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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:00 pm

BigBlastGuy wrote:Seems that filipnas are obsessed with babies. Seems all the single filipinas want (truth be told) is to find a western husband so they can have the money for babies. Of course I understand that women have a biological urge for children but maybe filipinas need to be realistic. I have lived in several different countries and of all the women in those countries only the filipinas seemed obsessed with having babies. I tell a filipna I may not want children she says she is ok with that but after a few conversations I ask some questions about what she really wants in life and the answer is babies! So she tells me what I want to hear but she is not being honest, because what she really wants is not me but a man who will provide money so she can have babies!

One reason I might find it difficult to live in the Philippines is it breaks my heart to see all those poor children. But filipinas keep on wanting babies! Maybe it's time for filipinas to stop wanting babies and start adopting and caring for the millions of poor Filipino children already there?

How sad for a western man that he can not have baby. How sad that after the western man aged, he has nothing to talk to and no one cares for him because he has no baby. How sad for aged western man that he will be sent to the caring hospital for aged because he has no family. How sad that after he worked so hard and saved money, he will just spend his money in the caring house and hire someone to take care of him. He will die in depression, and the sad thing, when he is in the hospital, no one will be there for him and his money can not talk to him because money has no mouth. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: How proud western men that they have education, money, resources but their life is so empty. How sad his life that even he has money but it wont give him peace and love wandering and worrying who will take charge of his money after death. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:21 pm

True. You cannot go to the mall and buy 1 ounce of happiness. You cannot buy 3 ounces of serenity either. And despite somebody thinks it is possible, you cannot buy one grain of (true) love.

Those things only come from the Lord. If they are present you feel His fullness, happiness, and all His attributes. If it lacks, you feel void, depressed, etc. And money can buy you nothing than a pill to let you think less.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:56 pm

A baby is a gift from the Lord! I loved our own children, 3 of them, and I have loved other people's babies, and one in particular we helped raise. I love babies! If I had the chance, I and somebody would have 10 babies! Well, some anyway, but who knows what will happen in our lives. Someone told me one time, and he was complimenting me, that I was a good mother, because I loved babies! He was a full blood Native American Indian, and he thought it was cool that I loved babies! :D :D
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:09 am

Edwin wrote:A baby is a gift from the Lord! I loved our own children, 3 of them, and I have loved other people's babies, and one in particular we helped raise. I love babies! If I had the chance, I and somebody would have 10 babies! Well, some anyway, but who knows what will happen in our lives. Someone told me one time, and he was complimenting me, that I was a good mother, because I loved babies! He was a full blood Native American Indian, and he thought it was cool that I loved babies! :D :D

Nothing wrong with babies. The big problem is adults who have babies and don't take care of them. If someone wants to have 10 children that is fine IF they can provide their food, clothes, shelter, education and healthcare. People who have babies and do not care for them are worse than child abusers, they should be taken to the town square and publicly flogged.

And for any filipina who does not understand the term "publicly flogged" that means take them to a public place and beat them.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby Edwin » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:13 am

Both my grandparents' families had 10 or 12 kids, and I can't remember now, although we have it recorded in our genealogy books. They were famers and ranchers. They were more content than most people are today even with more money. They grew and raised their own food, so they had more to eat than people in town, and they enjoyed it more, because they got enough exercise working on the farm to work up an appetite every day. They made many of their own clothes especially for the female members of the family, and they made them out of cloth that came on the flour sacks. Those sacks had some pretty designs also. Their shelter was often not what we think of today as beautful homes with everything flashy in them, but they were comfortable and warm. They had family time, and that was worth more than much of the entertainment we have in the homes today! Education, well, many of them didn't have much education. Some did, and some didn't. My Dad only went to the 4th grade in school, but he was smarter and better educated than many of the people today who consider themselves to be wise, but only in their own eyes. He and his oldest brother put one of their brothers through University Education, and he did a lot of the design work on Grand Coulee Dam, as well as designing some of those war ships in Bremerton, Washington that went into war against the enemies of our country. The sad thing is that he didn't live long. He was a professional swimer, but he drowned while swiming! Some people get an education that is absolutely worthless. Most all the noted Universities in our country on the East Coast started out as places to train ministers of the gospel. Health care; well, most of the people in our families did not go to see the doctor like people do today. They lived heathier life styles and they didn't need to see the doctor like people do today. It is better to have a healthy life style, exercise and eat correctly, then you don't need to see the doctor as often or at all. "An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure!" So don't feel sorry for the people who have 10 kids because many of them have wealth that is not measured in dollars and sense. Money is not everything, and money can't buy happiness or love. All filipinas do not seek western men for recources or money, because many of them do it for love! :D :D
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby mystic » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:46 am

But the idea to make a football team with one's babies seems cute :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh no... I am not a fan of sports. Better a band, or an orchestra :D
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:04 am

[quote="Edwin"So don't feel sorry for the people who have 10 kids because many of them have wealth that is not measured in dollars and sense. Money is not everything, and money can't buy happiness or love. All filipinas do not seek western men for recources or money, because many of them do it for love! :D :D[/quote]

I don't feel sorry for people who have 10 kids, I feel sorry for the kids when their parents do not have the resources to provide them reasonable food clothing shelter healthcare eduction and most parents do NOT have the resources to adequately provide for 10 kids. Men and women who bring innocent children into the world they can not adequately provide for should be taken to a public place and beaten as an example.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:12 pm

crisipicada wrote:
How sad for a western man that he can not have baby. How sad that after the western man aged, he has nothing to talk to and no one cares for him because he has no baby. How sad for aged western man that he will be sent to the caring hospital for aged because he has no family. How sad that after he worked so hard and saved money, he will just spend his money in the caring house and hire someone to take care of him. He will die in depression, and the sad thing, when he is in the hospital, no one will be there for him and his money can not talk to him because money has no mouth. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: How proud western men that they have education, money, resources but their life is so empty. How sad his life that even he has money but it wont give him peace and love wandering and worrying who will take charge of his money after death. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Crisi the problem is not whether a man choses to have children, that is a personal decision. But adults (both men and women) who chose to have children should be responsible to care for their children. Do you think it is good for people to have children they know they can not care for ? I say that is sad, that is horrible, that is child abuse. Worse people in the world abuse children and animals. I like the bible passage where it says to tie a stone around their neck and cast them into the river.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby Edwin » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:11 pm

God said, multiply and replentish the earth, and I think it is okay to have children until God changes the order of things. Of course I also believe that we must trust God to provide, recognize Him as our provider, and do our part to support our families. This idea of limiting having children is a concept that is planned by the enemies of our country to try to get the population down to where they can control things. If each couple does not have at least 2 children the population of the country will drop. It actually takes 2 & 1/2 or 3 children to maintain the population. Crisi, you had a very good point that children are needed to be caring to the parents as they age. Otherwise people will be old, alone, and desperate before they die, and I don't want that to be my case. I say have the children and look to God as the provider! If I have a chance I will have several more of them! And who knows? :lol: :D
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby lyrehc » Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:33 am

BigBlastGuy wrote:Seems that filipnas are obsessed with babies. Seems all the single filipinas want (truth be told) is to find a western husband so they can have the money for babies. Of course I understand that women have a biological urge for children but maybe filipinas need to be realistic. I have lived in several different countries and of all the women in those countries only the filipinas seemed obsessed with having babies. I tell a filipna I may not want children she says she is ok with that but after a few conversations I ask some questions about what she really wants in life and the answer is babies! So she tells me what I want to hear but she is not being honest, because what she really wants is not me but a man who will provide money so she can have babies!

One reason I might find it difficult to live in the Philippines is it breaks my heart to see all those poor children. But filipinas keep on wanting babies! Maybe it's time for filipinas to stop wanting babies and start adopting and caring for the millions of poor Filipino children already there?

willl Mr...i think not all Filipinas are obsessed with misjudge everyfilipina....and not all doesnt want your money!!!!!! Maybe girls out here are obsessed with sex but not with babies! That i think is the most worst thing i ever read!!!MAybe i think you need a true love mister or maybe your out of love that's why you say those things.....anyway not all filipinas wants babies but other wants to have one because they love the person.. If you want a woman to love you don't ever tell her she just want a babies from you, in reality woman now a day's want's sex than to have babies.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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