How will you know if a person truly loves you?

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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:02 pm

I think you got the humor, huh, mystic? Anyway it is not the bunny who is laying all those eggs! :lol: This is quite a fun thing for the kids. They boil some eggs, and then they color and draw designs on those eggs. I think they use food coloring. Then the eggs are hidden. Eggs for older kids are creatively hidden, so that it is very challenging to find them. For the younger kids the eggs are hidden, but in places that it is not hard to find them. Then the adults and the kids eat those boiled eggs for days afterward. The inside of the egg shell, and the outer lining of the egg white is slightly colored as some the the food coloring does soak inside. :D :D
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby mystic » Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:47 am

I see. It's just that we don't have that tradition here. I saw something similar in Slovenia. There, they use to boil and paint the eggs, but I never see that they hide them.

With some eggs, they also make a small hole on the top and the bottom, and suck off the content of the egg. So they are left only with the shell, which they paint and make small masterworks. Then, they hang them anywhere, and not just for Easter.
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby Edwin » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:23 pm

Yes, mystic, sometimes here they also break a small hole in each end of the egg and remove the contents, afterwhich they paint the egg and make designs on it. The kids here for a number of years have painted and put designs on boiled eggs, but here they have not hidden them. Usually hiding the eggs is for small children. It is great fun for them! :D :D
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:54 pm


Unfortunately a relationship between a Filipina and a western man is often based on money. So take away the money and test what is really there.[/quote]

How sad to know that BigBlasGuy thinks that western man and filipina relationship is often based on money. How sad for him to admitted that western man will need to be the resource or provider in order to gain a filipina's heart. How tragic to know that western men try to lure the filipina to love him because of his money. Now I know how lonely a life of western men that end up looking for a filipina because he can't find a western woman to love him. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:07 pm

Crisi, if you give lady chocolate candies and a boquet of flowers and some perfume, and the lights come on in her eyes, then you know that she loves you! You can't serve God and money. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is not evil, but, the Bible says that the person who desires to be rich pierces himself through with many sorrows. Many times the people who are lacking in money are drawn to God, and then He proves to them that He is their great provider. Our resources come from the Lord. None of us has anything but what God has given it to us, so we seek God and His kingdom, and he will add all those things that the Gentiles seek after to us. We can be rich towards God, and I feel wealthy when I sit down to the piano and glorify the Lord by playing from my heart to the Lord, and He blesses me! What more could I want than to be in His presence! In His presence is the fulness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forever more! :D :D
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby mystic » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:54 am

God made 2 ways to allow man to evolve.

Man can walk the positive way (having, realizing, bringing into existence/reality something, etc.) or the negative way (not having, being deprived, etc.). There is no connotation of good and evil here.

One can know true love because he finds his/her perfect mate. But he/she can also know it through not finding the special one, i.e. through the lack.

The positive way is the easy way. It is so easy to have something that we never appreciate it fully.
The negative way is the deep way. We appreciate every minimal detail, because we know it through its lack. Here comes idealization, respect, lot of feelings, etc.

Example: the rich does not even realize the value of money. He keeps spending from inertia and feeling bored. He has everything that could make him happy, but still he is unhappy. The easy way of having something does not always mean that you will realize what you have. We know from the Bible that God gives this easy life to the people who cannot be corrected and have no place in the World to Come. They receive this gift now, because later there will be nothing for them.

The (real) pauper, instead, knows the value of money, more than the rich person. He could be a very good administrator, if he had a chance. For this reason, God has a special regard of the poor. He is teaching him a very deep lesson.
Did you ever hear the story of the pauper and the prince? The prince found her at the gate of the castle, asking for alms. He took his big golden necklace and put it in the hands of the pauper. That was the greatest gift that the pauper ever received, which filled her heart with a very big emotion. To his big surprise, the pauper died in front of his eyes. He wondered how come that a pauper, who was used to suffer every sort of anguish and resisted to everything, could die so easily for a happiness. That single moment of happiness was more than a lifetime of suffering. This gives the measure of the way of the "not".

However, the human brain is programmed just for positive thinking. So... we all strive to have, whatever it is. So, the way of the "not" is just for the few who can consciously take it. For all the others, it is just the way of suffering.

It is curious that the Hebrew word for "Infinite" is En Sof. It's 2 words. En literally means "nothingness", but they translate it as "infinite". Sof literally means "bottom". But they translate it as "without bottom". So, it should be literally "a bottom of nothingness", or "no bottom", but it would be translated as "infinite without bottom". Who would want to hear that God is the Not? :lol:
Indeed, if you think it well, you cannot define God for what He "is" (the list would never end if you have to include everything). But you can say what He "is not" (not evil, not dirty, etc.) in a finite way. And you can see that He "hides" (stays in the "not" knowledgeability) from the human beings. If He wanted to be known and be reachable directly in a physical place or a physical representation, the positive way would have worked.

So it is for the godly love. You are taken by it, but you cannot understand where it comes from, where it goes, how it will be. You only feel it.
If you find a person that lets you feel like this... guarding his/her secret but letting you feel the love, then (if you are not being cheated, because there are many persons who indeed try to trick, and you confuse a genuine feeling with a bored person that gives random signals but has no real committment) you can do the same and show your presence. Until new worlds will be created and nothingness will be brought into actuality (the unmanifested will become manifested).
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:31 am

crisipicada wrote:[quote="BigBlastGuy"

Unfortunately a relationship between a Filipina and a western man is often based on money. So take away the money and test what is really there.

How sad to know that BigBlasGuy thinks that western man and filipina relationship is often based on money. How sad for him to admitted that western man will need to be the resource or provider in order to gain a filipina's heart. How tragic to know that western men try to lure the filipina to love him because of his money. Now I know how lonely a life of western men that end up looking for a filipina because he can't find a western woman to love him. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:[/quote]

Yes it is sad that money is an issue but truth is that economic scarcity in the Philippines causes many Filipinas to become OFW (overseas foreign worker) and or seek foreign husbands. Just not enough jobs or money in the Philippines. I am sure most Filipinas would prefer to say in the Philippines with their families but if they want a better life many find a foreign job or foreign husband.
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby mystic » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:07 pm

Crisi and BigBlastGuy, you are mistaking thread. Please, use the other one.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:57 pm

mystic wrote:I see. It's just that we don't have that tradition here. I saw something similar in Slovenia. There, they use to boil and paint the eggs, but I never see that they hide them.

With some eggs, they also make a small hole on the top and the bottom, and suck off the content of the egg. So they are left only with the shell, which they paint and make small masterworks. Then, they hang them anywhere, and not just for Easter.

Mystic, you are mistaking thread. Please, use the other one.
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Re: How will you know if a person truly loves you?

Postby Edwin » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:17 pm

I still say that you will know if the person truly loves you if they send you chocolates, flowers, and perfumes! I am just being funny of course, but thoughtfulness is a big part of this. You try to remember special occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and other holidays, and do something special for them! Send your young lady a feather that she can put in her hat; oh that's right, women don't wear hats anymore, but I think some of them still do, but they can put a feather in their hair! A yellow, red, or blue feather would look really pleasing in long black hair! :D :D
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