Not Quite Forever

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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby crisipicada » Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:53 pm

many experienced being hurt,I am one of them. There are broken trust and relationship because of taking it lightly of the commitment to someone else. It is a sad fact, that the world is doing and keep doing that. How can someone trust again if over and over again, he or she will experience that?

Did you come to the point in your life that you said, "I wont trust anymore" or "I cannot trust someone anymore". It seems that you close your heart of loving someone because you are afraid of the hurt and broken heart?
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby Edwin » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:42 pm

There are some out there who will not hurt you. It is hard to know who they are, and the only thing we can do is to trust the Lord to guide us. Until we get to know someone we don't know if we can trust them or not. There are many who do not have a good sense of right and wrong, and they can't be trusted. But, there are some that you can trust your life with, and they will do you no wrong. :D :D
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby Smiley » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:58 pm

crisipicada wrote:many experienced being hurt,I am one of them. There are broken trust and relationship because of taking it lightly of the commitment to someone else. It is a sad fact, that the world is doing and keep doing that. How can someone trust again if over and over again, he or she will experience that?

Did you come to the point in your life that you said, "I wont trust anymore" or "I cannot trust someone anymore". It seems that you close your heart of loving someone because you are afraid of the hurt and broken heart?

To say that you will not trust again is sort of a self-defense mechanism.When your trust has been totally abused it hurts bad.It can be very humiliating and this is not a feeling that anyone would care to repeat.We learn to be a little more conservative with our trust.Some people can really add to the misery when they polish up their best sales pitch and seek out people who are in a vulnerable state.
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby mystic » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:55 am

What a severe topic! It makes me think: "Uh, I don't want to read it!"

I don't believe in the today so common tenet: "Take the things that you need to use; go where your interest is, etc." Especially in the US, it is very easy to marry. Then, one gets a job in another town, and they simply divorce.

I do not believe in ways that divide. That only shows the lack of maturity and selfishness of the person. That person is not his/her words (and heart) are.

Here in Italy we have an old saying: "Two hearts and one hut". It implies that a hut is better than a big house, wealth, etc. Unfortunately, when you now say this, all will answer you: "Two hearts don't last. Better wealth, because with it you can do and chose what you want." They believe that, if they have power and wealth, they can buy happiness. This makes me really sick, just to think.

But I agree with Ed. Somebody good is somewhere out there. We should renounce to our natural fears and put our ways in the Lord. If we show always ourselved, in the good and in the bad, we are one with God and people. God will be the one Who acts as a sift to protect us from unworthy people. Usually they will fade away themselves when they see our faith in God.
And I don't think it's good to raise high walls, because the good one might miss us. The walls protect only our "self", but impede both good and bad people to see through. Suffering might be inevitable, but we should thank God that He showed us the truth and protected us... before it was too late.
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby Edwin » Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:05 am

Yes, mystic, showing our real self is the best; the good, the bad, and the ugly. If we portray the person we really are then the other person will be falling in love with our real self and not something we pretend to be. It is always best to be ourselves and be honest with all. It is easier to be honest than to hide things, because those things come back to haunt us. So, be yourself and trust in God for guidance and protection.
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:10 am

Eternity is something that comes from above the deep. It is properly a definition of God. Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge are in eternity. They are in the Tree of Life and not in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For example, when you understand something, you understand it in the good and in the bad likewise. Understanding is not subject to being good or bad, it only analyzes and allows us to grasp a subject, whether good or bad. So, it is above this tree.

God created... time and space. And there we have life and death, good and evil. That's the Tree of Knowledge of Good an Evil, where we all live. We live in the "not quite forever".

Who is then capable to really live in the "forever"? Of course, those who can go back to the Garden of Eden, atone for the original sin, be inscribed in the Book of the Living.

Does it make sense to find a life partner, "until death separates us"? Why not finding a partner to make one whole reborn individual that will live forever? ....a couple that will live in the wisdom of the Lord?

That's humanly versus godly.
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby Edwin » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:39 am

Time is a very difficult concept for many people. Sometimes I am getting ready early, and I relax and before I know it, I am late! God created time. There is a time to be born, a time to die, and a time for many other things. Time is my friend when an unpleasant task ends because of the lack of time. Time is my friend when I am having a wonderful time, and I am allowed more time to enjoy it. They say, "Time flies when you are having fun," and that is very true, because before you know it your time is finished, and you wish you had more time for more pleasure! There will come a day that the angel will declare, "Time shall be no more!" We have eternal life now, if we have Jesus in our hearts, because we will never die. Our bodies will cease to live, but our spirit goes back to God and our soul lives on. We will live forever with God if we have made our peace with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ. If we have not made our peace with God, and we are living out of His will, we will end up in hell and the lake of fire where "the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not!" Jesus has made a way for us, and all we have to do is accept Him and live for HIm! :D :D
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby crisipicada » Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:03 pm

I do believe that in marriage, there are certain character or attitude that is being refined that can not be refined while single.

Whatever the circumstances in life, I do believe that everything is a test. A test of faithfulness, integrity and loyalty.

My late father was a father of word of honor. He really mean what he is saying. I really appreciate his attitude. For him, integrity is one of the greatest attitude a person should possess. Another thing that I learned from my father is that he was so content with life. Although he has lot of dreams and desires in life, while life was difficult, he was looking a positive life. Another thing was, he was able to suffer. Many times I observed that even he has nothing to eat well as long as he can send me/us to school, he will do his best. I still miss being with him. Also i learned that what he said, "Do not give a chance a person fool you" but I am so week. I know my father was strict but all is good why he was like that.
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:25 pm

Crisi, the advice from your late father would have been good for me! I have given too many people too many chances to fool me! That has been one of my weaknesses. I have believed people when I should not have. Well, hopefully I have learned some things and will not repeat that error again, hopefully. If we learn from our past, then that is wonderful.

A person of integrity is worth a lot. If we are people who will keep our words that is great! As Christians our word should be as good and binding as anything could be!

This life is a testing ground for eternity. We are showing what kind of people we are by the choices that we make, and how we live. One older guy told me at a family reunion that his Dad told him, we are not here, on earth, very long, but we are out there in eternity a long time, and it is good if we are prepared for eternity. It is called living with eternity's values in mind. :D :D
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby crisipicada » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:50 am

It saddened me a lot if relationship wont last forever.

It saddened me because I know painful it would be, but the fact that you and I will go through of that, we learn lessons and we must do what is right in the next time. But it is good if we learn from others. That is wisdom.

Also, we must obey His word so that our hearts be guarded.

Of course, for me, when things go wrong, it is my character not to talk but to cry and cry and pray and pray. I want a healing heart. And that has been what I am doing until I will be relieved and talk to the person again.

So, those who are willing to wait for the right time will always be happy.

Do not rush because you might get stumbling or you will go through pain because of wrong choices in life.
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