few hours, and I work really hard, in fact usually too hard. The project I finished August 7th, I worked harder on that project than I have worked on anything in my life. I still have to work to get things accomplished, but the hard work is finished, and the necessity to work hard every day. I have so many things that need to be done that I feel overwhelmed, but I just need to tackle them one at a time. Add to the list; last night the wind blew so hard that it blew some of our roofing off our house, and now I need to get some roofing shingles, get up there on the roof and tack them down before it rains again! :D :D
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Re: Character Types

Postby mystic » Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:34 am

Indeed, there is a type that is not in the Bible. The Chasidic movement coined a new word to describe it, and it has no translation in other languages. I'm not sure when they coined this term, but I think it is in 1600-1700.

So, the term is "Benoni". The distinguish between the Tzaddik (righteous one), or Chakam (wise one), from the Benoni, which represents a sort of "middle man".

They say that a person, in order to be righteous or completely wise, must be perfect and never allow any flaw. But this degree of perfection is impossible for man. So, they use the word Beoni to refer to the person who strives and makes his best to become righteous and wise, but is on the way and still has his share of mistakes. We can say that most are so. Who can say that he is completely wise or righteous in the eyes of the Lord?
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Re: Character Types

Postby Edwin » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:18 pm

Yes, mystic, there are none righteous, no not one. We have all sinned, and gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. I have heard that there are people who believe that sinless perfection is possible in this life, but I don't believe it is. We are always striving, forever making our mistakes, and repenting, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. We will know sinless perfection when we cross to the other side and are forever with the Lord! :D :D
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Re: Character Types

Postby crisipicada » Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:33 am

This also reminds me to always take hid instructions. If you neglect instructions (godly one), life always be in trouble.
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Re: Character Types

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:49 pm

Yes, Crisi, it always pays to take heed to instructions, and especially godly instructions, and that will save us a lot of trouble! This reminds me, and I can't remember which education subject does it, but one of the disciplines categorizes different body types as well. It has been a long time since I read about it, but some of them are fat/overweight, slim, slim and tall, and I can't remember the others. The fat people are supposed to be good natured and easy going. So they put personality types with body types as well. When I was studying my nutrition class they had body types in it, and the pear shaped people were healthier than the apple shaped people. Whether you are pear shaped or apple shaped has to do with the way fat is distributed in your body. Apple shaped people are more likely to have health problems according to the information. I'm not sure that is true, but that is what the nutrition study says. When I was growing up I was so skinny that the kids at school made fun of me. I was Knapp bones, and the other skinny kid was Shaw bones!

Crisi, the character types from Proverbs that you mentioned from Proverbs do fit a lot of people. Some of them we have control over also, whether we want to fit that mold, or if we want to follow God and do what is right, and have a more noble character type! :D :D
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